Closed Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin, Iosha)

An encounter on the city streets.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin)

Postby Iosha on November 28th, 2012, 4:17 am

Seeing the bird take off into the air, Iosha decided to run after the bird trying to him keep in sight. She wasn't the most athletic woman by any mean, but the bird alwayed seemed to keep a eye behind him when she fell behind too much, the falcon seemed to find a perch to rest until she catch up with him. When she got to the bird. He gave her a loud squawk before continuing on with his flight. Iosha must of looked like a crazy person as she sprinted through the crowded streets. During her chase, she must have almost ran into five innocent bystanders as she weaved her way through the crowd. Feeling the tightness build in her chest, she stopped for a moment to catch her breath. She heard a loud squawk from the bird, and she shot him a annoyed glare, “Give me five minutes my impatient feathered friend....” Once again the falcon motioned to her to follow and starts wildly flapping his wings before taking off into the sky. Iosha shook her head and started jogging after the bird.

Seeing the falcon veer into a side street, Iosha quickly turned the corner. Iosha sweared at her luck when she saw a Zith and a hurt young woman talking in the street. Iosha tried not to judge people on first sight, but the stories of Zith barbarism are known to most people in Mizahar. She was hoping she was only over reacting, but she had encounter Zith raiding parties in the northern wilds of Taldera. She slowed her pace, and immediately moved her hand to her sword, but she stopped before putting her hand on the hilt. She didn't want to startle the Zith standing before her. She looked at the young Inartan woman as the bird flew towards her. Iosha made the connection that the bird was her pet. Iosha's eyes darted back and forth from the Zith to the young woman. When she looked at the Zith, she noticed his blood stain claws. Iosha looked at the woman, and she noticed she is holding blood stained cloth over her arm. She swore to herself in Kontiese as she noticed the rag is completely drenched in blood. She looks at her face and see the woman face start to pale. Ignoring the Zith for now, Iosha made her way to scared woman and said in common, “Hello my name is Avora Iosha Moonchaser, and I am a healer of Rak'Keli. Can you please sit down and let me have a look at your arm?” Iosha gave her a warm smile, and she offered the girl a arm for support. She looked at the Zith and asked him politely, “Do you have any water or anything to drink, Sir? By the way my name is Iosha.” After saying what she had to say to him, She lead the hurt woman to the wall and said softly, “Just sit her and keep pressure on your wound while I get some supplies.”
Last edited by Iosha on February 11th, 2013, 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin)

Postby Cin-Cin on November 28th, 2012, 3:34 pm


Cin was glad to hear the man apologize, she didn’t like him talking bad about her friend. She didn’t like that at all. Try deserved the upmost respect and love. She hoped he would be here soon, Cin-Cin had no doubt he would bring someone back with him.

“I don’t know anything of this Xy you speak of, nor do I like the sounds of slaves… And I don’t know anyone that would be able to teach you a Nari. Although all of speak it, it is our native language, not all of us are teachers.” She spoke slowly and dully, her head felt light.

Looking up from the ground that she was concentrating on, to not fall over, she heard Try ahead. Smiling she searched for him and he was up in the sky, flying fast, looking back and forth. Following his gaze Cin saw a sprinting Konti. Yes, Konti’s they usually had the ability to heal, Cin almost jumped for joy. The woman then came up to her, asked her to sit, in Common, and to have a look at her arm. She introduced herself again to the thing and asked him for water. She seemed wary of him to and Cin smiled as she struggles to sit. The woman said she was going to get supplies… She was leaving?

“Don’t go? You’re leaving me?” Cin-Cin realized she sounded desperate, and looked down, blushing. She could deal with the thing for a few more chimes. Plus Try was back, he would protect her from him if anything happened. He was such a good bird…good bird. Cin chuckled and repeated ‘good bird’ in her head a few times, until she realized she was acting weird, and that couldn’t be normal. She was losing too much blood she concluded. Well petch… Hopefully the Konti would be able to do some good.

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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin)

Postby Darkness on November 28th, 2012, 7:13 pm

Being perfectly honest, Darkness did not expect anyone to not have heard of Xy, the trade capital of the Zith and one of the only places where an outsider could come and not be instantly classified as food - not knowing of that was almost not knowing of the Zith, and he could scarcely believe that there was any place on this world where the sound of their leathery wings in the night did not provoke nightmares.

He was given more reason for surprise when he saw the very same bird hat had been bothering him bring someone in tow. Even more when the blonde woman introduced herself as a healer. The bird was indeed a useful pet, and definitely a smart one. The healer, on the other hand... her reaction was more in tow with what he'd grown to expect from people. A certain wariness, distance, and a very particular look. It didn't help that the half-Zith had seen her almost draw her hand to the sword, either, but he was confident that if she tried to hurt him he'd be able to take her down - hopefully he wouldn't be thrown out of the city after that.

