The Call, The Dream, The Water (Closed)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

The Call, The Dream, The Water (Closed)

Postby Taithrosa Eldytia on June 4th, 2010, 10:04 pm


Timestamp: 65 Day of Summer Year 510 AV
Location: Riverfall ~ Sanctuary for now
Reason: Adventure ~ Find Taiths Lakan, and Valkalah
Status: Taithrosa, Kail, Kavala, Flick, Hatot, Dyrid, Akela ~ Closed

As the evening began to descend over the cliff city a tall man walked down the road towering over a beautiful young woman. He moved slowlly allowing for the shorter stride of his walking companion. The young man was a good seven feet tall. His skin was a glorious cobalt blue that seemed to stand out even more in the sun light. His black hair was cut shorter, but there was still enough that it moved just a bit as he walked and the corner of his ears were covered.

He was dressed simple his white shirt and brown pants. Given his physic and his handsome face the clothing were strangle plan and simple, but yet they said much about him. Looks weren't high on his list of improtant details. The woman next to him thought clearly was important as he seemed to be protective of her.

They were heading towards a complex that stood outside of the city and seemed to enjoy a peaceful setting. They were heading to visit a friend of Taithrosa who might be able to help them with a problem he was having. He turned his wise silver eyes and looked at Kail as they came into sight of the complex and began to walk towards the front door.

Secret :
Located on the outskirts of Riverfall, The Sanctuary is a low slung rambling set of structures that house the city's stables, animal rescue/adoption center, and animal healer. Completely isolated to the east of the Bluevein River, Sanctuary overlooks the Suvan Sea perched on a relatively flat piece of land bordering the woods that are fairly common along the coastline. Having a good chunk of fenced pasture surrounding the facility, Sanctuary lies right off the road that acts as the main supply route down to the beach.

The facility itself is built in the form of a giant square with a large inner courtyard. There are two ways into the facility. The first is up a set of stairs leading directly into the healing clinic. The clinic itself has a waiting room, a place for philtering, an office, an exam room and various supply rooms. Above the clinic lies a second story living quarters with a fairly nice view of the Suvan Sea. Beneath the clinic lies a series of kennels, cages, and storage. Back doors open out into the courtyard which is also accessible through a gate which leads to the main road. The gate is flanked on either side by two low-slung buildings that act as assistant quarters. Forming the square of the courtyard are rows of stalls running down the north and west side of teh building, creating 16 spaces for horses. The inner courtyard is large enough for a riding arena and a small round pen, both of which is used for training horses and dogs.

Visitors are encouraged to drop by and visit with the animals that are available for adoption, and animals in need are always welcome to be dropped off. The Sanctuary welcomes donations to maintain its facility.

Last edited by Taithrosa Eldytia on June 8th, 2010, 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?
Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”
~ If You Could Hie To Kolob
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The Call, The Dream, The Water (By Invite)

Postby Kail D'Rea on June 6th, 2010, 11:39 pm

Kail looked ahead with interest. New to the outside world, this slender, beautiful young native and life-long resident of Mura had all the traditional features of her race, being both blond and short with fantastic light-colored scales running in beautiful patterns over her body. Her scales reflected a slight violet color that matched her intense eyes, but she rarely thought about how attractive these things made her look.

In fact today she was hiding as much of herself as possible, in a long pants tucked into short boots and a shirt that was loose, light and simple, but covered her arms and neck completely. She was conscientious of strangers looking at her and only felt that the required parts of her should be visible. Her long silken hair was bound back in a simple braid with no frills or accessories. A shy person, Kail preferred to fade into the background. While she didn't seem to be able to do in a city largely populated by huge blue men, she was determined to try.

Kail looked at Taith as they approached the Sanctuary and was glad to have this protector and guide. Taith was understanding of her shy ways and did everything he could to make her feel safe as they went to a new place to meet someone who was a stranger to her. She knew he would do all the talking he could for her, so instead of focusing on what she was going to say, she was free to look at the new building and setting. While she didn’t want to admit it, she was hoping for a full tour. Her healing skills made this a place sympathetic to her sensibilities and she wanted to see the work they were doing and how they did it. If there appeared to be time, she might hint to Taith that she would like to look around and meet the animals and see the trainers.
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The Call, The Dream, The Water (By Invite)

Postby Kavala on June 8th, 2010, 5:45 pm

ImageOne didn't have to look very far to find Kavala. She was in the middle of some intensive gardening. Sixty five days into summer, her vegetable patch was in full glorious growth and she was obsessively weeding since she'd avoided doing it for most of the last ten days. There were young horses to work on, and that took up a lot of time since the mares were so prolific at foaling.

