IC Info [Sunberth] City Rumours

Information and listings of current rumours in the city.

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[Sunberth] City Rumours

Postby Twister on March 8th, 2013, 11:16 am

Sunberth Rumours

Fame in Sunberth is fickle. The factions play their part and the rest is handled by word of mouth and the general populace. Whispers that spread throughout the streets of the latest need-to-know and individuals that in one way or another catch enough attention to gain some renown in certain areas of the city due to acts of kindness or cruelty to the regular denizens of Sunberth. Gossip is a powerful force, even in this day and age.

The rumours of Sunberth are, basically, a listing of submitted and/or (un)confirmed rumours about Player Characters within the city that have found the ears of the populace in some way, be it through the PC's own actions or a well-told story in-thread. They can also have been instigated by someone completely unrelated to your PC in order to smear or promote your name, depending entirely on their intentions. Rumours will be listed here in the manner they would be told on the street along with any other notes that may be of interest. Rumours could also come in the forms of fliers.

Rumours will be added here following the grading of threads or submissions by players around the city. (All submissions are to be sent in PMs; only new rumours are to be posted in the thread given permission or by Storytellers.)

PM Submission Template
Code: Select all
[b]Character(s) Concerned:[/b] (Who is this rumour about?)
[b]Instigator(s):[/b] (Is it known who instigated/originally spread the rumour? If it is known, enter the name of the character who would've spread it, or who it has been CLAIMED to have spread it. Or, enter "Unknown" if it's not known.)
[b]Area of Focus:[/b] (In which area of the city is the rumour most likely to have rooted/spread to?)
[b]Supporting Evidence:[/b] (If you have threads that can back your claims up, please provide links for them here. It's not always necessary to have supportin evidence, but it's much appreciated and will help the credibility and spread of the rumour.)
[b]Contents:[/b] (What IS the rumour?)
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[Sunberth] City Rumours

Postby Twister on September 1st, 2013, 11:42 am

On parchment nailed up in various parts of the city, the following can be read:


If you are reading this message it means I have a task for you. I am in the market as a collector and right now I am trying to hunt down rare bones for my showcasing. If you have any and would like to earn a rather good profit please meet me in Sunberth. I will be in Sunberth on the 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th each season until 514 AV.

Rewards range from 200 to 1,000 GM for the items. I do hope we shall meet in person soon.


A collector


Translation :

If you are reading this message it means I have a task for you. I am in the market as a collector and right now I am trying to hunt down rare bones for my showcasing. If you have any and would like to earn a rather good profit please meet me in Sunberth. I will be in Sunberth on the 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th each season until 514 AV.

Rewards range from 200 to 1,000 GM for the items. I do hope we shall meet in person soon.

A collector

Contact Vick for more details or to make any further plans.
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[Sunberth] City Rumours

Postby Twister on December 18th, 2013, 9:33 pm

The following text can be found written on parchment and nailed up in various parts of the city,
concentrating on the slums and surrounding the Gated Comunity, from the 35th of Winter, 513 AV and onward.

Contact the local Storyteller for details if you have any questions.

Robern is Dead.

The time of the Daggerhands has passed. With their leader gone and in the wake of the storm, Sunberth seeks new opportunity. Too long have we paid the price in blood and coin to Robern's muscle and too long have we allowed them to grow fat and confident in their control.

If you seek change, if you seek power beyond what the individual can give, if you seek control or the blood of Daggerhands on the frozen ground...then I have work for you.

A New Power is rising in Sunberth.

I have already dispatched one of Robern's generals. I alone claim the deathright for this act. My power is no myth and my goals are not meager. If you seek some throw against the fates or share my desire to reduce Robern's vacant empire to rubble...find me.

If you are skilled enough to follow the whispers, we will be in contact.


Translation :
Robern is Dead.

The time of the Daggerhands has passed. With their leader gone and in the wake of the storm, Sunberth seeks new opportunity. Too long have we paid the price in blood and coin to Robern's muscle and too long have we allowed them to grow fat and confident in their control.

If you seek change, if you seek power beyond what the individual can give, if you seek control or the blood of Daggerhands on the frozen ground...then I have work for you.

A New Power is rising in Sunberth.

I have already dispatched one of Robern's generals. I alone claim the deathright for this act. My power is no myth and my goals are not meager. If you seek some throw against the fates or share my desire to reduce Robern's vacant empire to rubble...find me.

If you are skilled enough to follow the whispers, we will be in contact.

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[Sunberth] City Rumours

Postby Twister on December 23rd, 2013, 11:40 am

Did you hear about that mercenary, ol' green eyes? Name's Garret Sawyer, and he's ruthless. He'll guard a merchant's merchandise with a heavy hand and isn't afraid to dole out beatings. He once helped protect a food shipment from a starving crowd without blinking an eye. Murdered a man in cold blood, he did. You need a reliable mercenary in the Commons? He's your man.
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[Sunberth] City Rumours

Postby Twister on September 11th, 2014, 9:59 pm

Rumour is there's a little red head goin' 'round with poisons in her pocket. Can make them to order, too, for the right price. You can find her 'round the Seaside Market. Ask for Amoux.
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[Sunberth] City Rumours

Postby Twister on October 14th, 2014, 3:20 pm

Eyewitnesses say they saw Bitzer in the Bay on the Fifth. Splashing for her life, from what I heard. People who saw it say they never saw her come back up to the surface in the end. Says she must've drowned.
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