Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Gillar on September 5th, 2009, 4:04 am

To Arabella's response about pleasing him, Lazerin simply shrugged and said plainly, "We'll see. Lazerin was savoring the drawing out of the whole ordeal. He enjoyed the nuances of every movement, look and word from new slaves as he introduced them to their new home. This one in particular held quite a bit of energy bottled within and he couldn't wait to open it up and release it. So many he had broken, both mentally and physically and had done so without much effort; it was becoming quite boring. Arabella, now having asked two questions, was already proving she was more. Her second question did please him somewhat. No other slave had ever bothered to ask why he chose them; they simply accepted their fate or at least that is what their silence told him.

With the key still in the lock, Lazerin smiled, his color-less eyes glistening in the light shining in through the nearby windows, "I purchased you because like a child who plays too hard with his toys, I have a habit of breaking my slaves too soon. You are unique in that you hold within you a powerful, fiery beast that will not break easily; or at least I hope not. Small and meek you appear now but I know there is more inside.

With that, Lazerin turned the key and the lock clicked. He returned the key to its place around his neck and pushed the door open. Motioning for Arabella to enter first he said, "After you, milady."

The room was large but not overly so. There weren't any visible windows and the stone floor was covered with a very large, soft, red rug. The walls were draped with red curtains save for the one on the opposite side of the room from the door. From that wall hung two pairs of manacles bolted into the stone. One pair was obviously for one's wrists while the other was most likely for the ankles. In the center of the room was two pieces of furniture and nothing else. The first was an extremely large, four-poster bed draped in red linens with chains and manacles hanging from each corner post. The other piece of furniture was a small table set next to the bed. On the table was another piece of red silk linen covering something else.

Without allowing Arabella to turn back, he pulled the door shut behind them once they were both in the room. "This is what I like to call, my playroom. For you, it will be home. For how long, depends on you. Now, it is time for your last question."
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Arabella Sintos on September 7th, 2009, 4:38 am

It was easy to see that this entire slave ordeal with this particular master would be unlike any she had been with before, his demeanor was different. He knew that he was powerful, intimidating, so he didn't really need to overwork it as some other masters did. There was no death threats, no whip displays and no premature beatings, at least not as of yet. It could change rather quickly of course, since the entire situation was all in Lazerin's favor, his control. His and Rhysol's control, since Lazerin being her master had been his 'gift' to Arabella. Some damn gift it was, she'd love to return it but she doubt Rhysol would appreciate it or even allow it. Ara's mind was on overdrive as she tried to figure things out for herself, her fear was palpable but she didn't let it blind or nor did she result to sniveling and cowering. She was too proud for that.

A child who kept breaking his toys, so he had to keep buying new comforting. His answer was much like other slavers, though his answer scared her a lot more since everyone in the slave market knew him. The other slavers she had been with liked the challenge of breaking her and yet they never did, she might have let them think they did, but she had never been broken. She wasn't a tame tiger and she never would be as far as she was concerned. She said nothing in response, not because his answer silenced nor satisfied her but more she was thinking deeply, her eyes seeking to memorize every nook and cranny around her, wanting to see if she could find weaknesses, things she could use to her advantage when she made her bid at freedom, because there was no doubt that she would try. She'd prefer death over slavery any day or night.

It didn't escape her notice where the key to the room was placed once he opened the door, wore around his neck like a necklace, how interesting.

His 'gentlemanly' demeanor was nothing but pure mockery as she stepped inside the room, unsure what exactly she would find. The thought of a cell frightened her to some degree but she despised shackles even more so. Her heart pounded so loud she was sure others could hear it as she looked around the room she had been motioned into. There was no cell in site, no bars to hold her. The room itself was more spacious then she was used to really, though no windows were seen which wasn't too much of a surprise. She prefered windows in her cells and cages because then she could smell the sweet air, here it would be dank and musty. Her heart dropped at the sight of the manacles bolted into the stone, most likely where she would be when her new master wasn't figuring out how her talents and such. Another thing that caused her blood to run cold was the very large four poster bed, chains and manacles at each corner post. She knew that torture well enough yet the sight of it was enough to sicken her, she had to look away.

A shiver ran through her body as she heard the door being closed, his words confirming what she had known. This place was supposedly home for her but as he said, for how long would depend upon her and her decisions. She chose not to look at him as he spoke, him now mentioning her last question. She had so wanted to save it for later but it seemed she didn't have that luxury. Her body tensed a moment before she sighed, her gaze on the stony wall, the grayness of it helping calm her down. "What plans do you have for me?" He seemed to be a man of importance and while he could probably afford how much he spent on her, it was a great deal to spend on a toy he just planned to break in the long run. If he had plans for her, she'd want to know that much at least.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Gillar on September 17th, 2009, 7:52 am

Arabella's final question was one that most slaves asked; though they normally asked it in the beginning and once they were answered they did not ask anything else. He wasn't sure what he expected from her in the way of the last question however. He had slight hopes that she would have asked how she could please him or how she could move up in rank among the rest of his slaves. The answer to those questions would have brought on such sweet responses from one such as her. Regardless, he turned his thoughts back to her actual question. It was straight forward enough and came with a noticeable amount of tension that he could almost feel emanating from her body.

He responded in a soft, smooth voice that held a bit of coolness, "I plan to make you hate me with every inch of your delicious body. You will want to tear my throat out and feed it to me as I struggle to keep the shredded remains of life from drifting away into the void. Then, when you think you can feel no more hatred greater than that which you hold for me, I will make you love me with all that you are." He gestured for her to walk over to the wall where the manacles hung.

