Closed Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

In Which Ana and Zand get trapped in the snows

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on March 2nd, 2013, 2:01 pm


“Of course Neilles, of course” was all that she responded in concern of the grape juice comment from the other woman. She was a liar but not a foolish one, she would not make a promise officially to Neilles unless she meant it and so opted for something that would sound like one without actually being one.

No sense to burning bridges for no reason. If she confronts me I’ll have truth and technicality on my side, if not morality. Two out of three isn’t bad she mused as she continued to imbibe from her own bottle of stashed merriment.

The reactions of the other woman surprised her though, she had not figured her to be so warming to the beverage to the point of quick drinking. She could not tell her to slow down, however, without destroying the pretence and so she had sealed her fate in that regard – it was sure to be a long day indeed. She smiled up at Nellies as she turned to look at her, the words themselves taking Zandelia by surprise to say the least. She had known there was a relationship between the two of them but she had not expected Neilles to actually wish to pursue it, or entertain the idea at least. Still, it was a pleasant conversation and could lead to the knowing of more things, perhaps something beyond the verbose too. It was perhaps a little wrong to other’s perceptions, but she saw nothing wrong with forging stronger bonds to others through physicality – if done correctly it could create ones that would never breaks except under the greatest of strains.

At any rate, I have not experienced true closeness in years, too many years she told herself morosely, the drink beginning to slowly etch her thoughts with its presence.

“Well, I did not expect to hear that you would even think to explore that side of things with Ximal, but it is not surprising really, he is a…unique man,” she responded, weighing her words carefully, “he offers much that others do not. The trouble with him is that he has a stick up his arse! You’re the only woman I’ve actually ever heard of him being…intimate…with” she continued, frowning at that, even her own advances had been casually rebuffed – almost as if he were scared of going further than sparring or the casual drink.

She pulled Neilles closer then, by her leg, tugging the girl so that her face was within touching distance whilst she was reclined upon her growingly warm bedding. She sighed and wondered how to express what she was about to say – it was a difficult thing to think of really, the fact that others might have control over the other woman that would one day circumvent her own control mechanisms. At the moment Neilles needed her, that was what drove their bond in some ways and it would not last forever. The longer they spent together the more independent the other woman was becoming, to the point where she could only hold her back so much. She would stay in control for now, but for how long she could not know. She let her hand rest upon Neilles’ thigh and looked up at her with fondness as she took another portion from her bottle and swallowed it.

“I often find that friendships are where most long lasting things start my dear, if you like them before you spread your legs then you can be sure that – if they are half-decent – you will like them after too. Mostly it all depends upon whether it is what you want, rather than what they want” she spoke out once more with considering tones.

“Oh I could help you catch his eye more, put on some powder to enhance your complexion, some color to bring out the delightful shine of your eyes,” she touched each place as she said the, check then eyelid, slowly, “some nicer clothing, a belt to bring some more shape to your waist perhaps. I could teach you to walk, talk and touch him as he would like if that was your thing too” she finished.

“Oh I could teach you how to wrap him around your fingers, or at least begin to. He is not one to fall to simplicities right away – you’d have to work on it. Then, before either of you knew it you could even possibly be in love” she said the last word with an inflection that was easy to discern that she had never really experienced such a thing in her life.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on March 6th, 2013, 1:22 am

In all of her life, Ana never believed she could 'giggle' so girlishly high at something so grimly true, so hilariously stupid, but definitely the truth about Ximal; Zands exact wording of him having a stick up his arse sent her into a fit of uncontroable giggles. The grin splayed out on her face wasn't forced because she was trying to grin, but because she was trying to hide it, covering it with a free hand and all that jazz. Sipping at her drink to control the laughter that threatened to burst forth, she smiled at Zandelia's own grim face, teasingly, Ana shrugged at what was said;
"He was really smashed, I tried to pull him away so he could get home.. But we ended up sleeping in the cold because he passed out," Ana sighed, somewhat regretfully; as Zand would tug her closer to her person, the action was a little weird to her and set some of her nerves on edge, but not all of them, she could only look questioningly at the older woman.

