3rd of Spring Mienskil was one who always worked hard regardless of his condition or peripheral circumstances. To him, the purpose of his life was very driven and focused - people were nice, most of them at least, and while talking to them was indeed enjoyable that was not what he'd dedicated himself to doing for the rest of his days. This made him an outcast amidst his own kind, in Zeltiva especially, but here he fit right in. No one bothering him, no one looking at him strangely (at least not for the same reasons), just a generous man who expected results - and by the gods Mashaen would get them. Today, however, there was nothing. No ring of the hammer throughout the lab, no rhythmic pattern, no transferring of djed from one item to another. No magic. Just, nothing. The eternal worker had stopped working. That was not entirely true though. Mienskil had just set aside the day for something other than the continuous process of Magecraft. As much as he willed himself forward, forever productive and improving, his safety was as of just as high priority as his work. After all, one could not continue to work if they were physically incapable of doing so, say if the djed that Mienskil had been so carelessly transferring happened to manifest on his person in undesirable ways. Any number of things could go wrong, and while his method was sound his preparation needed some work. So long he had been exposing himself to the unpurposed djed that would be drawn from a reagent to a target, and had not until recently given the potential adverse consequences any thought. That had to change. Thanks to one of the books Thomas had picked out for him, not only was Mienskil now aware of the latent dangerous of having the base djed brush against his own so much, but now he had a way to combat it. Taking some of his requested chalk - enchanted to be useful for glyphs and easier to use than paint - he began marking his barrier around his workplace, renewing it as the final line of defense should his switches and other safeguards fail. His signature style was in every glyph, the angular and straightforward shapes an unconscious representation of his interpretation of safety, with each one connected by a solid line so it would be visually sealed, which in Mienskil's mind meant that it was magically sealed as well. The trouble would come later when he had to draw switches for his reagents, which would be sealed in separate barriers and their djed drawn along the switches to the pedestal. Miro had given the Magecrafter a brief overview of how they were used and what for, but that was a long time ago when he first arrived and there was no demonstration just rushing through it would be a bad idea however, for he had no idea what would happen if a switch broke or whatever else could happen. Fortunately, a book from the library seemed to be able to contain some glyphing notes - in Nader-Canoch of course, but thankfully Mienskil had been brushing up in his conjugation and formatting thanks to another book Thomas had also picked out for him. It wouldn't be easy the first time though, which was why he had set aside all day for it. Sighing, Mienskil closed his first barrier, scanning his eyes over all of it to make sure that it was indeed sealed. That done, he walked back over to the section of the worktable that had been devoted to his studies, the glyphing book already open to the page concerning switches. Putting a finger to the beginning of the line, he began to read, committing each and every word to memory for future use. He'd need to know this inside and out before he trusted himself to be able to do it well. |