Despite all the wrongs Diem had seen during his stay here, all those he had met that seemed to care naught for those around them, the young bald man found he was going to miss Sunberth. Certainly not enough to to stay, but perhaps enough to return. Through all the grit and grime, there were things of of Sunberth that shined. Gemmy for example. The upbeat young woman was quite a cheerful person to be around. Not only that, she was nice enough to offer Diem assistance when he needed it, whether or not he asked either. He had been unable to find her before his departure, but had attempted to leave a message with some of the people who had last helped him find her. Had he more time Diem would have made the effort to find her. As it was the ship was already waiting to leave, and was just waiting on the few people who had offered to pay for passage to board. Even though Diem had come early to stow spot aboard the ship, the horse who actually had no spots to speak of went on with little complaint, he found himself at the end of the line of people, seven or eight in number. The person moving the line along seemed to be checking each and every person for daggers or other hidden weapons. When one such weapon was found promises were made that they would be returned at the end of the trip, for or five days hence, and the weapon was dumped into a rather intimidating looking chest next to crew member. Perhaps they had docked in the lawless town before and had learned not to take chances. Perhaps the captain and or crew had heard some of the more gruesome rumors about the town. Either way, Diem was thankful that the precaution was being taken, even if he doubted they'd get any of the more persistent scoundrels. His time in the town had taught him how dangerous a person with a knife and a penchant for thievery was, and he would remain vigilant throughout the voyage. When the person before Diem was searched, several small daggers turned up. As the man from the ship turned to place them in a bag behind him the man who owned the knives reached into his boot, a spot the crew member had not checked. A glimmer of metal was all Diem needed to realize the mans intentions. A box full of weapons, easy money to be sure with one man on guard. Unlike many of the people in Sunberth, Diem was the not the type to stand by and watch someone get injured. However he was not foolish enough to jump in front of a blade to protect another, there were easier and more subtle ways of doing things. Diem's form of subtly was shifting his leg in between the legs of the person before him and 'pretending' to fall forward into him. The man, having not expecting the interruption, fell forward in surprise, losing his grasp on the weapon he had drawn. The crew member, hearing the commotion, turned around to see Diem standing over the fallen body of the man he had just searched. before he could reach any conclusion's Diem nodded to the knife that had fallen nearly at his feet. It took only a moment for realization to dawn on the man. As the failed thief got to his feet he attempted to reach for his knife. Before he could the crew member picked it up and waved it threateningly at him. Thwarted, the would be thief/murderer ran. Not knowing what else to do with it, the Sailor tossed the knife into the chest with the other weapons he had confiscated. The box seemed to be getting a little full. Just as it was Diem's turn to step up a signal and shout came from above in a language the young man didn't understand. The crew member looked around the dock for a moment before sighing, closing the chest next to him and taking a seat upon it. "It looks like will be a while before setting off, the captains not here yet. I hope its that he simply got to drunk the night before. Last time we were here we never heard from a few of the people that went to shore in this town." Not sure why the sailor was sharing all this with him and not simply letting him on, Diem was still happy to take a seat on the ground and wait. It would give him much more time to try and remember Sunberth, faults and all. Unfortunately one of those faults happened to be the burning pile. Whatever it was that was constantly burning, even here at the port one could still smell faint traces of it. One would think with the sea breeze might freshen up the air a bit, but instead the pleasant smell of saltwater only seemed to merge with the rank odor of the burning pile to create something both that smelled like a burning wet dog. Not a pleasant imagery, but to be fair it didn't smell much better then the thoughts it brought on. The sailor continued talking, as if he hadn't taken such a long pause. "Would let you on meself, but I have to be sure your one of those that paid to go along with us." Diem gave the man a quizzical look, but before he could ask why others had been let on the man gave the answer for him. "I was there when those others paid, at least most of them, but I did not see you strike any such bargain with the captain. It will be a simple matter of waiting for his return to confirm it though." With a sigh Diem looked to the town and began to wonder what it would be like to Zeltiva. Now that the option of going aboard the ship wasn't present at the moment, it seemed the feelings toward missing Sunberth were rapidly fading, only to be replaced by a feeling of home sickness for Zeltiva. |