Glossy gold eyes rested lightly on the hand sitting on her thigh, if it had been anyone else, she would have cringed terribly at the action despite the lightness of mood. Though to say she was without nerves was silly, she took a bigger swig of her 'grape juice' to try and take her mind away from them; blushing, as she would look away. Her mind was letting go of tension she never thought could have been lingering within there, it was rather nice.

Well I get Ximals a 'unique' man, but I don't think I want to go that far and say hes a catch.. Ana itterated internally at Zandelia's words, a mouth corner twitched upwards, though not of the smiling vareity; ..I definitely don't want to open my legs for him.. Not after last night, definitely, but if I want to play this right.. The thought was alien to her, in general she could not stand the idea of betraying her friends, or doing things that would in turn harm them, what if what she was planning.. Would hurt Ximal in the long run? It was a situation she was uncertain of persuing.

Upturning her gaze to look Zandelia in the eye as the older woman gently caressed the areas she was mentioning that she could make more attractive. So it was true she wasn't pretty, if she needed cosmetics just to turn peoples eyes towards her, or certain clothing, was this how the promiscious formed their tender loving heartbreaks? Her eyes fell again, mind strangely feeling still and calm at the thought, lately her emotions had been blown out of proportion. First she was up, and then down, the next moment she knew she was being shaken violently everywheres, or she was tied to a very heavy weight and thrown into the ocean, metaphorically speaking of course but those were what her most evident emotions seemed to be lately.

It hurts.

Ana squeezed her eyes shut, taking another drink and feeling her head spin somewhat with the motion, her eyes watered but she let no tears fall. She hadn't thought to take that one drink, only that her body urged her to take in more, it was a good thing to have something act as a distraction "..yeah.. I want to do that, or you know, learn how to since I'm such a boy.. But I'm.. I'm unsure about the love part.." Ana muttered, or mumbled, it was hard to tell inbetween which "..that part hurts." There was something she wasn't telling Zandelia, there had been a rather massive fall out between her lover, and herself; the relationship with Jakobi would have had to come to an end sooner than later anyways, but the tearing at past feelings, taking them, ripping, and then shredding them apart into millions of pieces.

There were consequences that came with being flirty, or performing certain actions with certain others, especially involving the field of intimacy.

She had learned that the hard way.
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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on March 9th, 2013, 8:07 pm


The alcohol was beginning to take its toll on Zandelia now, though much less so than upon Neilles who was – to all intents and purposes – very much on the way to being drunk. Or, at least, that was exactly the impression she was giving off to Zandelia, her morose words and sluggish movements cohabiting alongside her looser tongue and more open mind. The other woman was not so much un-talkative whilst sober, more that she never discussed anything of import. Already in the space of a Bell or so she had revealed several little slivers of emotion and thought that she would, perhaps, never have stated out loud if in a normal state. It was the frequency of said things that Zandelia noticed the most, telling her that she was loosening her grip.

Good, she’s got just as much a stick up her arse as Ximal, but in a different way. She needs to come out of her shell some more if she wants to live properly she mused as she took yet another swig from her own bottle, it was almost empty now she noted with a slight frown of discontent, shaking it to try and gauge from the sound exactly how much was left.

No, they were both getting a little merry now and her very simplistic, not thought through at all plan was beginning to bear fruit. She might have had slightly clouded senses but she could tell the difference between loathing and enjoyment. Neilles, usually so distant physically, was most certainly very close now – closer in many ways than she ever got willingly. Oh, during their magical meditations she had sat in her lap at time, even given hugs fleetingly on occasion but it was different compared to sitting in the same bed and brushing half of her body against Zandelia’s own. It hadn’t been the most clever of seductions but it had worked, after a fashion, and that was what counted.

