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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

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Postby Grayzdo Briety on June 9th, 2010, 5:42 pm

Grayzdo took a step back from the rest of the people and a step closer to Kita. He felt uncomfortable around these humans but the disguised hooded man knew that one of these men was a thief. Now he just had to figure out which one was it. He looked at the Akalak and he listened to what the blue man had to say but he kept his eyes on the Akalak who was taller then him by five inches.

When short man spoke Grayzdo turned his attention to him. It seemed this man was a warrior of some sort being as he was wearing armor and had some weapons on him. Then he turned his attention to the beggar and then back to Kita. He looked her up and down and he took another step closer to her.

He felt uncomfortable somehow he needed to talk to her about what their purpose was here. He turned his attention back to the man in armor and said "To kill a beggar would be a waste of flesh. If they all got jobs they could probably all start families."
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Postby Kita on June 9th, 2010, 6:00 pm

Kita looked over at Wystern. She was scared but she spoke up. "I think every living being deserves a happy life." she said. The statement showed her animal side. Most humans would never make a remark like that. She knew what it was like to be alone and have absolutely no one. When she lost her brothers she knew exactly he painful it was to be alone. Also, being Kelvic she knew the pains of never having a shoulder to cry on and never having some one to run to when things got bad.

Kita would always think of things in a more animalistic way because she really was not human. She was a fox who could transform into a human. She could never think like I human. Not because she disliked humans, just because when it really came down to it she was an animal. "I know what it is like to live alone and have no one to be with and it is the most terrible pain. Still, it is not worth killing someone out of pity. If these men don't mind living like this then I see no sense in their lifestyle changing." Kita said. She had never talked so much to humans in her life. "I lived a long time alone with no one to depend on but myself and I have to say, I welcome Grayzdo's hospitality but I also work for it. I believe if they want hospitaly then they must work for it." she said. She looked over at grayzdo "We would all be lost without the help of others. I went a fox year... I mean ten years without it." kita siad quickly correcting herself. She had made a fatal mistake. By saying the comment about fox years she had revealed that she was Kelvic. She hoped that these new people she had met would not hurt her for being Kelvic. That's when her attention turned to Aren. She felt slight comfort in his gaze for one reason. He was like her, inhuman.

Now that her cover was blown she pulled out the green contacts to show her yellow eyes. It was time to stop being ashamed of her race. She was a Kelvic fox and she was proud of it. She felt exposed but she looked at her new companions. She smiled showing her fangs. "But I will always feel benevolent to the less fortunate." she said kindly.
As you walk through death's dark veil,
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Postby Grayzdo Briety on June 9th, 2010, 6:08 pm

Grazydo felt uncomfortable at the thought of killing these beggars he kept his eyes on Aren while he listened to Kita speak. He listened to her words then he turned to her just in time to see her pull out her contacts. He felt extra uncomfortable he didn't know much about these people or kelvics but know that he knew she could turn into a fox he had the thought he might have to protect her from these people.

Too bad he never learned how to use archery and just tried to look intimidating and he said "Everyone should be able to live a happy life." he felt even more uncomfortable now that these people knew his name.
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Postby Dusk on June 9th, 2010, 6:20 pm


Moderator's Note: Just a note - please keep in mind that this is a post-apocalyptic world of magic and the most basic of technology. They don't have colored contacts in Mizahar. :)

Also, all of you beggars and thieves - schedule some time in your respective calendars around the 30th of Summer to have a little run in with my Knights! ;)

As you were...
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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Postby Ash'eny on June 9th, 2010, 6:32 pm

To Dusk...With Pleasure Captain Dusk! I would be honored to do a little dancing with your knights.

Ash'eny turned his head to face Grayzdo. He was not amused by the masked man's words. Not even close. Of all these people, only Kita and Wystern said something on the subject that he favored. However, he liked Aren, respected him, and dammit, he feared the blue giant to be quite honest. Ash'eny cotinued to watch Grayzdo, his staring was a concoction of resentment, curiosity, suspicion, and a hint of respect. "A family cannot exist without an official job then? Perhaps begging is despicable, I understand this and I accept it. But can those three men and myself not be like brothers to each other? What about the man that lives in the wilderness with his wife and son. He has no job, but lives off the land to feed them, to take care of them, to protect him. What about a thief that steals in the night or robs a helpless old man, is his family not his own just because of his chosen path?"