The healer asked for water - he had that. Pulling his backpack off, he rummaged in it until he pulled a waterskin out. It was pretty close to full, so it should have enough for whatever the healer was going to do. When he looked back, they were both next to a wall, the unnamed injured woman finding support in it, Iosha giving her instructions before, apparently, heading off to grab supplies.

The injured woman didn't seem too happy about the part where the healer left, probably because it meant holding on for a longer time with an open wound, but there was nothing the zith could do about it. He handed the waterskin over, patted the woman gently on the uninjured shoulder, and stepped back to let the healer do her job.
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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin)

Postby Iosha on November 29th, 2012, 5:20 am

Suddenly, as Iosha went to her backpack, and she heard the injured woman desperately call her back. Iosha looked at the poor woman, walked back to her, knelt down, and took both her hand in her's webbed hands, and gave them a gentle squeeze. She smiled at the woman and reassured her, “I won't leave you. I can promise you that much on the word of my Goddess Rak'Keli.” She roled her sleeve and showed the woman her gnosis mark. She noticed part where the Zith hurt the woman. The injury was on the other shoulder when he gave her the water, and she smiled up a him and said to the young woman, “Besides, I doubt your red furred friend won't leave you anyways. By the way you have a smart falcon. He wouldn't leave me alone till I came to you. I'll buy him a fish when we patch you up, but I want you to keep talking to all of us.” Seeing the young woman is taking comfort with her bird next to her, she decided to use him as a focus to keep her conscious, “Tell me about your feathered friend. I am thinking of getting a falcon too, and might try my hand in falconry, so I am kind of curious. Just keep talking I remember I am still interested in what you have to say.”

Iosha squeezed both her hands and stoodup walked to her backpack. She decided to apologizes to the Zith for her prejudice earlier. She looked at him and said softly, “I am sorry for my actions earlier. When I was in northern Taldera my hunting band was the target of a few Zith raids, so I guess I am a little jumpy around your kind.” She bow her head in front of him and asked for forgiveness, “Will you please forgive me? I hope your not too offended by actions earlier. Honestly I couldn't do much against you anyways. By the way, what is your name?” The last statement was some what true if her life was truly endanger she would fall back on her magic to equalize her physical disadvantages. However, the truth about her is ever bit as monstrous as the Zith standing before her. She scolded herself in her head, “Iosha what is wrong with you. You wouldn't hesitant to use your magic on him if the need arouse, and you call him a monster.” After saying her apology to the Zith, she started rummaging through her pack and swore in Kontinese when she realized she has nothing to patch the woman's wound. She decides to improvise, so she took off her cotton blouse, and she reached into her backpack and pulls out the fur lined blouse.

Iosha put on the other blouse and walked back to the injured girl. She knelt down and took away the towel from the injured shoulder. He saw a bloody hole under the fabric of her dress. She smiled when she noticed the hole was starting to clot. She looked at the woman and said softy, “What is your falcon's name, so I can congratulate him properly for his hard work. Oh what is your name too?” She frowned thinking the only way to get at her wound is open dress, so she could see the full extent of the injury. She looked at the woman and says to her, “I know this might be embarrassing for you, but I need to see your wound better could you please lower your dress just enough, so I can get a better look at the other side of the wound on the front and back of your shoulder?” She turned her head to the Zith and smiled softy and said politely, “Could you turn around for just a moment, Sir?"
Last edited by Iosha on February 11th, 2013, 2:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin)

Postby Cin-Cin on November 30th, 2012, 3:11 am


Cin-Cin desperately grasped the water and put it to her mouth, chugging its contents. She was awfully thirsty… She didn’t react either when he thing patted her shoulder. She didn’t have the energy to flinch anymore, she was just tired. Maybe a nap would be good. Yes a nap… Oh but no, the Konti started speaking, Cin struggled to listen to her. She was probably saying something useful. Oh good, she’s not leaving. What is that mark? It’s all blue and swirly. Rak’keli? Oh a Godess. Yes she knew that, the one that heals. The Konti can heal then? That’s good.

Her furred friend? Cin looked up at the man. He was not her friend. Of course not. He was odd, and scary and furry… She liked Try better. The Konti was right. Try was very smart, he was the best friend ever. So smart, so smart. Ah, Try would like a fish. He liked fish. Never gets a fish. Fish are nice. Konti wants to learn falconry? Get a bird of her own? Cin-Cin smiled. That would be nice. Giving another lonely bird a home and family. That was always good, always good.