“Pfft!” she grunted to the first of Neilles’ remarks, “men can never be of use whilst drunk. Few people can actually, now I think about it. But Ximal I can imagine is mostly useless…giant hunk of meat. I bet picking him up was like wrenching your back, legs and shoulders all at once. Still, you did right by him so he’ll probably remember that well enough” she peered into her bottle then, draining it of the last of its juices.

She picked up the second one and opened it with a small chuckle, starting it off and chinking it against Neilles’ own for good measure. She looked up at the girl…no…woman. She was very much a woman too, even with the shorn hair that seemed to her fuzzy mind a homage to Zandelia’s own – strange though that thought was. She could never figure out what their relationship was, what perspective to take at any given time. At times she was a teacher, telling Ana the way of things, yet that was not her role in a singular sense – Ana had taught her much in return too. Other times she seemed a sister, or a daughter perhaps on occasion. She had comforted her, planned with her and laughed with her – the last though rarely. She put her bottle on the floor to the side of her before pulling Neilles a little closer still – it was good to experience some closeness from the woman for once.

“You…are not a boy Neilles,” she put her hands on both sides of the other woman’s face then to exert some controlling force on those words, “why you keep saying so I will never understand. You are a woman, a stronger woman than you give yourself credit for. You are beautiful, in your own way” she told her forcefully, serious tones laced with fondness.

And she is, isn’t she? So beautiful. Golden eyes always filled with self-doubt and body language that makes you think she is broken..a tool for use. But no, she is infinitely attractive for all of those reasons. Her insecurity lends her a gentleness that the arrogant can never master… she told herself, becoming increasingly aware of a warm flush across her own cheeks then at what her mind and body were compelling her towards in her inebriated state.

“Everything hurts eventually Neilles, it’s just whether you can handle the pain. Nothing is all safe and happy and…and…wonderful…” she ended lamely, her usual gift for words betraying her with its sudden absence.

She levered herself up with a little bit of unsteady motions from her body, sluggish in its reaction and almost embarrassingly clumsy it its movements. After a few moments, however, she had successfully managed to be sitting up and facing Neilles, close enough to feel the breath of the other woman on her cheeks. She sighed and put her arm around the other woman’s shoulders, pulling her tight for a few moments in an embrace she hoped would not be seen as invasive. She pushed her away then and placed one hand upon each of her shoulders, hazed gaze locked onto the two golden orbs before her. She could not help how she felt towards Neilles, they had formed a bond stronger than most in a very short time. There was no sense of love there, not in the conventional sense at any rate. Still, there was attraction that worked its own magic.

The things I do for myself, I never really do anything just for others. But, perhaps, I can give her a sense of her won worth in my own way she thought, the last thought before physical reaction forced thought from her.

She brought her face forwards quickly, like pulling a splinter out of one’s skin. It ended with a kiss, lip to lip, that could shatter everything. For once she didn’t care.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on March 10th, 2013, 8:36 am

Upon saying she was a boy, Ana was drawn a bit closer and though at times she didn't like being so close, she couldn't help but feel a little happy in the smallish embrace. Without Zandelia having to pull her towards herself, Ana willingly inched to be closer, it was such an odd thing for her to do. Such an odd thing, indeed, she hardly noticed the action, didn't even give it a second thought. Petch, if under normal circumstances, she shouldn't have been being this open in the first place, Ana felt compelled to look Zandelia in her one good green eye. Surges of emotion hit her repeatedly on the older womans words, eyes watering, chin trembling, she couldn't understand- what did people see in her that was so great?

"But I look like one, I act like one, Zand" she whispered out, the treble to her voice wavering dangerously close to sobbing "I just don't have the parts down below."

One of Ana's hands went to rest on one of Zandelia's hands, the tiny apendage was shaking, despite the relaxed mood she felt. What was happening to her? She couldn't think clearly, it was as if a fog had been placed over her mind, a mist to cover her vision, she was partially blind now emotionally, physically, and mentally, she just couldn't understand. Or more like, Ana didn't know how to cope with what she was feeling at the moment, the emotions she usually kept pushed down were now leaking out like the tears streaking themselves down her cheeks.
What is happening..? Ana thought to herself frightened, not by Zand, nor the storm, or even the drink, but by herself- and the strange sensations she was feeling.

