Quest [Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Part One of the Regional Quest- Alvadas’ City Introduction!

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Fallacy on March 11th, 2013, 8:01 am

Spring 79 513 AV
Read Me- Rules of the Quest :
Herein I will be laying the ground rules for the quest. You must abide by these at all times and by posting in this thread you are acknowledging and accepting the rules/conditions that I’ve set into place. Since we have so many people in this quest, these are to keep the thread active, and to avoid waiting on anyone, I need to keep going no matter what. I am answering to a ‘higher power’ here with this quest, so it will remain fairly active on my part as I will keep up with your players. These rules are not only for you, but for me as well.

The Rules
  • Before replying to this first post players must read and reply to the PM I sent those who PMed me to be in the quest. This PM contains important questions and answers that I’d like to further mold this unique quest experience towards you guys.
  • Fallacy will do his best to reply to this quest every Monday. As players this gives you guys an entire week to reply to my reply before the quest is modded onwards. Players who do not reply by the time Fallacy replies will be sent a warning PM asking them to post the next week. Those who fail to post within that time frame, or have to be sent a second warning PM (doesn’t have to be two weeks in a row. Just if I have to PM you twice about this quest you) will be removed from the quest.
  • As Players you are allowed to post as many times as you’d like in this quest thread before Fallacy replies granted that there has been at least one reply before your last reply. So if Billy here posts, then Susan posts, Billy can post again, but if Billy posts and no one posts after Billy then Billy cannot post again.
  • Every player must have fun. (See? It IS too a rule)
  • Fallacy is free to modify the rules as the quest goes on to correct any lack of foresight he has. With each modification he will be sure to place the corrected rules at the end of his last post.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me anytime.

This night was bright. Brighter than all the rest for within Alvadas there was a sun. The sun spewed from it light, and from that light was born shadow, and from shadow darkness reared its nasty head. Though these shadows were gentle, and whispers of a fallen star could be heard. These whispers talking in many different voices throughout the city asked the occupants in a soothing voice like running water a simple question. The voice asked them of theirs dreams, their hopes, their desires, their direction in life… and in their sleep the citizens of Alvadas answered with almost-waking images, and the voice responded appropriately asking if that is truly what they want. The Alvad’s would, in their half asleep state, insist that it is what they truly want and nothing more. That their heart yearns for it, and if they could have it them they would be truly happy. It would be a wish that they would daydream about; it would be a wish that they knew they could one day fulfill because they have faith in themselves and their own ability.

For those who do not need sleep they too would find themselves influenced. They would have odd things happen to them, and these events, these occurrences, would make them think of their own desires. It would be like something is guiding them though these circumstances as they would build on each other as if the undead were being interviewed in some way and this was how the follow up questions were asked.

It would be this whish that they would have granted…

Spring 80 513 AV

The strange sun which lit Alvadas during the night would not fade away come morning. To the east Syna rose with all her glory, and the false sun would be to the north and look as if it were setting itself. The clash of light would paint the sky with innumerable patterns of shadow and light. Color and clouds intertwined to bring depth to this picture, the odd angle at which the light was hitting the clouds would give everything in the sky a queer appearance. This morning everything would appear sharper, clearer, more defined. The edges of the buildings would look crisp, shadows were deeper, and the light was just a little bit brighter. It felt almost like a dream itself, but surely this wasn’t a dream. The morning sun had risen and they citizens have gotten out of bed, but it felt off. Everything was surreal, even for Alvadas and its many illusions.

There would be an energy permeating the air, an invisible power which could be felt and make hair stand on end until one got used to its presence. A powerful aura covered the city and within it the wishes of every person were to be granted. A sense of grand accomplishment and joy spread across the city as each and every one found that their desires were granted in the most perfect of ways. For those who had traveling dreams, they would remember their journeys and adventures as if it had happened yesterday. For those who dreamed of god-like power, they too would find that they now possessed abilities far beyond those of a normal living person. For those who wished for a family they would wake and find that they have one, and precious memories to go along with it. For those who wished to be alone, they would find that no matter where they wandered they would truly be completely alone…

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Kuvarakh on March 12th, 2013, 3:45 am

Kuvarakh no longer noticed any tics or hitches in the function of his new body. It had been virtually an entire season since those steel-bodied, stone-eating bugs had almost half-devoured him. He knew it had been partially his own fault, but he suspected the past djed storm had played a major part in the ultimate mutation his alchemy had triggered.

