1st of Spring, 513 AV Seventh bell of the day A soft cool breeze embraces the first day of Spring, a very important day to the citizens of Avanthal. The air was alive with birdsong and the wind is crisp and cool. Up ahead, the townsfolk are bustling with life, everybody busies themselves with the preparation of Queen Morwen’s return. Not so far ahead of the city, a modest little camp has been set up. A dark horse paces a bit restlessly around; it gives out an impatient neigh and shakes its head about. After a few moments of fruitless striding, it finally decides to lie down in a patch of snow in front of a bulky looking tent. Inside, a young Benshira snores lightly, oblivious to the festivities going on further in the city. He tosses in his bedroll, moving from his sides to his stomach, and stretches his feet comfortably. A sudden piercing cold meets his toes and he jolts awake, retreating his feet to the safety of the blanket. He leans forward and inspects the end of his bedroll— thin films of ice seem to have formed overnight. He groans upon remembering his current state—trapped in a land of ice and snow. Begrudgingly, he rolls off his bed and prepares for heading out into the city. Outside, frost sparkles in the pale sunlight and bits of snow float lightly in to the breeze. One snowflake in particular lands on the muzzle of a handsome black stallion. Surprised with the cold feather touch, Hassan shakes his head and bolts up, making frantic stomping motions. Upon hearing the ruckus outside, Yousef exits the tent only to find a troubled Hassan; he approaches the horse and reaches for its reins, giving them a gentle tug. “There, there now Hass. It’s only a little snow, nothing compared to the amount of snowfall we had to go through right?” Yousef said in a low soothing tone. His horse has become quite jumpy lately, possibly because of how long they’ve been travelling. After Hassan settled down, Yousef tidies their camp and prepares to leave. He makes a motion to return his blanket only to realize something, “Hey Hass, it is just me or did it get… colder?” The horse gave him a questioning look and slightly tilts its head to the side, the Benshira laughs at himself and thinks out loud “Of course, how would you know, you’re quite well adapted aren’t you? Well good for you then buddy, you wouldn’t need these to keep your ears from freezing off!” Yousef motions to the blanket. He keeps his saddlebags and carries them over to Hassan. He then puts the blanket over his shoulders, turning them to a make-shift cloak, ignoring how ridiculous he must have looked. And with a sharp exhale, he heads for the city, pulling on his horse’s reins. OOCI finally got a thread up! Praise Yahal! On a side note, Yousef speaks Shiber to Hassan. |