There was a sluggishness to her wits that she noticed, though she thought nothing more of it after, her mind only urging her to partake in the drink some more "but if everything will eventually hurt, why do we let ourselvesh be?"

Shutting her eyes, she felt her head sway backwards before she had to open her eyes again to avoid sleep, she felt Zandelia's embrace around her. In kind, Ana clung to the woman like she had become her only life line in that tent, she wanted nothing more than to stay cuddled up to the older woman and feel a type of comfort she hadn't in possibly years. How many moments did she long for some feeling of closeness to another human being? Yet could not because of a deep seeded fear getting closer to others, how many years had it been.. Ana couldn't count, not now, her senses were far too clouded over, and her mind was focused on the heat of the moment.

Oh, she knew what was happening, she knew what she was doing- and how wrong it was that Zand was getting intimately close to her, how very wrong it was...

Ana felt as if she had little control of her body, limbs far too heavy to push the older woman away.

...but did she really want to?

The kiss had been like lightening, shocking, and quick to say the least, it had taken Ana quite by surprise at the astounding softness of Zand's lips. Eyes opening wide displaying her disblief in the situation, blurry and hazed over, but slowly it transitioned into a return kiss, timidly, with her eyes shutting once more. Her mind was beginning to shut down, and quite quickly too, but she knew... Ana knew better... Especially the day before, a shard of glass seemed to pierce her chest with pain, or had it been a shard of anothers heart that was inflicting her with pain? She should have been feeling guilt.
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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on March 10th, 2013, 1:58 pm


It was a moment of supreme significance, later Zandelia would come to know that as incontrovertible fact. It was not so much that a storybook romance would blossom out of a small thing, like so many tales of the hero and the damsel living happily ever after despite having known each other for but a few Bells. No, the relationship between Neilles and herself was built of much strong ties than something frivolous like that. Still, even they would probably never grow to love each other eternally – respect and fondness perhaps but not love. Still, it was a defining moment in so much as Neilles had responded, physically responded – there was no precedence for it. It felt strange but it also burned within her at the same time, a fire that had not kindled for some time indeed. It might lead to repercussions in the future but at that moment there was no thought for them, only desire.

Warmth…flesh…soft…safe were the only thoughts tumbling around her head for a god few moments as Neilles return kiss slowly turned from tentative to willing.

Zandelia kissed her further, hands pulling her ever closer as her more carnal nature took its ascendancy with the help of the sugared spirits of the Spires. Her right hand came to rest on the left side of Neilles’ face as her left took the waist, her lips continuously seeking out those of the other woman. She had been crying and the salty taste was evident upon her lips. Red flushed through Zandelia’s cheeks at the position she had got her in, some embarrassment but more lust than anything else, lust in its most terribly uncaring form. Tenderness existed at first, gradually slipping away as the needs of the flesh asserted themselves. She broke the kisses, her breath shallow and ragged as she looked into Neilles’ beautifully golden orbs, twinkling in the semi-light of the tent.

“Because,” she breathed back to the question, “you can’t have enjoyment without risk Neilles, otherwise it is never really enjoyment” she finished, smiling tentatively, almost sheepishly at the other woman.

She took the bottle from Neilles’ only free hand, the other in an embrace now, and drank deeply from it to steady herself. A contradictory notion, that alcohol could steady one’s self whilst it worked its devastating magic upon the body. Still, it helped to calm her somewhat. It was not so much that she thought what she was about to try and do was wrong, though that could be argued very well indeed. It was more that she was filled with a nervousness, she had not actually cared about someone and been intimate with them in…about 8 seasons she reasoned. Not since the glowing mercenary Revy Hiroe had she actually even liked whom she had kissed, whom she had...lain with. The thought caused a further flush of her cheeks that could have been mistaken for embarrassment.