Some parts of his last body had been chewed completely off, and these same parts of his new body had greatly resisted his ability to establish control. It's not like they had a mind of their own. They simply did not respond now and then, causing him to stumble and fall, or to drop things. He supposed it was possible that Wanda and Alea had not scribed the transfer glyphs quite perfectly. He had been unable to do it himself. But thankfully, it all appeared to be behind him.

He remembered the delirious state he had been in at the time. He had lost so much of his Nuit ichor he had nearly died. As it was, he had lapsed into a comatose state. At least, he thought he had. So much was fuzzy, looking back. Yet, the brief flashes of Wanda seemed clearer every time he thought about it. ALL his recent thoughts of Wanda seemed crystalline in detail. Most recently the way she'd tried to give reassurances to his mutilated body through her tears. It sparked his memory anew.

When he had arrived in Alvadas, he had felt guided by the gods. His wife, Raellen, had died a good hundred and twenty years or more ago. She had died in childbirth. He had been devastated and had cherished the daughter she'd given her life to deliver. Then, while attending the university in Zeltiva, his daughter, Linika, was killed and made a vessel for a Nuit, who then attempted to escape some rival mage. Her body was found aboard a Sahova-bound ship.

When the initial Nuit-hating rage had cooled, he'd come full-circle to decide that he would devote his life to discovering a way to make Nuit bodies last longer, maybe even a normal life-time. He would eliminate the need for Nuits to prey on humans, to give her death some meaning. He realized in short order that he would need MORE than a normal lifetime to have any hope of accomplishing any such thing. His obsession had driven him to take the transformation ritual and become a Nuit himself.

For the next ninety-some years he'd traveled Mizahar, searching out secrets. He'd prayed regularly to Akajia, thinking she would guide him to hidden knowledge in this regard. The only result had been his eventual arrival in Alvadas, at which point Ionu had stripped him of his obsession and given him a spiritual rebirth.

The guild, The Order of Transcendence, had become his new purpose. At times, his meditations had included sensations of his daughter's presence, smiling down on him. Her approval of his break from his former direction granting him a measure of peace. But loneliness still stifled any real spiritual growth. Yes there was knowledge gained, and purpose. There was experience, and satisfaction. But there was no ripening of his soul.

He'd sought employment in Alvadas, and was blessed with a job at Alchemmia Alchae. He recalled how he'd thanked Akajia and Ionu for the boon of such luck. A job that coincided with his guild's direction. He would grow as an alchemist, and it would aid his contribution to the guild, which would aid his learning on the job and back and forth, on and on...

But there was still the emptiness, still the sense of aimlessness. He could not believe that such beings as gods would task themselves so mundanely as to simply find a guy a job and a hobby. But there had been so many times he'd truly felt divine guidance. What had been their purpose in bringing him here? And now the guild was going to move, so it had to be Alvadas that was the goal, not the guild.

Slowly the object became clear. Even now, new subtleties presented themselves. It had been a season or more ago that he'd first had an inkling. It was Wanda, his employer at Alchemmia Alchae. It was her pauses before she laughed. It was her little kick of the leg when she stood. The slight crack of her voice on the second laugh of any amused burst. The way she left the top and bottom buttons undone on her blouse. The single unruly lock of hair at her nape. The delicate gnash of her teeth when she yawned. The foods she liked and disliked. The scents she chose to wear. How she loved the lute but loathed the mandolin. He knew now that he recognized these things.

He'd noticed it more and more each week. When she'd fallen asleep at the shop recently, after a particularly taxing series of activations, he'd listened to her sleep. The endearing patterns of murmurs and smacking lips. He'd watched her gentle stirrings, and all doubt had been shed.

He'd nearly mentioned it several times to her, but feared to disrupt the growing fondness they'd developed for each other. She was alive, he was undead. She was warm, he was cold. She was vibrant, he was stilled. He had a very limited capacity for intimacy, as well as grave-breath. They were not compatible. How could he broach such a clumsy proposal to a woman he'd once loved dearly? A woman who'd already once sacrificed her life as his wife? For he was as sure of it now as he was tormented by it. Wanda was Raellen reborn!
ALCHEMY.....When evolution is just too slow.