“His name is Try. He’s my best friend. He would love a fish. He likes fish, don’t you Try?” She was talking to both the Konti and Try, such a good bird. Cin didn’t even notice when Iosha got up and walked away to talk to the man. She was too busy looking at Try, such a good bird. Best bird buddy. Cin chuckled. “Oh, I’m Cin-Cin, you can call me Cin, I guess.” She smiled, “Cin-Cin, Cin-Cin. I like my name.”

Lower her dress? Cin blushed. But moved her good hand to pull down the shoulder. She had to remove her good arm from the sleeve and pull her dress down to the top of her chest to get the entire wound in sight. Oh no, new dress. Would need to buy new dress. Darn, shopping.

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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin)

Postby Darkness on November 30th, 2012, 8:10 pm

Darkness watched the healer and the human interact, intrigued by the mention of gods. For one, the concept was hard for him to grasp - the closest thing in Zith culture was the Winged One, but he hadn't ever paid much attention to it. In truth, he knew of the word, but he had never actually understood what a god was - just that humans revered them and asked them for help.

He didn't speak up again until the healer apologized for her previous, almost-threatening behaviour, shrugging the apology off. "Zith eat humans. Being afraid of us is understandable."

To the Zith, this was common knowledge - who wouldn't know Zith ate humans? In Inarta, however, this might've been a myth, or a rumor, more than a confirmed fact. And, if he'd thought about it, he would've realized that with the woman, Cin-Cin as she hesitantly introduced her self, slipping into shock it might've not been the right thing to mention.

After her apology, Iosha turned her attentions to the redhaired woman, turning one of her clothes into a makeshift bandage and replacing it with another. Darkness' eyes never left the scene, finding nothing to be concerned about - he was naked himself, nudity was absolutely standard for him.

Which is why, when he was asked to turn away, he frowned. He didn't really see any reason to... but then again, he wasn't a healer. Maybe it was something of a rite outsiders shouldn't see, or maybe it was another of those stupid human things. Whatever the case, listening to the healer didn't cost him anything so he grudgingly turned around.
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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin)

Postby Iosha on December 2nd, 2012, 2:49 am

Iosha looked at Cin-Cin and frowned to herself whenever Cin spoke to her the talking became less coherent, and she thought quickly to herself, “Shyte, I need to hurry and stop the bleeding quick, but I needs to raise her blood sugar too. Stay with me Cin.” She looked back at Darkness and said urgently, “Darkness, I need you to head to the market or the kitchen and get me some bread. I need to raise her blood sugar quickly if they argue with you tell them Avora Iosha Moonchaser sent you for the bread and it is a emergancy. They shouldn't argue after that. Pay for it, and I will reimburse you if you go to the kitchen tell them. I am using one of my meals. Please hurry and... thank you, Dark.” Iosha looked at the wounds on her shoulder, noticed four puncture holes in the back of the shoulder, and a deep one in the front. She frowned to herself thinking it was the thumb that went through the front. She looked up at the injured girl. Knowing this woman must be terrified and in a lot of pain, she squeezed her hand, gave her a wide grin, and said with confidence in her voice, “I will patch you right up, Cinny, and in a day or two in the infirmary, you should be up and about playing with Try. He will be right there in the infirmary with you the whole time.”

Hoping the words of reassuranced her and lower her blood pressure slightly, Iosha decided the quickest way to stop the bleeding and sterilize the wound is to ask her goddess for assistance. The deeper wound in the front will need to be clean and sown up with her medical knowledge at the infirmary. Iosha was not sure if the wound will leave a scar, but Iosha will see once Cin finished her healing process. Iosha whispered a prayer to her goddess in Kontiese, “Rak'Keli please cleanse my hands and my shirt, so they can be used to stop the bleeding.” Her gnosis mark on her arm started to glow, and both her hands started to glow blue for a instant. When she saw her hands were cleaned by her goddess, she warned Cin softly in common, “This will hurt Cinny please bear through it. I need to put pressure on your wounds to stop the bleeding. Don't worry Try will be here with you the whole time.” Iosha put her hands over the five puncture points, and at the same time, she presses her hand hard on top of the wounds. She held her hands in place with the same pressure for a good three minutes, and she said a silent prayer her goddess in Kontiese, “Please my goddess cleanse these wounds of all impurities and disease, and if you could close the shallow wounds in the back of her shoulders. I will deal with the deep wound in the front once we get to the infirmary and treat her wound properly.”

