"Oh no, I will pay, don't worry".
Nost smiled while he finished his sentence. He then ordered a cup of tea for him and his companion. The place was quite busy, so they would have to wait some time before their tea arrived. The last time he went to the Quill's Rest, it was empty compared to that day. It was noisier than usual, and the calmed atmosphere that usually reigned the place, was replaced by something similar to what was in the docks, something that Nost didn't enjoy. At all.
You can use this time to converse and know her better, just ask something, but don't be the weird person you usually are!
"If you don't mind the question, tell me. Where are you from?
He liked the mystery Lexa demonstrated. She seemed to be a profound person, and it would be a challenge to know her well. He enjoyed challenges, specially when they involve something he hadn't practice with. "Knowledge is power" his father always said.