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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Scorn on March 12th, 2013, 10:57 pm

Scorn was engaged in the daunting task of finding her way back to the Wolf's Cave--a task which only proved more impossible each time she tried, despite her aerial advantage--when the strange sun appeared. She almost shielded her eyes, but curiously, the bright light did not diminish her vision. She found herself drawn closer to the light, and she pumped her wings harder in an attempt to reach it more quickly.

It was difficult to tell whether she was getting closer to the sun. The city below her was moving by, but it was taking an abnormally long time to reach something that seemed so close. Still, the light was mesmerizing, and she found her mind wandering (as it so often did) to her missing twin. How amazing would it be if that light held Scourge? After all this time, Scorn would find her sister and they could finally go home.

She hardly noticed the passage of time, even when the true sun rose and filled the sky with splashes of color that had never before looked so beautiful. And then she remembered, she had found Scourge already, and brought her entire colony to this bizarre but wonderful city. Her heroism in both of these accomplishments made her well-respected among her colony, even by her rivals. She was not quite an elder, but the elders often sought her wisdom and experience, since she was more an expert than any of them on the peculiarities of human cities. She still gleefully remembered the day she had taught them about "doors".

She smelled the Cave before she saw it; her colony's scent overtaking the whole place. They had pretty much dominated the place when they arrived, either kicking out or eating anyone they did not keep as pets. She folded her wings and dove toward the cave, crashing into Scourge who was just coming out to meet her. Scorn embraced and wrestled with her sister, just like old times. Everything was back the way it was. Back the way it should be.

There was only one thing missing. She had met a Zith on her travels who had become her companion, but he had not entered the city with her. She would have to go find him soon, to tell him the good news, that there was a place for them here now.
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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Artur on March 13th, 2013, 9:58 pm

Adventure! Adventure filled with many things; new things to learn, and new food to discover!

Artur ran like the world was after him! He ran on all fours as each claw punded on the ground, trees passed him left and right as his heart pounded. He was being chased by them, that which hated him for the cruel and usual torture of the kitchen. Artur ran as far as he could to get away, his eyes searched for his mother in hopes the mighty grizzly would reveal herself to save him. Each push was met with a short powerful exhale to boost his performance, to give him the force he needed to further his distance in shorter time. There was no escaping them however, they were everywhere by now, and Artur soon found himself surrounded. Birds lept up from the ground and flew down from above, all of them made a circle around him now. He panicked and went to withdraw, the evil creatures behind him nipped at his ankles. The herded him to keep in the center with teasing caws, there were ducks and chickens all around, and a mixed variety of other birds that lived in the wild. The swarmed surrounded him and cawed in unison, together they called upon their great master to punish the innocent bear, and so he came.

A bigger chicken, bigger than a rooster even, appeared from the hidden reaches of the swarm. It's amber eyes glowed with hate as it to cawed its judgement upon the bear. Artur huddled to the ground in desperate fear, as the enormous king of the chickens sent his army upon Artur with razor sharp pecks.

Artur screamed and jumped up, his head bumped the cook's prep table that he had laid under. He massaged his head which now throbbed in pain, but the fact the nightmare had ended brought much relief to the bear. He crawled out from under the table, wiped the dirt off his cook's apron, and looked around to find the kitchen in the same exact state it was in before he decided to take a nap. The Withering Rose was closing last night and Artur was the one to finish clean up, which led him to sleep to morning after he finished washing the dishes. The bear entered the main area where customers would dine, to find that it was empty. He was alone. Alone but alive nonetheless, he at least didn't have to worry about an army of angry birds swooping in on him.

Artur hung his apron in the kitchen before he headed to the door, miss Raena must've though Artur had went home after he finished clean up. Because Artur unlocked the door and opened it, he kept it ajar as he locked it again; so that it would be just the way she left it when she arrived. Only she probably wouldn't have a snoring Kelvic under the table.

Artur turned to see the brightness of the morning sun, he had to cover his eyes a bit as they adjusted to the change of light. It was always dim in The Withering Rose, so a change in brightness usually needed a chime. Only thing that was different was how vivid the buildings looked. Normally the morning sun didn't give off such a bright vivid picture of the city, the buildings almost more defined than before. Artur looked to his shadow, was it normally that tall? Or had he grown several inches without knowing? The air somehow felt strange for the bear, Alvadas always had a mystical sort of feel to it when he would walk the streets; however today something mysterious made the start of the day feel different.