Iosha knew she asked a lot in one prayer, but she needed to act quickly since the wound could have gotten infected if she waited too long. She brought back her hands, and she noticed the puncture wounds in the back had closed, but the skin around the wounds were still bloody, so that is another thing, she will have to deal with when they get to the Infirmary. However, Iosha noticed the wound in the front didn't close, but she could tell the pressure added helped the blood clotting process. She will not bleed out anymore. She started wrapping her shoulder tightly using her cotton shirt as a bandage. Once the bandage is tied, she said to Cin with a giggle, “My shirt looks better much better on you anyways, Cin.” Now she just needed Dark to retrieve the bread, so she could bring the young woman's blood sugar up. She took Cin's hands in hers and said with a smirk, “I didn't have any doubt in my mind that you will pull through this Try is lucky to have a strong friend like you. Why don't you just relax your mind and tell me about the kind of birds of prey there are. Oh try to save some water. Dark is getting some bread for you. You must be hungry.” For now keeping her conscious is the most important thing for Cin-Cin at the current moment, so conversation was the best medicine at the moment while she waited for Darkness.
Last edited by Iosha on February 11th, 2013, 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin)

Postby Cin-Cin on December 14th, 2012, 8:36 pm


Cin-Cin didn’t hear the conversation about Ziths that the Konti and the man were speaking of. She was not paying attention, as they were standing a bit of ways away, plus she was too tired to eavesdrop. Her arm hurt and she wanted to take a nap, but the woman wouldn’t let her. No she had to stay awake and the Konti made Dark, was his name, go get food for her. The man did seem willing to help, but he was so strange, Cin didn’t know how to act around him. She was just glad a kind face, of the Konti, and familiar voice, of Try, was with her.

The girl reassured her that Try would be here with her. That was good, but it was no less than the normal. This was the second most painful thing that happened to her, and Try was there for the first as well. Come to think of it, Try had saved her life both these times. Fetching the healer now and doing who knows what with the bear three years ago. He was so good… so good.

Cin-Cin only realized what the healer was saying when her hands touched her injury. What would hurt? Her hands were cold. Cin flinched at the sudden touch, but soon calmed as she processed that Dark was gone, and it wasn’t his hand on her wound. But then she gasped, Try half-cawed, protesting, then retreating as he figured the Konti knew what she was doing. The Konti was putting lots, lots of pressure on her wound and Cin cried out. She clenched her teeth and moaned a bit, trying to control her pain, to size it up with her own confidence. Then Cin felt a presence, a warmth through her arm. It wasn’t hot spring warm, or summer warm. It was the kind of warm you felt when your father hugged you or your mother praised you. It radiated through her open wounds and she could feel the pain soothing itself. She smiled at nothing, it felt nice. So calming. She could take a nap now? She felt like something was talking to her, through the warmth, telling her to sleep. Yes that was good. She closed her eyes. The Konti was paying attention to the wound, she wouldn’t have to know, right? Cin opened her eyes again, the Konti wouldn’t know but apparently Try did. He had squawked at her, making her open her eyes.
Fine, fine. She thought. Try quieted. The warmth stopped and the Konti took her hands away, then wrapped her woudn with a shirt. Cin payed no attention to her joke. They both would have to buy new clothing…

Birds of prey? Now that was a topic Cin-Cin could talk about. She smiled and starte her lecture.
“Try’s a Gyrfalcon, and there’s all the owls that live here and hawks and more falcons and they are all so pretty. They all eat meat, little hunters they are. Not one eat’s any kind of plant. That’s what makes them birds of prey at least. Like Try eats the mice and sometimes other birds. But never when I’m looking, he knows I don’t like that. But what can I do? It’s natural right? He just doesn’t kill birdies when I’m there.”

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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin, Iosha)

Postby Iosha on January 15th, 2013, 3:27 am

After waiting for a fifteen minutes, Iosha couldn't wait any longer for Darkness. She looked at Cin and tapped her cheek gently to get her attention. She gave her another reassuring smile and said softy, “Cinny, I know you are tired, but you need to try to stay awake.” She didn't want to think the Zith abandon them, but she wouldn't be surprised with his kind. She thought angrily to herself as she tried to hold her smile together. She looked at Cin-Cin and said calmly to the young woman, “Ok, you, Try, and me are going to take a short trip to the infirmary, but I need you stay with me Cinny.” Iosha stood up and put on her backpack. She look at the girl and noticed she was starting to pale. She walked over to the girl and kneels down, “Now Cin-Cin, I need to stand you up if you....” Suddenly, Iosha changed her mind and said in Kontinese, “Wait! If I moved her like that it could tear open the wound..” Iosha knelt down and took Cin-Cin's hand in her own and said softy to her, “Cinny, I promise on my love for my goddess. I will be right back. I am just getting help to carry you.” Before she left Cin-Cin, Iosha gave her hands a gentle squeeze, stood up and ran down the warrens. She was looking for somebody big enough to carry the hurt woman.

