Open Weighing the options

Open to all, no idea where I want to go with this yet

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Weighing the options

Postby Levhanti on March 2nd, 2013, 4:45 pm

2nd day, Spring 513

With the return of spring came the return of Queen Morwen, and the spirits of Vantha lifted as their Queen returned to the city. But Winter was still too fresh in the minds of the people. People still looked askew at each other when passing in the street. Children still played only near the hold under the watchful eyes of adults. The tension in the air wasn't as thick, but it was still there.

Levhanti stood leaning back against the side of a building, watching the passerby through the snowfall. His cool blue eyes shifted from face to face, looking at every face, mouth, and pair of eyes that looked at him in return. There was no smile among them, no happiness he could see. It was depressing.

In his right hand he held a snowball. Occasionally he would toss it in the air and catch it. Sometimes he missed and would bend over and make another one. Yeah, snowball fights were for children. But as he watched the people passing, he wondered what would happen if he just tossed one. Could he help even one person find a smile? Or would it just cause the tension to explode?
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Weighing the options

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on March 2nd, 2013, 6:16 pm



Jesslyn was just stumbling around by now. She had finished her tasks, which was simply working on her running and balance, and now she was wondering the city.

But Jesslyn felt happy today. She had been able to walk in a straight line without the use of her staff and was able to run about four laps around one of the many parks in Avanthal.

As Jesslyn walked she put on a smile. She felt accomplished and bright. One of the very few times she felt like this anymore after Winter. Everyone was so... cautious and it bugged her to no end. Her people we're weary of each other and not acting like the race they truly were.

While they were split by Holds they were still the songful Vantha. Jesslyn's blank stare continued on as she walked. Today she didn't have her staff so it was really of no surprise when she stumbled into someone. "Frost! I'm so sorry! I was just lost in my thoughts!"

Jesslyn's blank eye's couldn't see but she could use her closeness to the person to see their vibrations. "I'm Jesslyn." Jesslyn gave a smile and reached out with her hand for a handshake.

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Weighing the options

Postby Sera on March 2nd, 2013, 6:28 pm

For the first time in a long time, Sera let her long wavy hair drape over he shoulders with no restraint, no braids, no ties, nothing. She left the Skyglow Hold and began to walk, going wherever her legs would take her. Snow was falling, leaving little flakes in her hair. She began to head for town.

It was hard to believe that Winter was over. The season passed quickly, which was both good and bad. It meant Morwen had returned, but it also meant that Sera was getting older.

With her cloak dragging on the ground behind her, Sera walked down the street gracefully. She smiled at those she knew and even those she didn’t. But when she turned a corner, she stopped, noticing a tall man standing against a building tossing a snowball back and forth between his hands. Something seemed off. He didn’t seem too happy about something, but then again, after looking around once more, she noticed that not too many people in the area looked too happy. What was up with that? It was Spring! A new year! Wasn’t that something to be happy about?

Without much thought, Sera knelt down and picked up a handful of snow. She packed it together with her hands, got to her feet again, and then stepped forward. With a flick of her wrist she tossed the snowball in the direction of the man. But as the snowball flew through the air Sera noticed someone else of was over there by him. Sera swore when she came to the realization that it was Jesslyn. If the snowball hit the blind girl, Sera would feel horrible!

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Weighing the options

Postby Levhanti on March 2nd, 2013, 8:53 pm

Maybe that guy? No, He's scowling. Would probably attack me. And she is just so sad, I would honestly feel bad throwing this at her. And...

Levhanti stopped, looking down the street at a girl who was openly smiling as she walked. The corners of his lips turned up into a smug little grin.

That's the first smile I have seen all day. She gets a freebie.

Levhanti started tossing the snowball back and forth, taking the girl out of his mind. Feeling in a better mood, he was actually about to throw the snowball at a young man exiting the store across the street when he was bumped into. The snowball fell to the ground as Levhanti stepped back, catching the girl by the shoulders to make sure she didn't fall over. He recognized her immediately as the girl with the smile earlier.

"Whoa, careful. I know I am attractive, but this is a little much."

He smiled back at her, and then got a good look at her eyes. About the time he realized she was blind is about the time the snowball hit her in the shoulder. As Levhanti looked around, he saw there were a few people looking at him weird in the street. The giveaway was the girl across the street looking like she did something wrong. Levhanti casually brushed the snow from her shoulder, yes ignoring the fact that it was snowing outside, and bent down to scoop a pile of snow. He raised his voice so everyone could hear him, and did his best to sound as corny as possible.

"Don't worry my lady, I will avenge you!"

Levhanti took a step between The blind girl and the attacker, throwing his new snowball across the street.
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Weighing the options

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on March 2nd, 2013, 9:06 pm


OOCJust so both of ya'll know. I fist pumped the air.

Jesslyn frowned when he simply voiced a flirt. Dropping her hand Jesslyn huffed, "Fine, just so you know I.... " Jesslyn stopped talking when she was hit. It was cold so Jesslyn immediately went to the conclusion that is was a snowball, "Haha very.. "

Jesslyn was interrupted again as the man promptly ignored her brushed away the snow then bent down. Raising his voice he yelled out a preposterous sentence stepped behind her and threw something behind her. 'I'm being used for an act. Oh great make fun of the blind one.' Jesslyn turned and proceeded to shove the back of the man.