'Hm... Guess it's just my imagination.' He thought to himself with with a sigh. He reached in his pocket for the key to his room at The Wolf's Den, and allowed it's small pull to tug him along. This season had been an adventure for Artur, learning everything about Alvadas and the food he learned how to cook. It had been an exciting Spring, but Artur wanted more for some reason. He wanted to learn about everything that was out there, food was his top curiosity of course but he was curious about the world. He wanted to see what Mizahar had to offer, to experience the mysterious that awaited the curious first hand. His adventure started in the city, but he didn't know where he would end up.

It took about half a bell before he finally came upon The Wolf's Den, only to discover the place had a large group of winged shaded folk had infested the place. Artur didn't know that these were Zith, but his gut had already given him a feeling he'd better turn around quick.
"Artur's words" Artur's thoughts "Others words"

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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Kuvarakh on March 14th, 2013, 2:52 am

Kuvarakh shrugged and took a deep breath. Time once again to go spend the day trying not to let his certainty affect his behavior around Wanda. It was not as though he regretted having his job. It was the only alchemy shop in town. And while he was not the boss or owner, he knew Wanda valued him highly for his creativity and competence.

It was an unfortunate downside that, as he became more convinced that she was the reborn soul of the woman he had loved completely, he became equally uncomfortable with the uncertainty of how or whether to broach the subject. 'Oh well.' he told himself, 'I'll think of something. It's not like I don't have time to figure something out.'

He hadn't really given much thought to the sun that had shone all night. He HAD noticed how much more vivid and detailed his memories and perceptions had been, but there had been no reason to connect the two. Even his Nuit cleaning rituals seemed exceptionally illuminated. His clothes stood out in almost magnified definition. He even heard the footsteps approaching his front door.

He assumed it would be someone from the guild wanting some scheduling clarification. The was a hesitance as the footsteps stopped outside his door, but there was no immediate knock. He sighed, imagining it to be some young trainee intimidated by the thought of facing the interim guild master. He manufactured his most benign expression and walked to the door.

"Yes? May I-..." He began, growing mute with surprise. It was Wanda. The tears in her eyes glistened in the enhanced sunlight. She had never come to his home socially. He thought there must be some problem at the shop. His mind wrenched with dread at the thought that the bugs had returned. "Wanda! What is it? What's wrong?"

"Oh Ku!" she smiled, and the shine of her smile made the new sun seem dim, her tears transformed to glistening jewels. "Something came clear to me last night. Nothing is wrong, but everything is." She fell suddenly into his arms, her shoulders heaving with tears of joy. Kuvarakh caught his balance in time to keep from stumbling back.

"I...I don't understand. Is there something wrong?" he ventured, Wanda's tearful joy infecting him.

Wanda looked up into his eyes and laughed like the melody of a crystal chandelier. "I've had a realization of who I am. And who you are. And what was meant to be." Then a sadness brought her voice to a heartbreaking crescendo of melancholy. "But I don't know how to make it happen."
ALCHEMY.....When evolution is just too slow.

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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Crypt on March 14th, 2013, 4:33 am

Whispers. Gentle and soothing, never seeming to prod at him for answers they asked of the Drykas, merely nodding to him as he spoke. It was similar to the calm in places of Death that he now felt, but it felt warmer.

Through confused dreamscapes Crypt walked with the voices, that strode as ivy-covered giants one moment, the other as winged beasts whose wings stretched from horizon to horizon. It didn't make sense, but did it have to? Crypt was in Alvadas, dreaming through the bright night, the false sun bathing him in its rays. Everything could be, and everything couldn't be. This he understood, though holding two opposing concepts in his mind made for a rather bad headache at times; and by doing so Crypt supposed that he was a step closer to knowing Ionu. Or was it further?

Alas! All dreams end, even the most wondrous of them all. Crypt returned to what he termed reality, slowly drifting out of the Dream's chains that had held him effortlessly.

The first thing, the first hint he had that Alvadas shifted drastically, he noticed was that his body was literally thrumming with energy.