Sanctuaries vegetable garden was located on the seaside of the facility where the tiered flowerbeds where set up. At the base of the tiers and within them, Kavala routinely removed manure from the stalls and left it composting in a large heap on the leeward side of the facility. Then, once broken down into good soil, she filled up the tiers and spread out where corn would grow under direct sun... and planted. Vegetables came in all shapes and sizes. Being a Drykas-raised Konti, Kavala had never ever understood people planting food in the same spot and not hunting and gathering for it. But here, there was a lush cornucopia of foodstuffs and medicines readily available for the staff to both eat and use in their healing. Beans and peas stretched out nicely while tomatoes had to be staked along with peppers and chili's. Vines bearing squash creeped along the ground, while lush green shoots indicated garlic, onions, and carrots.

The Konti was bent over, hoe in hand, vigorously separating weeds from food when the two put in their appearance. A flat basket holding a wide assortment of already harvested vegetables rested off to the side, holding the fixings of whatever was going to be tonight's meal. Kavala was sure Flick and Dyrid would bring in some interesting meat to either grill or stew, and they'd feast. Later, near the fall, Kavala would begin canning what was left so that they'd have plenty of stores during the harsh winter to come.

When the pair approached, Kavala immediately recognized Taith. She rose, wiped off her hands, and smiled broadly. "You're back!" She called, shoving her hoe deep into the ground and lightly leaping over a few rows of cabbage to exit the area she was working in and approach the two on foot. Kavala was dressed almost exactly the same way Kail was... boyish with her long ponytail caught up and twisted so that the straw hat on her head (to keep her from a bad burn in the garden) almost fully concealed her Konti nature. There was a definite tomboy aura about her as she came to a halt in front of her friend, hugged him, and then took one look at Kail and grinned at her outfit.

"Nice outfit. I thought I was looking in the mirror for a minute. That's an uncanny sensation. Your eyes though, are nothing like mine. Beautiful. I've never seen more lovely eyes even on Mura. "
Kavala said with a smile that was both warm and almost inviting Kail to join her in some secret only the women could know. It was slightly uncharacteristic of the healer who was normally somewhat reserved and only spoke in her soft alto when she had something important to say.

Kavala reached out, took the strange Konti's hands, in a gesture she'd learned on Mura. It was an invitation to friendship. If Kail had any thought-sensing or soul-sensing gifts, like the ability to know the truth in people's words or feel their heart immediately, Kavala's gesture was an open invitation for the woman to look or feel all she wanted. Kavala appreciated other Konti and knew their ways even if she wasn't raised among them. Open minds. Open hearts. Kail was very welcome here at Sanctuary.

The Sanctuary The Sanctuary Forum Riverfall The Cytali
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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The Call, The Dream, The Water (By Invite)

Postby Taithrosa Eldytia on June 8th, 2010, 8:06 pm


Taithrosa lead the way toward the seaward side of the city. He paused at the sight of the garden and smiled. It appeared that Kavala was starting on her farming dream, if only on a small scale. His silver eyes admired the rows of vegatables. He didn't remember ever growing a garden but that didn't mean much, but he noticed some herbs growing around and smiled again. Yes still very much the healer.

He smiled at Kavala as she dashed out of the garden. "Yes for a little while." He said his deep voice crossing the distant easily with out having to speak loudly. His accent wasn't as strong here at the height of Syna reign of the sky.

He returned the hug easily enfolding the smaller konti woman in his large arms. There wasn't anything romatic about there greating or hug, it was very much the reunion of two close friends. He briefly picked her up and then set her down. He turned to his compaion, his eyes brightening as he looked at the Konti woman Kail. "Kavala let me introduce you to Kail of Mura." It was still a part of his ancient views of the world that he refered to people by there city. "Kail this is Kavala of the Sanctuary." He said pointing to the building behind them.

He allowed them to have there private communication not wishing to interupt. He could understand that as sisters of the same race they had ways of comunicating that he wouldn't understand and really had no desire to interfere with them. He himself had similar communication when ever he talked to another Ethaefal. He did smile glade to see them hitting it off.

Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?
Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”
~ If You Could Hie To Kolob
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The Call, The Dream, The Water (Closed)

Postby Hatot on June 9th, 2010, 1:00 am

ImageHatot stood off to an open patch of land near Sanctuary, where he had plenty of space. He had his usual attire on which consisted of a loose fitted, brown pants made of hemp. His boots were shin high and of a brown leather, looking extremely worn and fading in several areas, especially at the tips and where the foot bent along the toes and ankle. The leather armor he wore was in a little better condition than his boots as it still stood rigid and strong, however several patches lined the chest where attacks had found their mark in previous conflicts. Gauntlets covered his forearms, wrists and back of his hand, the surface of them lined with several curved teeth made of iron and several gouges and scratches along the metal of the gauntlets themselves told the tale of attacks that had to be blocked, rather than evaded. Finally, along the frame of his shoulders and buttoned over his chest, rested his long white cloak, several designs and embroideries of blue color were stitched along the tails and back of the sleeveless, hooded cloak, depicting the past tales of Hatot’s life and what he stood for. Of all he wore, the cloak was the most well kept, clean and sporting very few repairs to damage, which primarily rested along the edge of the tail where it had most likely snagged something along the ground while casually walking.

Hatot was a tall man, standing just over seven and half feet tall. His build wasn’t as typically large as most Akalaks, however, but steered more towards the lean and tone if his bare arms were any indication. His face was smooth, showing no visible scars and carried with it an expression of discipline and concentration at the moment. His upper lip and tip of his chin sported a small growth of facial hair, trimmed and well groomed. The hair along his head was of the same jet black color, and was grown only a moderate amount as it reached down to his shoulders along his back, the bangs dangling lightly in front of his eyes, teasing his vision with their obscurities. His eyes alone, however, saw past them as those black pupils bordered by iris’ with a golden hue to them stared strait ahead into open area, as if he were envisioning something.

Smooth movements were made as extended fingers were thrust forward, cutting through the air like a blade of grass, moving in a blur until his arm was extended to it’s full length of the thrust. His body moved with the strikes, bending back and ducking down as his feet were planted firmly along the ground, only moving to step forward. His whole body twisted with each strike, putting the full weight into his strike when he did as the tail of his cloak would whip around, slicing through the air behind him. As he continued to practice, silent verbally, his other soul continued to act as an unwanted coach or teacher in his practice. “Go with the claw strike. Like a tiger. Yeah, Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw!” Radris roared in Hatot’s mind, critiquing each attack. “Ah come on, were you actually going for his tibia on that strike, that’s one of the strongest bones in the body. You should have just dropped lower and struck the ankle.”

“Radris, I’m trying to practice.” Hatot echoed back as he ducked down, spinning around and to the side as his hand followed through with the spin in an upward sweeping motion.

“Trying being the key word. I swear, sometimes the way you attack, I’d think you were trying to tickle an opponent into submission.” Radris projected, observing the movements. “Oh, you knocked him down. Quick, stomp on his crotch. Stomp on that imaginary opponent’s crotch and make him beg for one of your tickle pokes.”

“Radris.” Hatot muttered back in his mind.

“Do it! Do it! Do it!” Radris egged on, like a peer pressuring a friend to take that first sip of alcohol. “Grind your heal after the stomp, let the message really sink in.”

“Radris!” Hatot then yelled out, standing strait as his hands came out thrusting to either side of him.

“What?” Radris replied just as sharply. “Wait, when did two more imaginary opponents show up? Can’t we just go find some idiot causing trouble in the city, or at least looking like they’re about to cause trouble?”

“With all due respect, Radris, how about you just shut your petching sweet roll hole?” Hatot replied to Radris, his lips moving as it almost became verbally spoken this time.

“Uh, because I don’t wanna?” Radris simply answered as the two of them caught movement from the corner of their eyes. “Looks like the Happy Fuzzy Shelter has some visitors. More strays?”

Hatot stood up strait, letting out a slow exhale as he looked over towards the two approaching Kavala. A slow shake of his head was given as he began moving towards them. He knew he wouldn’t get any further practice in with Radris echoing in his head. “No, Taithrosa is one of them.” Hatot said as he began stepping around Kavala’s garden. “The other I don’t recognize.”

“She’s all covered up. What fun is that now?” Radris said.

Hatot then just sighed at Radris as he stepped up beside Kavala while she greeted the newcomer. His hand was extended to Taith in usual greeting. “Welcome back, Taithrosa.” Hatot said in greeting to Taith as he allowed Kavala to speak with his companion, allowing her to introduce herself to him if she wished, or Taith to introduce her himself. “I trust you had no misfortune in your travels?”

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The Call, The Dream, The Water (Closed)

Postby Flick on June 9th, 2010, 9:32 am

Flick romped. It was the only way to describe how she moved along the ground, skipping along, before suddenly stopping. It had been a wonderful day, and she was enjoying every minute of it. Turning around, she would run back the other way, as though she was waiting for someone impatiently. Smiling broadly, she watched and waited for her partner to come over the last ridge. Quite suddenly, her mouth grin dissipated, face turning towards the road. Moving to look around, she looked towards the Sanctuary, sniffing the air and looking intently with glittering black eyes.