“Drink, best not to waste it” she handed the bottle to the other woman and allowed her to drain what small amount was left after her own partaking.

As soon as it was gone, the bottle shifting towards Neilles’ side, Zandelia initiated the proceedings once more with a kiss. She did not want to lose the window of opportunity she had, it was too good, too sweet a chance to pass up on. She began to lean back this time, back into the bedding and pulled Neilles with her as she did so.

It was wrong, but it was right too.

oocOkay! Well react as you see fit Ana dearest. It’s completely up to you and I don’t think we need to write out any details if you let it all happen. We can skip over them and to the ‘aftermath’ and so on

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on March 17th, 2013, 5:28 pm

Kissing Zandelia felt so wrong, but so right, and everything inbetween- Ana couldn't help but feel a tad disgusted with herself at her actions, at the actions of the woman now getting physically intimate with her. For every nerve touched upon, three thoughts at once popped up until it was a roar of apathy towards the consequences that might later result; it was painful, but exhillerating at the same time. Ana's mind was addled with alcohol, though she didn't know it herself, there had been times when she felt slightly dizzy because of a drink, but then refused it after the first sip. She had never been completely smashed as she was at this moment, the alcohol dispersed into her bloodstream, traveling through her heart- the heart which pumped faster as the kissing became lustly passionate.

She just knew she wanted this to happen, she needed it to; she really began to regret telling Zandelia to get dressed earlier. Clothes could never be so much more annoying as they were being now, she wanted warm flesh, against eqaully warm flesh. Her movements were clumsy, and slow, but they reacted to hold Zand closer to herself. Ana's lips felt bruised as Zand would pull away, look her in the eyes momentarily before taking a drink from the bottle, the girl should have seen it then for what the drink really was, and in a sense- she did register the fact. If only subliminally as it was held to her.
"Drink, best not to waste it" Zand said to Ana, the small girl looked at it and then back up to the woman she was getting intimate with, with lust smitten eyes.

Like a good girl, Ana listened to Zand and finished the drink- Yeah.. best not to waste something as good as this. The thought was brief, as she set the bottle down with clunky hands as Zand would kiss her again, all too eager to continue the kissing and the intimate touching. Pulling her body forwards so that Ana was laying on top of Zand, the movement felt so awkward to Ana, it made her head spin terribly; it made her feel giddy after a chime or two of kissing and touching, for every caressing gesture, there was a spell being cast on her senses. They possibly stayed like that for a chime just breathing, and kissing, before Zand would roll Ana over and was on top of her. Fun snow day, indeed, one that was filled with surprises.

Jakobi didn't matter, he had hurt her just as she had hurt him, but she couldn't be petched to bring herself to think about him.

-Fade to Black-

Ana awoke to a headache like no other she had felt before, her brain pounded against the skull as she fumbled for covers, and something to make the pain stop. Her limbs were awkward as she groped about, hands and body barely registering the other body next to her, or rather- the naked one. What in the blazes.. Ana thought groggily before cringing again, clinging to the other body like it were a pain reliever- though it didn't help none "Urgh.." she groaned out. The night, and the day before was fuzzy, and blurry, and for the love of the gods she couldn't remember what had exactly transacted the night before. There was nothing but a big black hole in her memory, and for some reason, Ana felt the headache was partially related to what could have happened.

Though what she did remember, involved Zandelia, and much planning before they both fell asleep or something "Zand..?" Ana muttered out, weakly, she felt blinded by the pain in her skull. Did she hit herself in the head somehow? Stupidly? Sometimes her insomnia made her really clumsy, and do stupid things... But never had she felt such a raging, thunderous hoof beat within her ears, or cranium. What had she done?
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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on March 18th, 2013, 11:30 pm


The dreams had been consistently pleasing for once, filled with warm promises of companionship and lips so soft they could have been made from silk itself. A taste of grape intruded upon her sleepy state, or at least she thought it was grape. Something about golden eyes that were beautiful in every way, shining and filled with an inner-fire rarely seen. They looked better closed too she knew, especially with the warmth and the sensation of touch. It was all fragmented, as if it had been cut up and sliced together out of order for her subconscious to revel in – only the best moment remained and there were gaps, so many annoying gaps. The golden eyes were replaced with another color, the blonde hair with a purple shade flowing into it.