"My more immediate plans however, involve you punishment for that little outburst in the market earlier."
He reached for her wrist with one of his massive hands as he pressured her in the direction of the wall. "You will sleep in chains tonight but not before witnessing a little taste for what I have in store for you later."
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Arabella Sintos on September 20th, 2009, 4:14 am

Arabella knew exactly what she was doing as she asked her questions, she was testing the waters of her new life in a way, seeing just what she could learn from her new master by the answers he gave to her. Her final question may have been commonplace to the slave owner and perhaps she should have chosen another question, but given her circumstances, it was best to find out if he planned anything prticular for her. She had once nearly been killed as a sacrifice to a god, but she had escaped that predicament with her life intact, though how she had escaped, she couldn't quite recall. She cared not for moving up in the ranks of slaves because she had no intention on staying long enough to move up on the slave ladder and pleasing this twisted dark man was not on her list of things to do. But then again, this man had bought her because he wanted a fight out of her, so there was no element of surprise in her favor, not around this white-eyed man.

Despite her need to show that she wasn't afraid of this man, the tension in her body was obvious, the fear in her dark eyes was evident. She didn't have to wait too long for his answer, his soft cool voice causing shivers to run up and down her spine as he told her exactly what he planned to do. She was already on the path to hating him, so she could see how he could easily make her want to kill him, she hated all those who had enslaved her, but then he told her something new. He intended on making her love him with all that she was, to which she actually snorted aloud. That was not going to happen, she would never love him by any stretch of the imagination, not in a million years and to this she was almost certain. She didn't argue aloud, she might have been foolish but she didn't have much need of more pain, though she was certain she would have more coming soon enough.

Her heart sank low in her chest as her master gestured to the wall where the manacles hung, they were so daunting even though she had been chained in manacles before. Her wrists never got used to the feel of the heavy manacles around the tender flesh. Punishment for her resistance in the slave market earlier? She sighed softly as she walked over towards the manacles, ready to feel the heavy chaffing steel against her skin, hoping to prepare herself for whatever would come her way, problem was though, she still didn't know what to expect. She did all she could to keep her eyes from moving to the large bed with chains at the four posts, she hoped she never was punished on it but since she doubted it was for her own luxury....

Sleeping in chains was nothing new to the young woman, if anything, a dose of familiarity would better help her cope in a time like this. She wanted to speak again but she had no questions left and she didn't want to give him more of a reason to punish her, not yet anyway. What caused her to shiver was the anxiety and fear his last words to her caused. "A little taste for what I have in store for you later." She really didn't want to find out what was in store for her later, but she was in his playroom, fighting when she felt so weak would lead to her death as far as she was concerned.
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Re: Here the sun sheds no light (Arabella)

Postby Gillar on October 8th, 2009, 8:14 am

Lazerin led Arabella to the wall and set to closing the manacles around her wrists. When they were securely bound by the cold iron, he knelt down to bind her ankles. His fingers trailed lightly across the flesh of her legs and feet as he closed the iron bindings and secured them snugly. To Arabella, among other impressions, Lazerin's touch was physically quite hot as if his innards were made of fire and his skin was barely keeping the flames in check. He looked up at her with his vacant white eyes and smiled before rising and taking a couple of steps back. "I must say that a part of me wishes you would enjoy this as much as I am going to." What exactly he was referring to was left to the imagination as Lazerin turned and walked toward the bed. He stopped beside the bed before turning to face Arabella once more. Pressing his lips together, he let out a soft whistle. A moment later the chamber door opened and a young girl, barely of womanly age, stepped inside, the door closing behind her. The girl had shoulder-length blond hair, pale skin and dull blue eyes. Around her neck there was a black collar studded with short spikes. She was dressed in a thin layer of black silk that lay lightly over her shoulders and barely covered her body. Lazerin, still facing Arabella, raised his hand and motioned to the girl to come to the bed. The girl lowered her face and slowly approached.

When she got to the bed, the girl reached up and pulled a string behind her neck that held the silk. The "garment" fell to the floor and left her naked as she lay on the bed, her eyes never looking up to Arabella or Lazerin. With a smile crossing his face, Lazerin turned to the small table next to the bed, the one with the red silk cloth covering something. Pulling the cloth away and letting it fall to the floor nearby, Lazerin stepped aside so that Arabella could see what exactly was on the table. There was a long, very sharp shard of metal; a dagger without a handle. There was also a long metal nail, the length of which was close to that of the shard. Both items were polished to an almost unnatural shine.

Turning his focus away from Arabella, Lazerin looked to the girl on the bed. He then began to disrobe. As his robe and undergarments fell to the floor, Arabella was greeted by what, in any other situation, would be considered an example of pure physical perfection. Lazerin was powerfully built with chiseled features and near perfect form. A giant of a man in every way, to some he could be mistaken for the earthly form of a divine being. He turned ever so slightly toward Arabella and winked at her. His physical perfection was marred in but only one place, over his heart looked to be a blood-red stain on his flesh. It was bubbled as if blistered by fire.

Lazerin then climbed into bed with the young girl. Over the course of several hours, Arabella was witness to all manner of horrific acts of mental and sexual depravity in which she learned exactly what could be done to the human body with a sharpened metal shroud and a foot-and-a-half long iron nail. The screams that filled the chamber would be hard forgotten as would the images of what had taken place. Arabella also discovered why the entire room was decorated in red cloth.

When Lazerin was finished, he called for another slave girl to clean up the mess and dispose of what remained of the young girl's body. Before he left the chamber, he turned to Arabella and said, "That is what awaits you if you fail to satisfy me." He then left the room followed soon after by the slave he left to clean up after him.
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