There was a moment of curious silence as the kelvic listened carefully, before she moved back to the ridge. Smoothing the white of her dress as she spoke, Flick looked back and forth between the ridge and her current home.

"Dyrid....there are people at the Sanctuary. It's Taithrosa..and...someone else. A woman, I think. Stranger. Kail, their name is Kail. Come on! I want to meet them!" Her excitement spilled over in a huge grin as she waited for the other kelvic to reach her. They had been sent to bring back meat for the cooking pot. A fine idea, as Flick had her hearing whilst Dyrid had his power and his strength. It worked well for the catching and the carrying.

There was something about the other kelvic that drew Flick like a curious moth to a bright flame. He was like her...kelvic...hurt...lost and then found by the wonderful and motherly Kavala. Flick knew how she felt about the woman, it was a strong and overarching sensation of gratitude and love. But she had not bonded to her, the konti had put up a wall against it. It left the young fox feeling unsure about herself at times, but never unwanted. And then she had the fortune of meeting Dyrid. It made her happy.
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The Call, The Dream, The Water (Closed)

Postby Kail D'Rea on June 9th, 2010, 6:06 pm

Kail noticed the surrounding in the Sanctuary garden, but her focus was largely on the Konti woman before them, it had been a relief to her when Taith told her that they were going to meet another Konti. She didn’t have much experience with others, so while Kail knew that Kavala was not from the island and Taith had told her that Kavala was raised in a different society altogether, she was at least happy for a familiar-looking face. Because she wasn’t from Mura, Kail didn’t really expect the traditional greeting from her. She was pleased, however, when Kavala seemed not only friendly and enthusiastic about meeting her, but also followed the traditions of the island, establishing a connection between them instantly. Kail welcomed the chance to get to know Kavala better at this first meeting.

Kail felt the warmth of the working hands around her own and smiled as she reached out to the person behind them and found only good intentions toward her in this sister of the sea. Having the ability to perceive intentions had always been a gift Kail was thankful for. She was reassured after touching someone and feeling that they meant well. It was also interesting in her work with books, and she was always thrilled at the connection with the words once she touched the page and understood the intention of the author, be it to enlighten, persuade or even rarely to deceive. It wasn’t something she needed to use much with her sister Konti in Mura, where deception was rare, but there were moments. Here in the outside world, she could tell already that this gift would help her if she learned to use it well. While understanding that someone intended to be helpful, to be her friend, or intended harm or to use her did not always help Kail predict people and their actions, it did help her identify friends; something she was experiencing now. She briefly enjoyed the moment of warmth, feeling nothing out of place, then in her turn, offered the same chance to Kavala.

Feeling no change in the warmth of the stranger, Kail looked into her eyes and said, “thank you,” hoping Kavala understood she meant not only for the complement, but for the comfort of the familiar exchange. She released Kavala’s hands, then glanced down and giggled, “It does seem like we planned the outfits in advance. It must be the place; your home feels like a spot to be comfortable. You have a lovely garden here, and from what I’ve seen and Taithrosa has told me, a wonderful facility. I hope I will have a chance to see more of it, while we are here.”

Kail smiled again, wondering at how instantly comfortable she was with Kavala. She was grateful she had meet her first, because as she glanced around at the garden and toward the building, she noticed a Akalak man approaching the group. She knew she would be less comfortable around him then with this friendly and lovely Konti. He went first to Taith, which made her hesitate to follow her instinct to be closer to him if she was going to have to meet someone new. Instead she edged slightly farther away, doing her best not to make the move obvious or to appear unfriendly. He was clearly Tatih and Kavala’s friend and so she would be polite.
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The Call, The Dream, The Water (Closed)

Postby Dyrid on June 10th, 2010, 7:38 pm

Only wearing the black pants that he brought, Dyrid carried the fallen gazelle across his shoulders, blood staining the black ink on his flesh. When Kavala had sent him out hunting his heart skipped a beat, it had been a few days since his last hunt and was in dire need to run. With the thrill of the kill still fresh in his blood he hurried to catch up to Flick, his new found kelvic friend.

Flick brought a new level of excitement and happiness into the young kelvics life. She had the curious playfulness as a young kit would, even though like himself she was broken on the inside. Somehow they both found refuge with Kavala and her warm loving kindness. Meeting Kavala and Flick has giving Dyrid a new outlook on life, that there is good in this world not just hate.

