While Jesslyn trys to work on her balance more, she just continues to fail. Just when she's going to quit a new face shows up with help.
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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]
by Jesslyn Skyglow on March 2nd, 2013, 9:43 pm
Spring 7th, 513AV
Jesslyn let out a low growl as she once again fell on her butt. She was getting real tired of falling and had continued to do so for promptly 30 minutes now. Struggling to stand up Jesslyn finally made it.
Breathing through her nose Jesslyn started to skate again. She had gotten about 20 feet when she tried to turn and simply lost her footing and fell again. " Morwen! Son of a buck! I swear to Morwen and all godly persons that skating is utter bull shit!" Jesslyn rarely cussed. Rarely.
Jesslyn crossed her arms and sat cross-legged as her eye's burned more dark red. The snow falling melted as it passed close to her eyes. Jesslyn was going to sit there how ever long she pleased and the way things were shaping up, it would be a long cold time.
Last edited by
Jesslyn Skyglow on March 28th, 2013, 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Jesslyn Skyglow - Remember the good times, and never forget.
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by Lorelle on March 2nd, 2013, 10:30 pm
Mirror lake is one of those places that Lorelle is always forgetting about. She used to love coming here as a kid. Seeing her reflection in the ice would always make her laugh. Frequently she would get so consumed with looking at her image that she would forget about the fact that she was on skates and promptly fall on her butt when she tried to walk away. Then the angry tears would come and well … you get the picture.
It has been a long time since she has come to the lake, seen her reflection in its surface, or felt as though she is flying as she glides on top of it. Today though, Elle has made plans to change that. She has found that she has more than enough time to go and skate for awhile and so she has come to the frozen, glassy lake.
It has taken a while for her to find her balance again. As said, it has been a long time since she was last here. But finally, after having to almost fall half a dozen times, Elle is able to keep her footing enough to glide around while using all of her concentration on her balance and the way she moves her feet.
As she slowly gains the hang of what she is doing, her eyes start to wonder off the path right in front of her. They land on a girl sitting with her arms crossed on the cold ice. From here Lorelle can not see the girl's expression very well, but she is guessing that it is one of frustration. Not many sit on the ice willingly without being on the verge of giving up. Feeling curious and helpful today, Lorelle decides to go over and investigate. Awkwardly, she changes her direction and glides over to the girl. She positions herself right in front of the girl in a squatting position. "Hey, you need some help?" she asks in a rather friendly voice, ready to help and assist as much as she can.
Last edited by
Lorelle on March 3rd, 2013, 12:47 am, edited 4 times in total.

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by Lorelle on March 3rd, 2013, 12:11 am
Lorelle listens as the girl grumbles out her words. She can understand that the girl is frustrated. She gets frustrated to when she can't do anything but fall down. Skating is hard to get a handle of, and Elle is no pro at it. Actually she rather sucks at the skating itself. She is just fairly good with her balance. Well good enough to stay up anyway.
"Alright. Here, take my hands,"Elle says, stretching out her arms as presenting her gloved hands to the girl. Elle's eyes begin to shift from their normal lavender, silvery color to a dark lavender as her mind slips into a more concentrated state. She knows that rising not only herself back up to a standing position, but another girl along with her is going to be difficult. She is mentally preparing herself for the feat before she actually does it. |

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by Lorelle on March 3rd, 2013, 1:44 am
Lorelle is taken by surprise as the girl starts talking about being blind. She hadn't realized this and if she had she would have acted differently. But now that she has already made the mistake, she is kind of lost on what she should say or do. This turns her eyes from deep lavender to a shade of grayish silver. 'I'm sorry. I didn't realize …," her voice trails off as she is lost for any more words. She doubts the girl wants sympathy and she isn't sure she wants to give it if the girl did want sympathy.
Suddenly, creating much relief for the lost for words Lorelle, the girl apologizes. The pressure of having to come up with more words is suddenly lifted off Elle's shoulders and her eyes begin to shift to a brown color that matches her puppy, Eva's, eyes. Letting out a sigh, Elle, looks at the girl's eyes now seeing the obvious signs that she is in fact blind. 'It's alright. Let's start over," Elle says, taking the girl's hands, 'I'm Lorelle and I am going to help you up."
After a minute of gathering all her strength, Lorelle begins to slowly help the girl back up to a standing position. She is a bit shaky at first and her eyes are so dark lavender colored that they look almost black. But finally, after much effort on her part she gets both herself and the girl back to a standing position. |

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by Lorelle on March 3rd, 2013, 2:14 am
Lorelle smiles as the girl shares her name."Well, it is nice to meet you Jesslyn,"she says with a nice ring in her voice. She takes her hands once Jesslyn has let go and puts them in the pockets of her coat. Even though she has gloves on it feels natural to have her hands in her pockets.
Elle nods her head to Jess's suggestion. Then she remembers the girl is blind and does a mental face palm before speaking. "Sure, sounds good," she says and then adds with a small laugh, "Maybe we can keep each other from falling anymore than need be." That little comment doesn't exactly come out entirely as planned, but it is to late to take it back now. Elle just hopes that it sounded ok out of her inside ear.

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by Lorelle on March 3rd, 2013, 3:08 am
Lorelle doesn't really have anything to say to Jess's first comment, but she almost bursts out laughing at the second thing she says. She does laugh, but not so hard that it could be considered a burst of laughter. She starts shaking she is laughing so hard. She has to grab her sides and this almost makes her fall down on her bum. Finally after a good chime of laughing, Elle regains her composure and looks to Jess.
"Oh my, I'm sorry. It's just I suck at skating," she says truthfully,"I just have ok balance so I am decent at staying on my feet. But anyway, yeah we should be good enough together to stay on our feet." And with little comment she puts her hand out again for Jesslyn to take if she wants. Then she realizes that yet again she has forgotten that the girl is blind."Man I suck at this," she grumbles to herself mentally.
"So .. Um .. How do you want to do this?"she asks, taking her hand back and stuffing it in her pocket,"You want to hold onto each other's hands or do you have another idea?" |

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