2nd day, Spring 513
With the return of spring came the return of Queen Morwen, and the spirits of Vantha lifted as their Queen returned to the city. But Winter was still too fresh in the minds of the people. People still looked askew at each other when passing in the street. Children still played only near the hold under the watchful eyes of adults. The tension in the air wasn't as thick, but it was still there.
Levhanti stood leaning back against the side of a building, watching the passerby through the snowfall. His cool blue eyes shifted from face to face, looking at every face, mouth, and pair of eyes that looked at him in return. There was no smile among them, no happiness he could see. It was depressing.
In his right hand he held a snowball. Occasionally he would toss it in the air and catch it. Sometimes he missed and would bend over and make another one. Yeah, snowball fights were for children. But as he watched the people passing, he wondered what would happen if he just tossed one. Could he help even one person find a smile? Or would it just cause the tension to explode?