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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

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Postby Kita on June 10th, 2010, 1:23 am

Kita looked into Wystern’s eyes as he held his sword up to her. Her heart was beating faster than it ever had before. He warned her about her thieving life and the how if she didn’t stop she would be dead, in his hands no less. This is what she got for being naïve. In her time of fear and being so close to death that she could swear she saw Jeran and Tayn she did not blame her parents. They were beyond her reach now. She now was getting a lesson the hard way but it seemed to be the way that she needed it. It was obvious now that her choices had dwindled down to one option, finding a master. She took a deep gulp and nodded “Yes sir, I’m sorry sir, it will not happen again.” She said. When she was free from Wystern’s blade she dashed over to Grayzdo and wrapped her arms around him. She had never been so scared in her life. She felt safe with him though.

She kept her grip tight around his body until her racing heart slowed. She was crying really hard. When she finally noticed what she was doing she stepped back. “I’m sorry Grayzdo. I got your cloak all wet.” She said quietly. She stepped back and looked at everyone gathered. She was so embarrassed at her juvenile mistake. The reoccurring thought poked at her. The thought to turn tail and run away. She wanted to just take on her fox form and run off into the forest. She didn’t want to leave Grayzdo though and she didn’t think she ever could.
As you walk through death's dark veil,
The cannon's thunder can't prevail,
And those who hunt thee down will fail,
And you will be my ain true love...
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Postby Grayzdo Briety on June 10th, 2010, 1:57 am

Grayzdo had been feeling uneasy about how everyone was being. The akalak seemed to want to kill the beggars to put them out of their misery so they wouldn't need to bother.
Grayzdo just looked at the man with the sword the warrior he watched the man and he felt uneasy as the man pointed a sword to Kita's chest.

He pulled the hood of his cloak down and tried to say something to the man but it was barely audible. He pulled the sword away from her and Kita rushes over to Grayzdo and wrapped her arms around him. She started to cry and Grayzdo felt uncomfortable and he tried to comfort her but it seemed useless he took his cloak off and tossed it on the ground when it dried the beggars would probably use it as a blanket out something.

He took a step to get closer to Kita and then he said "If you want to leave now we can."
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Postby Aren on June 10th, 2010, 2:21 am

Aren couldn't disagree with either Crow or Kita. It's true, a thief generally made someone unhappy, by stealing from them, but at the same time... some people simply had more than they deserved. In such a case, larceny was a tool of balance, not of wrongdoing. That's how Aren saw it, anyway, though he knew thievery was illegal no matter what the circumstance. Unfortunately, the law did not generally provide for every happenstance, and it certainly did not make any attempt to help relieve the purses of those who had too much.

"Tell me knight, would you really have drawn your blade on that girl, simply because a piece of paper somewhere tells you to?" The Akalak looked on the event with interest. Crow seemed to be a man who struggled with the duality of having to uphold the law, while at the same time realizing that the law is not always right. "Remember that doing your duty is not a substitute for doing what's right..." Aren was over a hundred years old, and he knew that this lesson was one of the hardest learned of all. He had seen many men tried to absolve themselves of responsibility by citing laws, or rules, or orders. In the end, however, they didn't sleep any better for it.

Kita's reaction to Crow's threatening demeanor couldn't help but make the large Akalak laugh. "Look, you made her cry." After an effort to contain himself, he playfully mocked the knight, "But, if you hadn't stopped her, who knows what evil she may have wrought upon the land." The moment of brevity was a welcomed reprieve from the tense situation.
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Postby Kita on June 10th, 2010, 2:35 am

Kita pulled away from Grayzdo. "we don't have to leave." she siad quietly. She felt bad about pulling such a stupid stunt with the Knight. She should have noticed who he was or at least been smart enough to not spill out every little detail about herself. Still, it had been a learning experience for her. She learned to not be so naive. She was lucky her life was spared. She just needed to learn how to be, or at least act more human. "If you want to go I will follow but I don't mind staying here if you want to stay. These people seem to be good hearted. Maybe I could learn to act more human here. It is up to you though, I'll go where ever you lead." she said. She was really getting quite attached to this Grayzdo man. He seemed to have more patience for her than anyone else did.

She looked around at everyone gathered in the alleyway. She never thought when she was back in her home of Aventhal that she would have ever been around so many different kinds of people. If only Jeran and Tayn could see her now. She had grown so much from the shy girl she had once been. She recalled all the times when her older brothers talked after she went to bed saying how sheltered she was or how she was lucky she had them because she could never last on her own. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes. "I hope you can see me now brothers." she whispered to the sky in her native canine tounge. Jeran could understand canine perfectly because his beast form was a wolf but Tayn had to learn it to talk to Kita and Jeran when they were in their animal forms. Still, the act was reciprocated and both Jeran and Kita had learned Musaliae to be able to talk to Tayn. She missed home so much but she felt good that she was not home. If she had never left her snowy home she would have never had the chance to prove her brothers wrong.
As you walk through death's dark veil,
The cannon's thunder can't prevail,
And those who hunt thee down will fail,
And you will be my ain true love...
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Postby Wystern on June 10th, 2010, 2:48 am

Wys sheathed the sword, and ignored the sour look that he knew Aren was giving to the back of Wystern's head. He was supposed to kill her, but in his eyes everybody deserves a redemption.Wystern felt like he was the bad guy, he always does. In terms, he was. He expected fear. He didn't expect tears. He never expects tears. He never expects to pull a weapon on woman, but he knew full well how dangerous Kelvics could be, he had no idea what she transformed at. He never saw a Kelvic transform, just one time when he was chasing a thief, the robber disappeared behind a corner, as Wys rounded, he saw a dog running away.

