[Unverified] Matthias Kyras

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Matthias Kyras

Postby Matthias Kyras on March 15th, 2013, 10:45 pm



Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Birthday: 12, Winter, 483 AV
Birthplace: Syliras

Appearance: Matthias is a tall, slender man, with very little in the way of muscles. His skin is fair in tone and he keeps his black hair short of his eyes. His long, nimble fingers are adept for handling the many delicate instruments reqiured in philtering and he possesses a very pronounced limp. His eyes are a dull brown shade that are often narrowed into a near perminant scowl. He will often wear his facial hair in the form a short and well trimmed goatee.

Character Concept

Brilliant, distant, and very unpleasent to be around, Matthias could at best be described as unfriendly. He possesses a very sharp tongue that is always ready with a hurtful insult to those who irritate him, which is just about everyone he comes into contact with. While he might not be the most nice person to be around no one who has spent even five minutes in his company can deny his brilliance. His research into perfecting his philtering is the most dominant source of his time, though he will sell unimportant balms and brews on the side. He does not like to talk about his past and has an extreme dislike for people who whine about tramatic events in their past to any who will listen. Matthias has a very special hatred in his heart for people who call him Matt. He is also extremely dismissive to wizards calling them "children playing with toys they barely understand." He does not have friends, just people he will associate with more than others.

Character History

From a young age Matthias displayed an intelligence that most could only discribe as prodigous. Reading and writing came naturally to him and often he would learn lessons ahead of other children in the school he attended simply for fun. As a child he was always quiet and softly spoken, yet friendly enough to other children. He never lorded his knowledge over others, believing that there were more useful applications for it than just satisfying his ego. His parents were alway supportive and proud of their son, encouraging him to strive for what he wanted.

By the time he became a young man he gained an intense fascination with the art of philtering. The idea of creating useful and helpful solutions through application of knowledge appealed to him. Therefore he began intense study sessions, gaining an apprenticeship with a skilled philterer and poring over his notes every waking moment he had.

As with most young people he had a desire to see the world beyond the walls of Syliras, to hone his skills and increase his knowledge. So after his apprenticeship came to an end Matthias set out for other lands, finding many adventures and dangers. In those seven years of traveling he saw many places both within Sylira and outside of it, he also travelled with a group of fellow adventurers who became his family away from his family.

Matthias even got married to one of his companions, a Dhani of the Constricters, by the name of Sshyssai. It was a highly unusual pairing, however their affection for each other was great and had only deepend over their travels.

His story unfortuately is one of tragedy, a year after his marriage Sshyssai and many of his friends were killed in Sunbirth by an angered mob due a betrayal from one his dearest friends a man called Galeren. Matthias and a few others managed to escape, however Matthias' leg was injured greatly, resulting in his current condition. That day slowly changed Matthias into the bitter man he now is, hardening his heart against all those around him. He decided to simply continue his research in solitude, devoting himself to perfecting his art, coldly pushing aside anything else.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Snake Tongue
Poor Language: Myrian


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Philtering 28 SP 28/100 Competent
Medicine 15 RB, 12 SP 27/100 Competent
Herbalism 5 SP 5/100 Novice
Writing 5 SP 5/100 Novice


Lore of Philtering's Applications
Lore of Medicine's Applications


-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
-Philterer's Robe
1 Waterskin
Blank Book (x2)
Ink well (x2)
Quill (x2)
Morter and Pestle
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Metal)
-Brush (Metal)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
21 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: Small portrait of Ssyhssai.


Location: Syliras

House: Small 20x20 Apartment in Stormhold Castle including a table with a chair, a bed, a hearth, a chest, a desk, a cupboard, a couple of sets of shelves, a wardrobe, a wash basin, and a bookcase.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Philterer's Robes -10 GM 90 GM
Desk, Average -2 GM 88 GM
Cupboard, Average -2 GM 86 GM
Shelf Set (x2), Average -1 GM 85 GM
Wardrobe, Average -2 GM 83 GM
Wash Basin, Average -2 GM 81 GM
Book Case, Average -8 GM 73 GM
Alembic -50 GM 23 GM
Cane -2 GM 21 GM
Blank Book (x2) -6 GM 15 GM
Ink vial (x2) -4 GM 11 GM
Quill (x2) -1 SM 10 GM 9 SM
Morter and Pestle -1 GM 9 GM 9 SM
Brazier -1 GM 8 GM 9 SM
Gloves -5 SM 8 GM 4 SM
Apron -3 SM 8 GM 1 SM

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Matthias Kyras
Cold Philterer
Posts: 15
Words: 8485
Joined roleplay: March 15th, 2013, 9:05 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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