I am fully awake now, moments after I have awaken - should I not be drowsy? Should I not be having limited control of my bodily functions until I awaken fully? How has this come to pass? Magic? Djed? Alvadas has never done this to me before. What is going on?

He leapt to his feet with effortless grace, moving fluidly towards the window from which he could sense strange happenings. The Drykas was taken aback by the changes wrought by some unknown Force or Being.

Observation the first: There appears to be a second sun in the air, but not the same as glorious Syna, for it would be twice as warm and bright then. The rays of this second sun - which I shall term Anys for the time being - interact with Syna's rays in odd ways. The sky itself is beyond recognition; is this what experiencing both sunset and sunrise is like?

Observation the second: everything is of remarkable clarity. I can see the edges of the glass panes, where they cut into the wood. Everything is sharp, probably because of the rays of Anys. But why then, does this feel like a dream? A dream should be blurred, with features indistinct. This sensation is strange. Is everything happening benign or hostile?

What Magic may have wrought, so shall Magic endeavour to discover the Purpose and Structure.

The Djed came smoother than it had ever felt before; even as he grasped for it, it responded instantly, and gathered itself to his eyes, his vision shifting into one that would provide more information -

The immense amount of information that crammed itself into his mind sent him reeling, aghast at the sheer volume he had obtained in the brief glance he took.


The migraine came and went as he struggled with his newfound mastery of Auristics. It helped that somehow, he was able to compartmentalise information about each aura in his mind and study each one separately, but he was not used to the influx of knowledge. Again and again he tried do so, reaching for the window and activating his Auristics to accustom himself to the load.

It was noon when he finished developing a method to deal with his skill.

I cannot absorb and analyse everything that I sense. But if I focus on what I want know about only, I can expect a greater amount of useful information. In time, if this is permanent, I should be able to use my abilities to the fullest extent. Even the Djed in my body is only diminished by a small amount. My control is the highest it has ever been, and my reserves appear vast. So if my Auristics has been enhanced, what about the other disciplines?

He channeled Djed to his legs, marvelling at how natural it felt now, where before he almost had to force it into his limbs.

A leap towards the ceiling, and he brushed the wooden planks with his fingers momentarily before falling back down smoothly, landing in a crouch, shifting Djed to all four of his limbs as he redirected the force of his fall with subtle movements of his feet and knees, Djed allowing what little effects he could not prevent to become negligible as he enhanced the tissues, allowing a swift and fluid drawing of his longsword from the sheath.

Crypt danced across the room, exhilarated at the feeling of being free from all - well, most - of his body constraints, the Flux enabling him a greater control over his body that anything had before. It was the first time he had felt such a surge of emotion since his Strider's death. He wasn't even breathing hard when he ceased all movement, becoming as still as a statue, his heart still beating as slowly as ever. There were no more aches, no more sore areas that warned him of over-exertion.

I can be anything I want. My wish is granted.

Crypt stared mutely as his flesh reshaped itself, molding itself according to his will. Gauntlets of dense bone covered his fists, weighing then down; he was a Zith first, with wings like that he had seen on Xiani and Yohan, and then he was a Symenestra wearing a mask of intricately-shaped cartilage, flexible and slightly yielding to the touch.

He was a raven! He was a jackal, like that of the two companions of Lady Dira! He snarled, he howled at the flowers on the table, he spread his wings and managed a rough dance on his two feet, talons a-scratching the floor.

Minutes later, he burst into the streets of Alvadas, rejoicing in his fulfilled desire, shifting as he wished and consuming all that he could of the auras that littered the streets, even those beyond his mortal sight. He could smell the roses of a stall in the nearby Bizarre, taste the gingerbread an old lady offered to her grandchildren.

And so did Crypt begin his revel in the streets of Alvadas.

Done by the one and only Assilsa Curare!

8200th member. :)

NOTE: I will be on holiday from the 9th to the 25th, so don't expect me to post anything! Apologies.
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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Celeste Arumen on March 18th, 2013, 1:04 am

80th Day of Spring, 513 AV

The dark of the world fell in around her heavily, as Celeste was cloaked in unyielding night. That was the last she remembered before sleep took her. It was a pleasant, dream-filled sleep, the kind where ideas danced like vivid pinwheels around her subconscious mind. She dreamed of being a vagabond, passing off rocks as rubies and dirt as diamonds. Suddenly, she had everything she ever truly sought. Celeste could shift taller, smaller, anything she liked. Her illusionism was no longer limited to parlor tricks – she could summon a desert in the middle of Falyndar and keep it for days, and the joy touched her very soul. The best of the best she was: the changeling daughter of Alvadas.

