Timestamp: 13 Summer 509 It was a day like any other. Sera woke up and had an argument with her sister. Her father intervened and told the girls to separate. Nica decided to go to the lake to skate, while Sera was stuck at home with nothing to do. Of course she felt like she was the one in trouble. Nica was always allowed to go out by herself, where Sera had to get permission. Nica always got out of doing chores, while Sera was always forced to. Nica was always doing better at school, while Sera wasn't focused enough. Nica. Nica. Nica. Sera was sick of always being the second best. She was sick of being the youngest. She was sick of not having much freedom. And she was sick of her parents never listening to her side of things. So, when her parents both went out to do their own separate jobs, and when Nica had been gone for a several minutes, Sera decided it was time to act more like a “Grown-up”. She was going to do whatever she felt like. Really all she wanted was to dance. And she was going to go dance. She was going to go dance in the middle of town. That was her goal. See, Sera always wanted to be a dancer, even when she was a kid. She wanted nothing more. And even though many told her it was a silly choice for a career. She wanted it. And for once, she was going to go against the rules her parents had given her and she was going to go chase her dream. But there was something else to that dream. There was this girl who Sera had seen around. This girl was one of Sera’s favorite people in town, but she had never had the courage to talk to her. This girl’s name was Silarial. Sera believed that Silarial was the prettiest girl in town. She looked like a doll and could dance unlike anyone she had ever seen. This girl was so graceful and so pretty. Though she’d never openly admit it to anyone, Sera wanted to be JUST like Silarial. And so, the young Vantha girl left her home in the Skyglow hold, to go out on a search for her role model. And so, the day went on… Running awkwardly down the street as close to the shop windows as she could get, Sera turned the corner and stopped, looking down another walkway. She thought for sure that Silarial had gone this way. Hadn’t she? The young girl tilted her head to the side, letting her unevenly cut hair fall over her right shoulder. To herself, Sera thought, “Why didn’t I put this up?” She sighed and leaned against the side of the building, running her fingers through her hair. “Why is it that I can never get close enough? Or even build up the courage to talk to her? I wish she knew who I was.” Sera kicked some snow into a pile with her foot and then walked back into the middle of the street. She began to look around at the people. So many familiar faces filled her view. People she had known since she was a child, some she knew personally, other’s she only knew by face. Of course there were people she didn’t know at all either. The sun appeared from being hidden beneath some afternoon clouds, shining light on everything. A fresh sheet of snow had fallen, and it made the ground sparkle beautifully. The Vantha girl looked at the footprints in the snow. So many pretty designs decorated the street. She drew a line with her foot, then another, as if she had planned to draw something in the snow. That’s when it hit her. With a smile, Sera stood on her tiptoes, and then spun around once, using one foot to make an imprint in the freshly fallen snow, while she balanced on another. She tried to spin again, but the fresh snow made her slip. Reaching out, she tried to catch herself, but there was no use. “Ah!” She cried as she landed on her butt. Embarrassed, Sera slammed her hands on the ground. "This isn't fair! Why can't I be good at something?!" |