Ash'eny paused, taking a moment to look back at his friend in the alley, who looked like they were beginning to curl up next to each other for the night, to sleep. "We've all lost somebody dear to us. Kinn, his wife. Turck, and his brothers. I lost my daughter. We have migrated together not because we are ready to die, not because we are so miserable that we must spread our plague to others, but because they need affection to keep them strong, and they provide each other with it. And they've accepted me as one of them." Ash'eny turned back to face Grayzdo, his flash of anger already passed as he began reflecting on himself. He was at conflict. "If you suggest we get jobs to support ourselves, what was your point in parting with your Mizas so generously? Your actions fight against your words, sir."

Ash'eny had a hunch though. The point was not the beggars, the point was not the money, the point was not the words. This man was disguised for a reason, which mean the was probably one of two things, incredibly powerful, wealthy, and well-known and simply didn't want 'commoners' to recognize him, or he was a criminal and he didn't want his identity thrown about in the wind. Ash'eny felt a need to speak to the man, but it had to happen naturally, Aren and Wystern were strong and would suspect something if he simply walked off with the man and his soft-spoken ally. "Grayzdon was it? Thank you missus, and what's your name?" Ash'eny smiled as he spoke to Kita, it would be rude to ignore her presence after all.
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Postby Kita on June 9th, 2010, 7:35 pm

Kita listened to Ash'eny's words and found truth in them. She had lived in the forest for ten fox years (roughly one human year) with no actual "job" other than thieving. She never saw anything wrong with it. Animals did it all the time and there was never any fault in them. She was essentialy an animal in a human guise so maybe in Grayzdo's eys that was justification. Still, Kita had always been a peavce keeper and she could see that tension was slowly brewing between her friend and Ash'eny.

Kita looked at Ash'eny in surprise. "Kita, Kita Finley." she said with a small smile. She tried to be extra kinda with her tone to smooth out the mishap the two men had. “I must say sir, I agree with what you said. I lived alone for a long time and I know how hard it is. I also lost someone dear to me. Actually two people. My two older brothers, Jeran and Tayn. Our parents got rid of us one by one when they found out we were…” Kita trailed off. She wasn’t sure if she should share why her parents disowned her and her brothers in case the men had not yet figured out she was Kelvic. She decided to just say it. If anything happened then she would run. “When they found out my brothers and I were Kelvic. Then my brothers were killed by a group of Kelvic trading humans. I had been alone until I met Grayzdo.” I said looking at him smiling. I could tell he was apprehensive about me admitting my nature to these strangers. I felt safe here though. Everyone here seemed to have a common goal, surviving. “I lived alone in the wild for a year with no one to help me. We Kelvics view time differently than humans do. A year to you is like ten years to us. It was scary so I do have sympathy for what you guys are doing. I also know that in many cases such as mine, a formal job really will not do. I mean who do you know of who would hire a Kelvic to work for them? I have to thieve or find a master and right now it seems that thieving is what I have to do, formal or informal.” She said. Slowly she was getting able to talk to people. She even surprised herself with how easily she told these strangers about her past. It was nice to have a place to really belong or at least she hoped she somewhat belonged here.
As you walk through death's dark veil,
The cannon's thunder can't prevail,
And those who hunt thee down will fail,
And you will be my ain true love...
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Postby Grayzdo Briety on June 9th, 2010, 8:01 pm

"I gave the beggar's money to buy food for a job is worthless if they starve to death anyways." He felt uneasy about what he was about to say but he said it anyways he turned to Kita and said "Masters aren't really needed here you can live your own life.". He said this but he wanted to be Kita's master but he wouldn't ask this to her with anyone in the group and he didn't want to force it on her.

He also felt uncomfortable that Kita had revealed that she was a thief to everyone especially the man who appeared to be a law enforcement figure of some sort.
"Besides isn't there employment office somewheres in this city?"
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Postby Kita on June 9th, 2010, 9:49 pm

Kita had been careless to speak so freely about her life but still, she was just a naive fox. Foxes were dogs and dogs were known for trusting people far too easily. Yes foxes were careful and cunning but Kita was still young. She had never had a chance to be a child when she was supposed to reckless and make stupid mistakes. If Kita had been human she would only be one and a half year old. Kelvics matured like their animals though. She appeared to be in her late teens but really she was only one year and a half. That is how her family knew she was Kelvic. She looked like she was ten years old by the time she was five months old. She never had parents to guide her and tell her what not to do. Everything she knew she either taught herself or she learned from her brothers.