Her eyes shot open and she yawned fitfully, rising slowly from her bed. The hall was dark as ever, oppressive shadows creeping along the corridor. Celeste was unafraid. Years of sleeping in alleys had resolved that long ago. The accommodations afforded to Listeners were better than she’d ever been used to. She was of no mind to complain. After the long climb up the stair, she found herself emerging into harsh sunlight. The young girl shielded her eyes.

She’d opted out of breakfast to go straight to work. Ever since being taken on as an apprentice, she’d been more than a little enthusiastic about the job. The prospect of earning a living tracking criminals while being a criminal had a unique appeal… And of course, there was one other reason.

One of her Ears was a shopkeeper at the Bizarre, a woman by the name of Amalie. Celeste ducked into an alleyway to shift into her usual disguise, a young boy of similar stature and appearance. It was still uncomfortable business to reveal herself plainly to her contacts. Instead she adopted a different disguise for each. Only the Hand knew of Celeste’s true identity. There was the usual pull on her soul, a slight siphoning of will as djed reconstructed her body. With the image fixed plainly in her mind, she allowed the details to take shape. The worst of it was becoming barrel-chested and losing her center of gravity. There was a sinking feeling as it rose from her hips to her chest. But something was awry. The feeling was vastly different than before.

The little girl stared at the side of a building seriously. Her change had expended far less djed than normal, something she’d taken sharp notice of. Celeste had years of experience morphing despite her young age. Her eyes widened slightly. As her perception grew, it alerted her to something far greater, a feeling subtly coursing through the atmosphere. From the outside the tawny-haired boy seemed to frown, smacking his lips together. It was abnormal but worse, unidentifiable. Something was amiss and she didn’t like it.

She resumed walking down the street, keeping her eyes down. This particular identity was an urchin by the name of Mateo and he was a very mild-mannered boy. She’d made the distinction early on that appearance was only one half of the battle. People noticed peculiar behavior and when their suspicions were aroused, she was typically out of a job. The idea was to play a convincing part. It wasn’t easy but it was necessary.

She noticed a man nearby the marketplace and decided to try her luck. He seemed very odd – even from a distance there was a wild exultation in his step, a weakness she could get a hold of. Celeste activated the gnosis just behind her ear – an inverted purple triangle. It surged hotly, reacting to the Alvadas’ altered state. The young boy picked his way over through the crowd, eyes down. ”Excuse me, sir…” He looked up through dirty lashes at Crypt. ”Can you spare any coin? All I have is this in exchange,” and in the cup of his palm were a few bits of rubbish. The rubbish however, didn’t appear as rubbish at all. It appeared as tarnished bits of gold jewelry – heirlooms even. This trick wasn’t sophisticated but it was something to pass the time before her appointment.

Plus - she knew a sucker when she saw one.
Last edited by Celeste Arumen on April 16th, 2013, 6:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Crypt on March 18th, 2013, 4:30 am

I believe I can taste noise now. A tad bitter, but nonetheless exotic.

The mask he thought he had discarded long ago, days after Maras' death, now appeared shimmered on his face, shifting drastically as the streets of Alvadas were wont to do; a moment a Columbina mask, another a Harlequin mask, and only disappeared as he spoke briefly to another reveller in the streets.

The granting of wishes to all that were in Alvadas had brought great joy to many denizens of Ionu's city, and they celebrated it by going out into the streets, laughing and dancing with each other.

As Crypt was in the midst of prancing about one particular street covered in soft, springy grass, he was accosted by what appeared to be a ruffian, offering filthy objects. Still, Crypt could see the gleam of gold underneath it, and it piqued his interest.

Ah... Gold. What horrors and joys have you brought to this world, that such a young one needs to give it away for but a few coins?

Taking it from the bedraggled boy with his right hand, he held it to his nose and sniffed at it, as if he were sampling a flute of champagne, then tapped it against his other hand. Wrinkling his nose, he placed it back in the polite young man's hands, shaking his head as he wiped his hands.