"I'll not be your toy for this play. Find another blind woman to pick on." Jesslyn voice raised as she got angry. Her dead eye's heating up to a blood red and felt the snow flakes around them melt by the heat.

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Weighing the options

Postby Sera on March 2nd, 2013, 9:41 pm

OOCOMG! I can’t stop laughing.

As the snowball hit Jesslyn’s shoulder, Sera bit her tongue, and then frowned. That wasn’t her intention at all. She just wanted to have a little fun. Plus the man was playing with a snowball first. It was completely an invitation. But poor Jesslyn. She probably didn’t even know who threw it. She shot the man an apologetic grin, but as she did, he stepped between the girls. “Really?” She asked with a smile. He threw a snowball towards her.

In a playful mood, Sera jumped out of the way as if she was dancing. With sunset-orange eyes, she watched the ball hit the ground and fall apart. Then she turned and stuck her tongue out at the Vantha man. “Missed me!” She exclaimed, acting rather childish.

Though as she looked across the street, she noticed at Jesslyn wasn’t too happy. She was practically yelling at the man. “Oh crap.”

Sera raced across the street and slid to a stop next to them. Immediately, she put all of her attention towards the blind girl. “Jess! I’m so sorry that I hit you with a snowball! I was meaning to surprise your friend here!” She said, gesturing towards the Vantha that she did not know. She tilted her head to the side, eying the man curiously.

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Weighing the options

Postby Levhanti on March 3rd, 2013, 12:41 am

ooc: cause I don't know how to do all those fancy things and I rock this old school style, This isn't what I expected. It is so much better.

Levhanti watched the girl dance away laughing. Some of the people around openly smiled at their antics. But before he could really enjoy his success, he was roughly pushed from behind. It was so unexpected, he didn't even think to try and catch himself. Levhanti fell face first into the snow, with a few laughs of the surrounding watchers.

As he was picking himself up, he heard the blind girl behind him start yelling. When Levhanti turned to face her, his eyes turned a pale green.

"I'm sorry. I really wasn't trying to make you mad. I was just trying to make everyone laugh..."

Then the second girl ran up. Apparently she knew the blind girl. The small crowd started to disperse and Levhanti picked himself up.

"My name is Levhanti. I really wasn't trying to upset anyone."
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Weighing the options

Postby Jesslyn Skyglow on March 3rd, 2013, 12:59 am


OOC youll thank me latter

Jesslyn rose an eyebrow at the new voice that she remembered was Sera. Jesslyn couldn't see herself but she felt pretty intimating like this. Red eye's, snarky lips, and the sassy eyebrow. " I think I did that enough when I ran into him."

Jesslyn turned her body to face Levhanti has he straightened himself up. Her eyebrows narrowed at him but she wasn't as aggressive and mad as before, " Well Levhanti. I'm Jesslyn and that is Sera." Jesslyn made a motion to Sera and frowned at him. " And I'll accept your apologue if you hand be your pants and run across the street and back."

Jesslyn kept the eyebrow up and held out an open palm. Jesslyn couldn't determine if she was kidding or actually going to make the man do it. Jesslyn felt like some-what a stranger to herself. But Jesslyn would know if the man simply handed her his jacket because he was standing close enough she could see his and Sera's movements.

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Weighing the options

Postby Sera on March 3rd, 2013, 4:25 am

OOCHahaha, I was hoping it would turn fun! ☺

Sera’s eyes settled into their normal two-toned color. One red, the other blue. She folded her arms in front of her chest and stood there with a smirk on her face as the man introduced himself, and then as Jesslyn introduced them. Sera just nodded when her name was said. “Nice to meet you. Can I call you Levy?”

At the suggestion Jesslyn gave to Levhanti, Sera blushed, then knelt down and picked up another handful of snow. See, she found the blind girl to be completely fascinating and absolutely loved her spunk. This was a good example of that. She stood and began to pack the snow together in her hands as she said, “Well, that definitely is great way to really prove that you’re sorry.” She laughed and awaited Levhanti's response.

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Weighing the options

Postby Levhanti on March 3rd, 2013, 2:58 pm

There was a long pause as snow fell around the three Vantha. Everyone else continued on about their day, oblivious to the horrible acts they were about to witness.

"You want me to....really? I am starting to think this was a trap. "

As he spoke his eyes shifted from green to a soft pink color. He Jesslyn's face for any indication the she was joking. When he found none, he looked straight up into the sky and sighed.

"The things I do for women. My brothers were right."

Levhanti untied his pants, took a deep breath, and let them fall, wincing at the cold. He heard many gasps from the people in the street and did his best to ignore them. He face slowly built in color as did his eyes, until both were a vibrant shade of red. As he handed Jesslyn his pants, He turned to Sera and smiled.

"And no, not Levy. My sister calls me that, and no one else. But Lev works just fine. Or maybe you can make a whole new one."

And with that he tried to run as fast as he could across the street and back. Which turned out to be really hard in the freezing cold through the snow with no pants on.Most people watching just stood with faces in horror. A few people who even slightly knew Levhanti could be heard laughing hysterically. At him, not with him, for any that were confused. As he turned to come back, his run turned into almost a waddle. With every once of his dignity and pride ripped away from him, the only credit Levhanti could give himself was that he did his best to grin the entire time.

When he finally made it back, he stood shivering in front of the two girls, with obvious effort going into remaining composed.

"I-I have r-r-returned from my p-punishment s-s-successful."
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