"Masters aren't really needed here you can live your own life." Kita heard Grayzdo say. She looked at him confused “Are we staying here?” she asked.
As you walk through death's dark veil,
The cannon's thunder can't prevail,
And those who hunt thee down will fail,
And you will be my ain true love...
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Postby Aren on June 9th, 2010, 10:29 pm

Everyone thought Aren wanted to kill the poor beggars right here and now, out of some perverted sense of mercy, "No, Crow... I wouldn't kill these men. I simply think they should be allowed to die. Perhaps their next life will be a better one." In truth, he really didn't see anything wrong with helping someone out of a jam, but helping someone to the point where they became unable to help themselves was what Aren worried about.

The Akalak promptly took a deep breath, in an attempt to clear his mind of these difficult moral dilemmas. As he exhaled, he immediately felt a sense of relief overcome him. That's why he was a warrior, and not a philosopher, by trade.

From this difficult discussion had somehow erupted a confession of thievery, amongst other things, which Aren found a bit amusing as there was a Knight of the realm standing not 10 feet away. He wondered if, in human lands, simply stating you were a thief was grounds for arrest. Even if that was the case, Aren knew Crow to be an odd law-keeper, to say the least.

He almost wanted to warn the girl, Kita she had said her name was, just to see if a chase would erupt throughout the streets of Syliras. The girl being a Kelvic, it would almost certainly prove interesting. Of course, Aren didn't really know if warning a criminal of a knight's presence was also grounds for arrest, but that was probably the case.

The girl looked harmless enough, though she claimed to be a thief, but her companion certainly looked shiftier by the minute. When she had revealed she was in the larceny profession, he seamed to squirm a bit. Aren guessed he was probably a thief too, though one with enough sense not to confess in front of a Knight.
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Postby Wystern on June 10th, 2010, 12:53 am

"A family cannot exist without an official job then? Perhaps begging is despicable, I understand this and I accept it. But can those three men and myself not be like brothers to each other? What about the man that lives in the wilderness with his wife and son. He has no job, but lives off the land to feed them, to take care of them, to protect him. What about a thief that steals in the night or robs a helpless old man, is his family not his own just because of his chosen path?"

"My dear beggar, you have me misunderstood. Defining a job in my eyes, it is the combination of actions which brings food on the table. They can be brothers, and they should work for the common good if they do. Otherwise it is off balance if you are the only one at work while they aren't. The man you mentioned does have a job, only the third oldest ever-the first two being hunting and prostitution-farming. The thief also creates an imbalance, his having a family only complicates when he bites off more than he could chew." Wys said, the last question was answered from a very personal experience.

"I have to thieve or find a master and right now it seems that thieving is what I have to do, formal or informal.”

Wystern looked at Kita with a really questioning look on his face.

"So, you believe that everyone deserves a happy life, and yet, milady, you still commit crime, take that which is not yours, meaning you leave someone unhappy; now where is that which they deserve, that happy life of not being stolen from? I believe that all living things deserve a life, happy or not, it is what they make of it. You are just like me. You are a hypocrite. You take happiness, but I...I take lives." As Wys said the last part, he suddenly turned on his heel, lunging a step at Kita and grabbing her on the left shoulder with his left hand, his right hand on the blade's hilt. He gave a quick glance towards Grayzdo and shifted his body to where he can see both of them.

"My warning to you, young Kelvic thief, so listen carefully. We do not have prisons in Syliras, the men we so coldly talked about would get exiled; but if one gets caught stealing or killing...there will be no trial, there will be no jail, but there will be a very swift death. Don't get me wrong, I like you, I like everybody, right up until the point when they become my problem. Do not become my problem. I do not want to stain my hands with more blood, especially with the blood of a woman. Do you understand?" Crow leaned in, to hear the answer without a mistake, gripping the handle of the sword, the leather gloves making noise as his fingers tightened, waiting to hear that answer.

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