Iosha noticed a big burly Inartan sweeping the warren. He was wearing a dirty lontev and his red hair was sticking in a directions. Iosha immediately thought he was a Dek. Iosha stopped in front of him and tried to catch her breath. The man lean on his broom and asked in broken common, “Dursis knows direction good pale lady if you don't no way. Dursis can sweep too if you like I sweep home good for you.” Iosha thought for a split second, “You know my apartment could stand to be swept...Petch Iosha a sweep is not what your here for!” Iosha looked at Dursis and said with a hint of urgency in her voice, “Listen Dursis, I need your help carrying a injured woman to the infirmary. Could you assist me? Dursis raised an eyebrow and a look of confusion appeared on his face, “Dursis is good with direction and can sweep well..” Iosha raised and eyebrow and nodded to herself when she realized he was slow in the head. Iosha looked at him and said with command in her voice, “I am a Avora, and Dursis come with me. I need you to carry someone for me.” Dursis understood the word Avora and the phrase come with me quite well, and he dropped his broom and followed her back to Cin-Cin in a run.

While Iosha was running back to Cin-Cin and Try, she noticed in Wind Reach if she needed something done by a lower caste. She had to use her caste to her advantage to get what she wanted. She felt uncomfortable with all the authority the caste carried over the lower castes. When she first learn of her caste and caste system of Wind Reach. She told herself that she would never abuse her power, and if she noticed she was going in the wrong direction. She would leave Wind Reach and never come back. Honestly, in this situation she needed to use it to help Cinny, so I guess she could justify it somehow. When they made it back to Cin-Cin, Iosha knelt down beside her and said with a smile, “OK Cin-Cin. My friend Dursis is going to help carry you to the Infirmary.” Dursis piped in a said with a smile, “Me help Avora good. I carry good like when I sweep.” Iosha gave the Dek a friendly smile, and she put a white hand on his shoulder and said softly, “Thank you Dursis. I will never forget your kindness today.” Dursis gave Iosha a big smile and said with confidence in his voice, “Pretty Pale Lady, I won't carry bad. I promise.”

Looking at Cin-Cin, Iosha said to Dursis without looking at him and she said sternly, “OK Dursis I want you to pay attention.” Dursis nodded eagerly to Iosha and she continued, “She is injured, so I need you. Watch how you pick her up.” Iosha knelt down next to her to Cin-Cin and pointed out the area, “Dursis, you must avoid hurting these areas.” She waved her hand over the areas of Cin-Cin. She didn't want him to touch. She looked him over and smiled to herself when she realized this man was muscled like a ox. She said slowly to him, “OK Dursis when you pick up hurt woman. I want you to carry her like a baby.” Remembering the time, she held her own child. She demonstrates for him, and he nodded to her showing that he understood. She smiled at him and continued, “She is delicate right now and can easily break, so it will you job to carry her gently while you follow me.” Iosha looked over and Cin and brushed the hair from her face, “You are in good hands Cinny. I think Dursis will do a good job.” Iosha looked at Dursis and said, “Ok Dursis once you pick her up follow me, but please be careful.” Dursis smiled and picked up the small woman. Iosha smiled to herself when he understood most of her directions. Now with Cin-Cin in his arms, Dursis smiled at Iosha and said, “See Pale Lady, I pick up woman like baby and good.” Iosha put a hand on his shoulder and looked at Try and said to him with a smile, “You coming Try? When we are done with this I will buy you a fish.”
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Things that go bump in the night. (Cin-Cin, Iosha)

Postby Whimsy on March 6th, 2013, 5:16 am



Experience Lore
+2 Falconry The Oddness of the Half-Zith 'Darkness'
Maintaining Composure through Fear
The Effects of Blood Loss
Try: Gyrfalcon


Experience Lore
+1 Writing Summoned by a Falcon
+1 Running Ducking Through a Crowd While Running
+3 Medicine Prejudice against the Zith
+1 Leadership Healing through Gnosis

This was a nice little thread, despite the worry over Cin-Cin's health. Iosha and Cin-Cin, you guys really wrote well together. I'm sorry I couldn't give you more experience, Cin-Cin. Iosha, I gave you the leadership for commanding Darkness and the Dek. If Darkness comes back, he can PM me for his grade. PM me if you have any questions or concerns!


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Louis de Bernières

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