Hello there Alvads,
This is just a reminder that in about 11 days the season will change. Yes, that is right, on the FIRST of next month (June) the season will officially be Summer. This means that if you have anything you'd liked to do in Spring, please start thinking of it and placing placeholders. If you have a job with a regular seasonal income please be sure to get those in to me to get your money for Spring. If you have any questions at all don't be afraid to PM me.

Lastly, we will have a calendar of events for Summer and Seasonal Challenges, but we might be trying something a
little different. Surprises abound!
Oh! And dont forget to deduct Seasonal expenses and make sure your CS is all up to date. If one or both of those things are not complete then you will not be getting grades. However, you will be getting a pestering PM from me asking you update

So, yeah... Dont forget that! Its an important aspect of the game.
That is all.