"I smell magic, boy! I see that it is not what it should be - even though I see it as gold, I feel it to be gold, I sense it to be gold. But auras do not lie to me often, and it is not true gold. I don't know what this is, but it dirties my hand. It stinks of not-gold. What is this, boy?"

The exhilarion had faded somewhat, but it still remained, as the good humor was still evident in his eyes, dancing about his pupils (though his left eye still remained pitch-black and void-like).

"Take a seat on this most excellent grass, lad! I require some repose from the great dance, and you have intrigued me!"

Churning the Djed within himself, Crypt allowed it to flow freely within, unlocking some of the limits he had placed on himself and concentrating on the boy in front of him and his aura - which, as he could see partially, it being shrouded by something unknown, was far too large for any young boy.

Aura is much larger than it should - magic user then. What discipline be he using then? The Flux? Why should he use that? The Djed should be constantly flowing then, not as static as this. His aura hardly flickers; a mark of his focus on his art. She, not he. Not a male. A female. How is she doing this? I recognise him as a small boy, not more than seven or eight years of age, but her aura tells me that she is slightly older than that. There is a certain allure around her that... Aye. Morphing. Illusions. She tastes like everything around me - illusion and reality blends together, and here is one of the examples. So is she an illusion, or a real person? Her aura still remains concentrated, orbiting her body and not expanding outwards as it should be. Similar to Arthan then. But everything else about her is telling me that she is a boy.

Crypt morphed himself into a bloodhound, black and tan, which he had saw once in Alvadas on his first visit, and approached Celeste.

The odd feeling that had strands originating from Anys terminated here inside her, as it did in him.

Illusion or reality? Both, perhaps. One never knows when Alvadas does strange things.Damn and praise Ionu!

Done by the one and only Assilsa Curare!

8200th member. :)

NOTE: I will be on holiday from the 9th to the 25th, so don't expect me to post anything! Apologies.
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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Kuvarakh on March 24th, 2013, 10:31 pm

'Was it true? was it even possible?' Kuvarakh gaped as Wanda leaned her head against his shoulder. "Wanda, I...don't...know what to say. Is it possible you' my mind? Has my hypnosis forged some sort of...reverse affinity between us?"

She laughed like an angel and punched his chest playfully, "No, silly. My mind has been fully opened, and all the hints have become obvious." she stepped back and looked at him directly. "Do you remember when you found my old engagement ring? How I told you I'd chosen my alchemy career over becoming a wife? How I came to regret it when the wonder of the magic grew stale?"

They twined their hands and Kuvarakh nodded, too anxious to answer vocally. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. "I was not completely honest with you and I need to be now." She put a finger to his lips, "No, I DO owe you this. While it was true what I said, It was not purely out of placing personal growth above love that I made that choice. Nor was my later regret borne out of that lost opportunity. What urged my choice was the certainty that he was not the right man. The man I was meant to be with..."

She walked a few steps away as she spoke. She stopped abruptly and turned to face him, her look intense. "...The man I had already been with, and was meant to be with again...You, Kuvarakh! And my regret was not a result of just one lost love, but of the growing feeling that I would never find that right one!...You, Kuvarakh! We've had a life together before, I'm sure of it!"

Kuvarakh's knees betrayed him and he found himself fallen upon them, looking up into Wanda's approaching eyes. His voice trembled as he tried to find words to convey his astonishment and joy. She dropped to her knees in front of him and they embraced fiercely. But reality imposed its grim truth as they nearly kissed each other full on the mouth, only to hesitate and pull back.

Their faces mirrored each other in the desire of intimacy and the melancholy of necessary denial. Their smiles were bittersweet as Kuvarakh took a deep stabling breath. "Yes, Wanda, you're right, I have known this for a time now and have agonized over how to mention it." He now put his finger to her lips. "We ARE meant to be together. The gods led me here for this. I KNOW it now! But this...this pause, exactly the reason why I feared to mention it. It can not be like this. You alive, me undead. I too, do not know how to bring about a new life together. But we have time now. We'll figure it out."
ALCHEMY.....When evolution is just too slow.

