This is where you post anything you may need from the Storytellers of The Spires. This can be anything from needing a story graded, or a moderated thread, or perhaps you need some fixing in a thread with a fellow writer. I am here to assist you, and help you get what it is you want from your character, within the realm of the rules and standards of Mizahar. Grading Requests and questions will be deleted as they are graded and answered, respectively. Moderated requests will be dealt with as they are received.
So you have a grade just for me? Let me find my handy dandy hedgehog sized pencil and take notes on what you want. Better yet, would you write it down for me? I left the template below. Please note: Filling out the template is completely optional and up to the player. If you are seeking specific items, please tell me below. Otherwise, feel free to leave areas blank.
Grading Template :
You've chosen me to run for you? Do you realize hedgehogs aren't that great at running? Well, let me waddle on over and have you tell me what you need. We'll plot later, in PM. Once again, fill out the template below.
Moderating Threads Template :
Current Moderated Threads :
You want to help me develop? Gasp! Look at my little hedgehog legs wiggling in delight! I would love for your help in developing. The Spires could always use more development! You can find this information in the suggestion box (which is where all development should be placed) or below. If you have an amazing, awesome, really, truly creative idea, PM me and we'll discuss it. Otherwise, PM me and wait for the go-ahead before filling out the template below.
Developing Templates :