I remember that hair… was all her fuzzy mind could tell her before the flash was gone and a picture of a smaller woman filled it in all its glory.

Something disturbed her, though not enough to jot out of her sleep. Enough to bring her further towards the surface of waking reality and force a low groan from her throat in protest. She rolled over and draped her arm over something…something soft and warm. She pulled it closer and tried to fall back into the darkness of delights from before. It served her no advantage though, her sleep disturbed once more by an alien presence that seemed bent upon rousing her. She rebelled, screwing her eyes shut and clenching whatever she had even tighter as she buried her face into it to blot out what little light was intruding.

“Hhhrrrm,” she moaned, “a wnna stay with Neilles” she told the unwanted presence.

It was hopeless, the sounds of discontent finally began to percolate into her brain and she was roused fully – though she regretted it instantly. A dull throb rippled across her and she rolled onto her back before her fingers came up to massage her temples to try and banish it. It worked for a few moments before it returned and her tongue flashed in with its own protest, dry as sandpaper and rasping inside her stodgy mouth. She opened her eyes and the world was painfully bright, stabbing into her skull despite the gloom. She found herself glad that she wasn’t under full sunlight – not that she knew what time it actually was.

“What’s up? I’m up” she groaned into the gloom, turning her head and taking in the vision next to her with equal part surprise and admiration. “Neilles? Is that you?? What the..” she asked before flashes of the past showed their way into her head.

Oh….shyke was all they told her.

There she was, the other woman with the golden eyes from her dream. Sat up groggily in her bedding and naked as the day she was born – though she doubted she had been born so well developed and…inviting. Even in her state of perpetual agony she couldn’t help but let her gaze rove across Neilles’ body, it was beautiful in its own way. Not because she was as well endowed as the whores of Sunberth but because…well…it was her. A flush came to her cheeks, this one of embarrassment, as she wondered what the hell had happened – her mind staying suspiciously silent at that line of questioning. Still, logic served its purpose, they were both naked and in pain…it could only mean one thing.

Oh Akajia help me I hope I haven’t gone and ruined everything! she swore to herself as a flash of them kissing decided to throw itself upon her mind’s eye.

“Hey Neilles…good morning. Is it morning?” was all she could get out in her stunned state.

Her arm was still around Neilles, flesh pressed to flesh in a way that would surely doom them both. She found herself preying fervently for once that the situation would resolve itself.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on March 23rd, 2013, 9:30 pm

Ana opened her eyes to find herself in Zand's arms, bare flesh not yet registering itself as she moved about to get a better look see at her surroundings. Leaning on an elbow she began to nudge, or pull at Zandelia to wake up and receiving nothing but mutters and groans. She sat up in bed holding the side of her head, rubbing the temple and cringing- Ana, for the life of her couldn't remember anything. The covers had fallen away to reveal bare skin that tittered about in repetitive bumps from the slight cold, a rather disconcerting observation the thief made before looking to the flap of the tent. Or, at least where Ana supposed it to be, the tent was a little dark inside, and may have been slightly chilly- it was fascinatingly warm as well.

Something slipped in her voice, a bit of Zeltivan under tone perhaps, an accent long curb stomped ago had seemingly found its place in her morning speak "o' course its me Zan', bloody pe'ch that stings.." She muttered out more curses as she leaned forwards to hold her head in her hands. Another wave of pain decided to bath her in terrible horribleness, threatened to push any of the days contents from her stomach- out. Tilting her head upwards, and then looking at Zand she said in an eqaully sleep induced voice "I 'unno, is it?" She looked back to the tent flap. Despite her bodys complaints, she began to struggle getting out of the bed next to Zandelia and then up, taking a moment to balance herself and move to the tents entrance.