He quickly sheathed the weapon, shook his head, found a wall to lean on, and rubbed his eyes. "I'm...I'm sorry." Wys took his own cloak off, revealing several weapons on his back, and dropped it on Kita's shoulders, mimicking the gaze Grayzdo gave him. "Don't hate me, Kelvic, if you blurted it out to someone who would actually follow the code, you wouldn't be alive. You don't deserve to die yet." He smirked, at how ridiculous he sounded. He just reduced a girl to tears, and he was making excuses. He didn't even know if he would pull the blade on her even if she replied the other answer. His face was a mass of discomfort and remorse.

"I apologize for the threat. I couldn't be sure of the answer if I hadn't done it. My name Is Wystern, Knight of Syliras. I apologize for that display, I just had to be sure."

"Tell me knight, would you really have drawn your blade on that girl, simply because a piece of paper somewhere tells you to?"

"But, if you hadn't stopped her, who knows what evil she may have wrought upon the land."

"Did I ever tell you that I never kill women?" He said, sounding entirely serious. "That piece of paper would better come from Loren Dyres."

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Postby Ash'eny on June 10th, 2010, 3:32 am

Ash'eny found himself in a very comfortable situation that he he more or less tried to achieve often. He was overshadowed by the latest commotion. He was, he felt, invisible. Begging was nothing in comparison to stealing. Sure, he was known to be a beggar, but a thief, not yet. Back in Sunberth, certainly, but in Syliras, he had a clean slate, regardless that he intended to tarnish said clean slate. Still, it didn't seem like Grayzdo was going to reveal his reason for his 'generosity', at least not with so many around.

It did bother him that Kita was threatened, and even more so that she broke down like a small child at the first sign of conflict. But it wasn't his place to fight against Wystern, especially not since he personally felt that he and Wystern earned a small hint of friendship. Now, though, he wanted to literally vanish.

With all the attention drawn away from him, the subject completely shifted, he found it reasonable to part. If anybody wanted him, they could follow him, hopefully not conspicuously. He reached and patted Grayzdo on the shoulder as he comforted the woman. "Your donation is appreciated. Thank you." Ash'eny nodded, he didn't bother smiling or frowning in particular, instead he just started to walk down the street. He didn't particularly know where he was going, but he felt a need to get out of there. The crowd was larger than he preferred.
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Postby Aren on June 10th, 2010, 5:26 am

When Aren spotted that Ash'eny sought to exit the encounter with his fellow criminals and his lawman friend, the Akalak felt the need to remind him of something he had said earlier, "You going to go find a job now, beggar?"

Only his eyes followed the man's path, with nothing else giving any hint of motion. Aren wondered what his response would be, if he even bothered giving any. For some reason, he simply couldn't imagine the beggar being able to keep, or even acquire, an "honest" job. It would seem so odd to see Ash'eny in a kitchen, preparing food for someone to eat, for which they would pay him... or anything of the like.

"Loren Dyres? I'm afraid I don't know who that is. Is that your Lord? Is it on his whim that you would kill a wailing girl?" Aren's gaze shifted back to Crow, "You humans and your masters."

Even though he had done nothing, the day had made him tired, and Aren decided that maybe it was time to retire to his suite. He waved farewell to Crow, as well as the girl, Kita, and her suspicious friend, "I'll be seeing you knight, I'm sure."
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Postby Wystern on June 10th, 2010, 10:49 am

"Loren Dyres? I'm afraid I don't know who that is. Is that your Lord? Is it on his whim that you would kill a wailing girl? You humans and your masters."

"To be honest, I pretty much owe the Knights everything. Besides, he wouldn't issue an order to kill without a cause. The human race survived because they picked a leader who knows how to lead. I am just a soldier, I am simply doing what I'm told. Except for now, when I was supposed to kill her." Wystern said with a a blank look on his face. It was ironic how human ways constantly received criticism when they showed the most promise for survival.

"The only reason I pulled that stunt five minutes ago was because I was told that most Kelvics' shape-shifting gives them some sort of special powers from vision to superhuman strength. I assumed that bow isn't just for show. That knowledge combined with my misinterpretation of her being naiveté, caused me to over react and jump to conclusion faster. I have no idea what she could shift into, therefore this girl might have all the power to kill me where I stand." He said, looking at Aren as he was leaving. He then looked at Kita.

"If you run into trouble, please don't burst out like that. You will find conflict to be rare here. Again, I'm sorry."

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Postby Ash'eny on June 10th, 2010, 12:59 pm

Ash'eny turned at Aren's words, a faint smile once again returned on his lips. "It is my intention to do so!" Ash'eny shouted out as he continued to walk backwards. He gave a small wave to the group as he spun around again, walking forwards once more. Then he cursed himself under his breath. His identity was ruined now. Sure, he was still a beggar, but this little complication, for anybody that was a part of it or saw it, would know he had no limp, and probably didn't even need to rely on begging. He might actually have to find a job now.

Then an idea hit him, and he hoped once more for a meeting with Wystern. He just might seriously take up his offer. The employment office was in town and he was still young, a job wouldn't be too difficult to achieve. There were 'benefits' to think about as well.
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Postby Grayzdo Briety on June 10th, 2010, 8:34 pm

Grayzdo listened to everyone's words then he turned to notice the Knight giving Kita his cloak. Grayzdo just watched everyone's actions. He was eager to leave and since it seemed the blue skinned man and the beggar were leaving Grayzdo found it appropriate to do the same. Since Kita said they could leave if Grayzdo wanted to he was eager to go so he grabbed her hand and he walked her out of the alley and then he said to her "Are you tired and ready to go to a inn or do you wanna go shopping for something?"
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