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[Regional Quest] Illusion Bound (Closed)

Postby Fallacy on May 7th, 2013, 6:21 am

Ok guys, since I cant follow my own rules then I cant hold you to it :P That would be wrong. Instead, post when you can, and Ill do my best to get this quest along and to its proper end.


Wanda smiled at the nuits touch, it was so surreal, extraordinary! ”Time. Time is what we have, and with time I am sure that we can work out something. Tell me, have you ever thought that there is something beyond your nuit condition? You, you were once human, and I believe that even though the heart doesn’t beat, your human heart still resides within you.” she said, ”There is something beyond, something greater. Alchemy proves this. Alchemy…”

”Though, now that we know and understand, lets never part.” Wanda’s overjoyed expression never left her, and she never parted within more than a couple footfalls from the nuit, ”Let’s do something.” she exclaimed suddenly, ”Something to commemorate this moment, and let us never forget this day.” she said boldly, ”Let’s go someplace.” she urged him with a smile, ”Do you know many stories and legends about Alvadas?” she inquired, ”It was partly how wonderful Alvadas seemed, with its illusions and tales that I chose to take up my shop here.” she told him.

Taking a step, still holding tightly to Kuvarakh’s hand she tried to lead him outside, and into the streets of Alvadas. Where they were going would be partly up to Wanda, mostly up to the city. However, it was such a wonderful day out the sun glowed oh so brightly, it shined favorably upon their situation, and within the illusions of Alvadas, within lies is buried the truth. Somewhere, but where ever they went there was happiness and people prancing about in joy.

Scorn & Artur

Everything was going to be ok. Everyone was happy, for everyone should be happy. Everyone got what they wanted. Scorn had her family back, and Artur, well he was renowned for his cooking all throughout Alvadas. Everyone greeted the bear with a smile on their lips, and even overlooked the ziths presence. The Wolfs Den catered to all sorts of different beasts, and so there was no reason that Artur should be scared or even hesitant to return to his room.

”Hey!” A voice called out in greeting to Artur. A friendly voice which the bear would recognize, a fellow kelvic, ”So,” the male figure revealed himself, dressed in fine almost noble-looking clothing without all the fluff and frizz. It was slick, and comfortable, and the guy did not let the presence of the zith bother him. Instead he walked right past them, as they all had a place in the Wolfs Den. The mans name was Archie, or that is what he called himself. He had black hair, which was slicked back and shined a little. The man prided himself on his appearance, and had recently befriended Artur, ”What culinary masterpiece have you been cooking up lately?’ he asked. Sharp green eyes smiled at the bear, slit they were, just like a cats.

Crypt & Celeste

The sounds of celebration and enthusiasm surrounded the two, and everything seemed just right. Too right. The clapping of hands sounded to each of their sides, none knowing where the noise came from, an illusion of the city? Though before it could be answered a voice entered, a voice which everyone else seemed to be oblivious to, a voice that only they could hear, ”Now, now, a boy and his dog. How touching, how original, how sweet.” the voice itself sounded rough, and mocking, ”Though surely this trick cannot trick a trickster, or have you even fallen prey to this honey-dropped dream?’ the voice asked, ”Surely this does not strike you as odd? Have you come to accept ‘reality’ so easily? Where are the questions? Where is the suspicion that something is indeed very wrong here? Is there none? Caution to the wind…” the voice ended, and started to fade away.

However, after a moment of silence a figure would appear right next to Crypt, who now assumed a human form, a forced transformation or perhaps an interruption in his power, or maybe it was in another’s dream that he is human and not of beast? Little did it matter as the man would be exactly as he was, a man, and the person standing by him smiled at the both of them. Cloaked in green, trimmed in gold, there was an almost outstanding presence about him. Grey hair sprouted from his head, and wrinkles covered his face. Upon his hands he wore black gloves, and his eyes were almost a –scarlet- blue, holding within them a firey determination. All in all his presence was peaceful, and he radiated no ill intent, indeed auras do not lie. Instead there was a conviction about him, a certainty in his words and in his presence. The way he stood told a lot about him: he was authoritative, questioning, but most of all did not believe in introverts.

”I too found my wish granted.” he started, ”I am Moribean” the man introduced himself, ”And there is something greatly wrong with this city. I have come to correct this problem.” he said, ”And I believe that the two of you can help me the most in this important mission.”

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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