That was the plan at least until she realized she was naked and standing up in all her pride and glory for Zand to see. Her head tilted downwards to see the silhouette of her shape, and then to an aprehensive Zandelia in the bed- if they weren't in such low light, Ana might have taken better note of Zands reaction. "Why the petch" Ana said in a normal voice, after a few moments so to speak "am I naked?" The girl made a noise akin to a bird sqwauking as she began fumbling about in the dark for her clothes. There was one shirt she found, though to be honest Ana couldn't tell if it was hers or Zands- but by the material of it, Ana reasoned it out to be Zandelia's. It was not a time to be picky, so she knelt and shrugged the shirt on quickly.

Hissing once or twice as her temples played the drums in her ears like loathing snares and bongos being congo'd to throw the girl into a dissarray of her senses. None of it made sense to Ana, and so how she could describe what she was feeling- should also not make sense, and because sense was being thrown out the window to be metaphorically hooked back in again by a fishing line. Ana decided that perhaps she should just sit and wait, sit... and get that blasted beating in her head to go away. Doing thusly that, Ana once again attempted to soothe the pain in her head by rubbing at her scalp, and the area around her temples, before giving up pitifully as the movements only seemed to make the pounding ten times worse.

The distraught on her face... It was priceless.
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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Zandelia on March 23rd, 2013, 10:09 pm


The tableaux froze for a good many moments, Zandelia merely laying there after slumping backwards with her head cradled in her hands as the inevitable drew ever closer. Tauntingly delicious images of the previous events slipped into her mind as if confirming her guilt. Smells, the taste, the touch – it all flooded back and she fancied she could recall in her mind the exact form of Neilles’ sweet body without even needing to look over at the other woman to confirm. She didn’t dare look, if she kept her eyes shut she would never be caught she hoped – a foolish hope indeed. She listened as Neilles slipped into what she could only presume was her Zeltivan roots of speaking, it was strangely alluring to hear it come from her mouth.

Oh gods…any moment now. Any moment. Three…two…one… she ticked it all off in her head as she heard the patter of feet upon the ground, the halting and the deep, considering silence.

“Why the petch…am I naked?!”

There it was, the moment of realization that slammed into the frozen lull of reality and knocked it onto its cruel little backside. Her eye flared open suddenly at the words, their pitch cutting through her head like a dagger through flesh, leaving its own distinct mark of pain that throbbed back into a dull ache after a few moments. She couldn’t process it at first, but as the squawked sounds issued from Neilles’ throat and her feet began their activity of dancing about the tent she realized – there had been no condemnation in her tone. Surprise certainly, confusion absolutely but not a single drip of hatred or self-loathing. That was surprising seeing as what they had…shared…together was all too obvious.

Curious… was all she could manage in her delicate state of mind and body.

“Neilles…could you perhaps speak a little quieter…please?” she asked, the strain in her voice obvious as she closed her eyes shut once for and pressed the heel of her palms into her temples.

Neilles sat then, her half nude form so close Zandelia could take in her sweet scent with every breath through her nose. Her mind searched for a way to explain things, to assure the other woman that nothing terrible had occurred. Yet how could she when she had no idea whether, after explaining it, there would be no disgust…no revulsion. She was not sure she could handle that from the small thief at that moment. Neilles knew she lain with women unless her jobs required it, had accepted that about Zandelia. However, it was an entirely different perspective one could take upon it when you knew they had been the one to lay with her – it had happened many a time before in various taverns throughout the lands of Mizahar. She decided upon a gentle approach and shifted herself upwards so that she was directly behind Neilles. She reached out and placed he hands upon her shoulders.

“Neilles…” she tried to speak but her throat clenched up at the prospect of losing the closest person to her over something so…perfect. She tried to massage the other woman’s shoulder muscles in her attempt to relax her – she herself knew how much better it could make one feel.

