by Kalimalka on March 4th, 2013, 4:59 am
12th day of Spring, 513
"Miss, I know exactly what I'm doing", the crafter intones with carefully controlled annoyance."And I'd feel much better if you were to come back in a few hours instead of hovering like a bad cold."
Taking the hint, Kali retracts from where she was crushed against his back, looking over his shoulder as he works on the shredded runner of her sled."I can be helpful you know",huffs the Kelvic, hands on her hips."I can hand you things or-" a look from the craftsman makes her rethink her assistance plan"- or just sit in the corner and chew on a piece of wood. Point is: thats my livelihood you're hammering away at. For the love of Morwen be careful."
-------- Fifteen chimes later Kali is standing outside the shops door, scowling at her feet. The craftsman having all but thrown her out by the scruff of her neck claiming he needs "gods damned quiet". What the frost is that suppose to mean? She's as quiet and demure as a sleeping hare! He's a fragile creature if he cant take some mild corrections, she huffs.
But now what will she do for the next few hours? She cant just stalk the shops front door or he might come after her with the mallet next.
"I'll go hunting", she states aloud, turning like an automaton towards the city gate."Because hunting is also my livelihood and the hares don't complain about the noise!" she shouts over her shoulder, knowing the craftsman can't hear her, but satisfied all the same. |
Last edited by
Kalimalka on March 18th, 2013, 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I'm speaking Vani." "I'm speaking Common."
"Someone else is speaking" |