Hey Mizahar.
Trying out the Ricky method of phone posting. How he rocked Nano like this still boggles my mind. My name is Jason. I'm 37, a practicing Taoist and shaman. I recently moved a couple hundred miles away to Nashville, where the majority of my living family resides. I came to help my sister, who has MS, COPD, and degenerative disc disease. This is the story. I feel like I am actually hosting an intervention for myself and helping my sister is an added benefit.
I wasn't dying or anything where I was. Not physically. Spiritually and mentally I was in a void, a self induced life coma that could have gone on uneventfully for the rest.of my life. So, I just went. Here I am, 3 weeks later. Broke as hell but hopeful. Got a job and start Sunday. I had previously made the choice to avoid interaction with the other writers here outside of role playing. That was a mistake. Sitting here, counting time with.mundane tasks and satellite show lineups, I find myself missing Mizahar more than I thought possible.
So, once I generate some income, I look forward to returning fully. Since I've scratched out this much, maybe I can attempt some replies, though they will clearly lack graphic magic for now.