The farther she walked to the shallow end, the closer she got to a rather disconcerting image underneath the water making bubbles. Her face pulled itself back into an inconcievably disgusted stare, eyebrow raising ever so slightly as she inched to the side to make a pass around the thing in the water (that looked like a person.) Holding the towel to her person ever tighter, she was just about to pass the person when they suddenly shot up from the water. Giving her reason to flounder, step backwards as waves would push her back, and then spaz- terribly at the suddenness that was the mans entrance. She stared at him in surprise, at first, which slowly gave way to irritation. It was an Eypharian, from what she could tell due to the four arms attached to his body, she remembered those.. people.. very well.
In fact, she had stolen two perfume bottles back in Spires from an Eypharian woman a season past, both man and woman had gold sheened skin. Making the djed within churn about, a temptation rearing its ugly head at her as sweet whispers urged her to take the gold sheen for her own. She stared at him for a moment more, before her cheeks began to burn terribly, her body temperature elevating as he asked her why she was wearing a towel. Her eyes travelled downwards for but a moment, before returning to his eyes and scoffing at him "and why are you not?" She chided at him horribly, in response she crossed her free arm across the arm which was holding her own towel still up, the hand clenching around the material.
Fools.. The lot of them.
Being in the water was making her feel edgy, wary, there had once been a time when she took a bath, actually, three different times when she had taken it upon herself to keep up with her hygeine. Once had been with Revy, though that was long ago, once upon a time in a city called Sunberth, in that very same city she had decided to take another bath- it would be her last that day. Having of gotten kicked out for cat fighting with another patron, it was a pity that she never saw Jean again after that, that horrible red-head. The third time, well- it was quite unexpected, she had been forced to wash a Zith Crimson Edge member when the gang was still very much together. To her it seemed a cruel play of fate by Lhex, forever destined to have bath adventures.
"Excuse me," she growled, moving forwards once more quite aggravated by his presence. Ana still needed to get to shallower water, or as shallow as the bath had been created to be, and for Ana- there didn't seem to be much of a difference from what she could tell where she was currently at.