Affection given freely by Nustril still managed to surprise her, at least initially, but the time it took her to adjust kept shrinking. The was no resistance to him pulling her closer and as he nuzzled her, she rested her lips in the crook of his neck.
"So all I need do is feed you a good meal, and you become mine to command?" She felt him bristle just a little and laughed quietly against his skin. Her fingers threaded into his hair and she relaxed, covering him like a blanket. She could smell the fragrant aroma of the 'purple' that still lingered, seeping from his pores. The idea made her giggle, that after a good meal, if he were to sit quietly on the forest floor and she were basing solely on scent, she might have to use her gift to distinguish between him and a plant. "You smell delicious." She bit softly on the side of his neck and purred.
Thread finished!