Stopping to catch his breath Flick informed him that there were new people at the Sanctuary. Every day he met more and more people this made him happy since he’s never known this many people before. Hearing the excitement in her voice he knew that Flick must enjoy meeting new people too. Dyrid took off in a slow jog to cover the remaining distance between him and the other kelvic.

”I’ve never met so many people in my life, it’s quite fun.” He replied to Flick as the pair walk back towards the Sanctuary. Truth be told meeting strangers was a little frightening to the kelvic, but if Flick or Kavala was with him he could do it. The tiger enjoyed spending time with the little fox she reminded him that even in a time of chaos one can find happiness.

When the pair reached the Sanctuary Dyrid approached Kavala noticing two men each with a different shade of blue skin and a woman who smelled a little like Kavala. ”Where would you like me to put this?” He asked Kavala in regards to the gazelle strung across his shoulders.
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The Call, The Dream, The Water (Closed)

Postby Flick on June 10th, 2010, 8:10 pm

Flick smiled as Dyrid caught up with her, falling into step beside him as they approached the Sanctuary. Occassionally, she would bump against him playfully as though she would push him off the path, before shooting the kelvic a sly smile. There were feelings about the kelvic she liked - and others that she held back. He was strong, handsome and Flick felt safe with him...but she felt the tug of insecurity. Chances were, Dyrid didn't thibk of her the same way. He was powerful and lethal in his own right. She was able to to probably remove someones pinky if she really tried, and honestly, what would a tiger see in a measly little fox. Still, she couldn't help but blush softly when she was near him.

Closing in on the safe haven, she skipped in behind Dyrid and made a beeline for Kavala. Slipping her arm around the konti's own in a quick squeeze, she grinned broadly at the newcomers.

"Taith! Hello! Who is your lovely friend?" Curiosity getting the best of her, the fennec stepped towards Kail.

"Hello! Are you konti too? You look konti. Are you Taith's friend? He's very nice. So's Kavala, and Hatot and Dyrid! I heard you come in, we were hunting!" Taking a breath, she grinned again, waiting expectantly for answers.
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The Call, The Dream, The Water (Closed)

Postby Akela on June 10th, 2010, 8:11 pm


Recently, Akela had sometimes taken on training indoors. It had occurred to her that, having grown among the Drykas, the idea that she may one day have to fight in between four walls had never even touched her. Ever since the realization, it had become an obsession of sorts, and the girl could be seen swinging a katana around Sanctuary at the strangest hours of day. Everything was a constraint, a limit, an obstacle to be danced around or used to one's advantage in a fight. So far she had managed not to break anything expensive, which was a good thing. Nobody had asked her to stop, either, but then again the only people brave enough to confront Akela probably didn't care enough to do so.

The girl stepped outside to bask in the sunset, by far Akela's favorite time. She liked to watch the shadows grow long and the world get shrouded in vermillion. Akela had always liked the sight of blood anyways; even more so ever since she'd parted ways with the Zith after she'd made one part with his head. What a glorious day it had been, and what perfect timing - the guy had grown sort of boring in bed, too. The Zith were one-trick ponies in that department, and one could only experience so much rough handling before it became boring and predictable. The way they bled was really cute, though.

And so, the sunset was a celebration of sorts to Akela. She stretched her arms and laced her hands on the back of her head, spotting the arrival of two more guests at Sanctuary's door. The place's popularity had long stopped surprising her. "Five years," she murmured to herself. Five years, at this rate, was the length of time it would take for Sanctuary to pretty much outgrow Riverfall. Akela could picture Sanctuary becoming a town in its own right, filled to the brim with stray Kelvics, Akalak misfits, wandering Konti and the occasional weirdo. Then, when Sanctuary's economy reached its peak, Akela imagined her sister Kavala reading a declaration of independence in front of the Akalak elders. Then there'd be a war, of course, but that was exactly why they'd built a forge in the first place. When the dust settled, Riverfall would have to pay them a yearly tribute and all Konti would get their very own reverse harem.

Or something like that.

Akela grinned, shook her head and approached the assembled group at a lazy pace. She was pretty much a carbon copy of Kavala with a katana sheathed in an utilitarian scabbard, yet her mannerism could not have been more different. "Hey," was her greeting, "welcome to Sanctuary. Our motto is 'we'll take in anyone, bonus points if they're mental, if not they soon will be'. Nice to make your acquaintance. I am this woman's sister, Akela," and she pointed at Kavala's head, grinning.

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