“We are naked, in bed together,” she sighed then, resignation setting in, “because we…well we…bedded…each other” she finally forced out the words, her voice barely more than a whisper at the ending.

And…this is where it all shatters. Everything we know about each other, our closeness…shattered she thought, fully expecting it to happen.

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Snow Day Seductions (Ana)

Postby Ana Sol Starris on March 24th, 2013, 3:20 am

"Quiet?" Ana hissed out a whisper of confusion to Zandelia, indeed silence seemed better than loud things at the moment. Could she be quiet at the moment? She supposed she could be, and that it wouldn't really hurt to just take in the silence as it was. But would she? Ana was naked! In the nude! How could she be quiet over that smidgeon of a revelation?! Nudity was wrong, awful, not only does it reveal secrets of the body but you get too cold quickly without something to cover up with. Being nude was for children, toddlers, on hot summer days where the weather dictated the little munchkins be allowed to stay as cool as they could be. But full grown women? No! It just didn't make sense, why would Ana be naked suddenly after a night of plotting? Oh... Plotting, that was right- at first Ana had come to Zand for comfort.

...Because of the pain Jakobi had caused, and she had caused to him.

Her mind tumbled about as she fought against the idea of storming out of the tent as she was- not only would that be cold, and stupid, but it would also be inconsiderate to her friend behind her. It tumbled about like a pebble displaced on a mountain, in turn that pebble dislodged some dirt, and more rocks came rolling down; finally colliding with a boulder, which fell from the mountains side as a terrible force of nature. Sending rivets of shockwaves through the earth, and sending even more mayhem down to smother a village of thoughts, and ideas. Crushing their bodies and trapping those lucky enough to not be smooshed under the weighty presumptions and miscalculations from earlier before. Ana's mind became an avalanche of rocks.

A hand reached out from the rubble that was once Ana's mind, it was named Confusion, and it flailed that hand like never before- to be grasped by Zandelia's hand (who had brought a hand to rest on Ana's shoulder, rubbing very tenderly and coaxing a gaze from the younger woman to look at the older one upon a name being said- a name so very old, and unused, it could have been forgotten.) The womans hand pulled Confusion out from underneath the rubble, to hold it like a mother would to a child. Ana continued to look at Zandelia with the largest of eyes, feeling rather...Odd...The touch was not uncomfortable, but she couldn't stand...Being touched, it was an odd sensation that went through her body. One she ignored.

Upon hearing the two had bedded together, something clicked in her head; all emotion seemed to run from her face.

Nothing but a blank stare took place as Ana's mind tryed to put together the past few days, and the big black hole in her memory. She knew something had happened last night, had an inkling that it couldn't have just been her imagination. Blinking, slowly, after a few long and devestatingly silent moments. Ana yelled out in surprise "WE WHAT?!" Smacking her mouth closed as quickly as she could, Ana stared at Zandelia, her confusion giving way into a demand to know what had happened. "How does that even work?!" She whispered behind her hands, as quietly as she could, though it could have been a muffled scream "" Ana's eyes travelled to rest on where Zand's lower privates might have been, and then to her own "....we....I don't have that... down there... Do you?!"

Zandelia was a man?! Was all that Ana's mind could piece together.

It made perfect sense, why Zand seemed to like females more than males.

Total, utter, and perfect sense.

Out of her own curiousity, and with less than an ability to think appropriately at the moment, Ana, to the best of her current abilitys, pulled the blanket away from Zand. Yanked the thing right off the older woman to display her own nudity, the perfect sense that had been made before now shattered "" There was not an item which men posessed, and Zand was the same sex as she was. It... It...Didn't make sense, at all, how in the world was it possible to bed with someone if they didn't have man parts?! Ana's mind seemed to blank out, a reddening tint applying itself over her cheeks as she handed the blanket back to Zandelia, looking away and feeling quite exposed herself.
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