Time Stamp: 5th of Spring, 513AV Who: Singh and Ronin Letter Hello Ronin and Singh, When the sun falls on the fifth day of spring we will set out in search of the murder of Singh's family. I will not lie to you the journey through the Burning Sands will not be easy since the spring sun burns warmer in the sky this time of year, so I want each of you to prepare for journey through the desert. My father taught me when I was boy that the desert is a unmerciful place that buries the arrogant and kills the stupid. I trust neither of you are these things, so I want you to meet me by the second bend of the river by the cliff at dusk on the fifth moon of spring. Your guide, Shanapar the Untamed *** Sitting on the tallest rock on the bend, Shanapar watched the water of the river flow by him. He knew he was going to miss the river when he leaves for Lhavit in two weeks, but something inside him knew he would stop his years of wandering in the city of the moon and the sun. He looked up at Shadow, and smiled at his raven as it picked at the carcass of a dead fish. Shanapar knew the Eywaat gave him the raven to watch him through the hard times of his journey. Suddenly, the cold evening breeze hit him and he felt a stinging on his chest. He looked down, and he saw the snake shaped scar on his chest. It was stitched up by the doctor, but he can still feel the cold knife biting into his skin. The doctor said it would leave a scar, but Shanapar knew if he was going to honor the memory of the dead snake woman. He would have to bear with it until it healed, but he had plans for the scar once it fully healed. He planned on putting a tattoo on his chest honor the warrior Syliss and her goddess Siku. He put a hand over the bandage, and he said a prayer to Eywaat to help him bear with his punishment a little longer. Shanapar looked in the west over the desert, he saw the sun was starting to dip below the large sand dunes in the distance, and he said to himself in Tawna, “It is almost time for one life to fall another to rise again. I just hope Singh is strong enough to see the quest through to completion. Whatever the murder's fate will be in the end, Singh and Lhex will decide in the end.” Shanapar decided to do his last minute preparation. Shanapar stood up, and he walked down to the river.. He slipped off his black wrap and small clothes and waded into the river. He dipped his head into the water, and he started to drink until his water bladder was completely full. When he was completed, he walked out of the river letting the cool evening breeze dry his naked skin. He pulled out his empty water skin, dipped the opening into the river, and fill it with water. He reached into his backpack, pulled out his feathered mantle, and black leg wrap, and he started to dress in his people's night time clothing. He knew it was spring, so the night air would be quite chilly. When he was finished, he strapped his quiver onto his back and slung his bow over his shoulder. He walked back to his large rock waiting for his other two traveling companion to arrive. |