Location [Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Gossamer on September 20th, 2009, 4:45 am



Syliras is, above and beyond the Knighthood, a gathering of craftsmen. The sheep and goat, even alpaca farms for wool and the silk production, thrive under the protective aura of the Syliran Knighthood. Fibers are raised, cleaned, and dyed in the Tivar Region of the city which flanks the northeastern outskirts. Those textiles are then shipped into the business districts near the center of town, where they were sold in small fabric shops and custom clothing shops that employ seamstresses and designers alike. A question here, a small inquiry there, and the friendly citizens of Syliras will immediately point to the best of those shops.

An Elegant Weave is a combination fabric store and clothing shop. It is divided into two parts on the main floor where it's built into its own three story building in the warehouse district. The top floor is dedicated to staff apartments and it's accompanying common room while the second story is a design studio. All staff apartments are simple arrangements: a small, cell like room with a bed, an armoire, a mirror, a simple chair and desk. Staff must pay for their simple room and it costs them 1 SM a day. The ground floor is their retail outlet.

One half of the ground floor houses bolts of cloth, spools of lace, and anything the enterprising home seamstress might want including several varieties of mechanized sewing machines with elegant iron foot pumps. Most people though, including those who work in Elegant Weave, have a scorn for such things and do most of their sewing by hand.

The other part of the shop houses completed garments. There is a set of fitting rooms, a small pedestal for measuring a client and doing final fittings, and rack upon rack of completed designs. The clothing runs from the simple and functional to the elegant such as formal ballroom gowns, as the Knights themselves are apt to hold dances and gatherings in all sorts of celebrations.

A long, low island separates the two sections. It contains a cutting table and an elegant counter, a folding area, and a place to house notions as well as several hundred different types of thread.

Navia Druva is the owner, and a simple inquiry of one of the staff as to her whereabouts will usually find her in yet another area - one reserved for staff only. It was a tall glass orangery that attaches onto the back of the building leading out into a nice garden and staff stables. The orangery is the official 'sewing room' of the Elegant Weave, where the lighting is perfect and the aura peaceful enough for the employees to get some serious work done. It isn't uncommon to find employees and designers gathered, sewing, telling stories and talking among themselves.

Price List and NPCs

Price List
Clothing List

  • Cotton 5 SM
  • Riding 15 GM
  • Wool 5 GM
  • Silk 30 GM
  • Ballgown 50 GM

  • Cotton 8 SM
  • Silk 5 GM

  • Cotton 5 SM
  • Wool 2 GM
  • Silk 15 GM

  • One piece 5 SM
  • Two piece 1 GM

  • Cotton 5 SM
  • Wool 2 GM
  • Velvet 8 GM
  • Silk 15 GM

  • Cotton 5 SM
  • Wool 2 GM
  • Fur 5 GM
  • Leather 3 GM

  • Quilted 8 SM
  • Leather 5 GM
  • Suede 15 GM

  • Brocade 25 GM
  • Silk 35 GM

  • Cotton 2 SM
  • Silk 3 GM

  • Cotton 5 SM
  • Leather 15 GM
  • Wool 2 GM
  • Silk 25 GM

  • Fur 65 GM
  • Wool 85 GM
  • Brocade 60 GM

  • Fur 5 GM
  • Wool 5 SM
  • Brocade 10 GM

• Custom clothing available upon request.
• Tanned Furs purchased here.


  • Cotton – 1 SM yrd
  • Leather – 5 GM yrd
  • Wool – 5 SM yrd
  • Silk – 15 GM yrd
  • Brocade – 13 GM yrd
  • Fur – Inquire As To Availability

  • Sewing Machine - 85 GM
  • Sewing Scissors - 12 SM
  • Pinking Sheers - 10 SM
  • Cutting Board - 25 SM
  • Measuring Tape - 5 SM
  • Fitting Maniquin - 8 GM
  • Thread - 1 CM per spool
  • Pins - 100 per 1 CM
  • Pincushion - 5 CM
  • Embroidery Thread - 5 CM per Skein
  • Embroidery Hoop - 2 CM small, 5 CM medium, 7 CM large

Navia Druva
Navia Druva

ImageName: Navia Druva
Race: Human
PoB: Syliras
Title: Owner, Master Tailor
Clothing Design: 85 pts, Sewing: 83 pts, Drawing: 55 pts, Weaving: 45 pts
Gnosis Marks:
Eyris- 2
Ionu - 2
Additional Info: Born and raised in Syliras among one of the First Families, Navia is related to quiet a few Syliran Knights. She successfully built her career and business up from the ground, beginning her sewing career in her early years. While most of her family was learning to wield swords, she was wielding needles and silks. Navia is fully human, but has a very interesting style in terms of clothing design, one that is all her own.

Navia has over a dozen staff members that include seamstresses, designers, dyers, leather makers, and even furriers. She has two daughters and a husband that seems notoriously absent a great deal.
Sharn Palebecker
Name: Sharn Palebecker
Race: Human.
DoB: 473 A.V.
PoB: Syliras
Title: Tailor
Skills: 61 Sewing, 54 Teaching, 47 Cooking 44 Weaving, 31 Storytelling
Additional Info: Friendly in the most boisterous of ways and jolly in the most unnecessary situations, Sharn is one of the most lovable of the senior staff members of An Elegant Weave. Married to a knight at an early age only to be widowed on the same day her childhood friend went missing, Sharn has been hardened to life in ways that only one who had known lost could be. However, despite the tears she had shed throughout her life from the deaths and disappearances of loved ones, Sharn knew not to dwell on it even from the first one. In a world like theirs survival was only a matter of the present and the future was something only Tanroa knew.

A lover of gossip, one can usually find her from the early hours of the day to the middle of the night in the orangery, feeding the girls who worked there little snippets she heard at the market. When she isn't gossiping she would be instead teaching the other staff how to do various things, be it work related or not.

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Re: [Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Nya Winters on October 4th, 2009, 6:51 am

TS: 30th of Summer (Grandfathered with Permission – Brief Self Moderated because of this thread)

Nya slipped into the store and quickly made selections as she needed them. The truth was she needed to hide clothing about her territory so that when she moved around, she could shift easily, and find a nearby stash of clothing if possible. Plus, she'd needed something to sleep in now that she had company in her cave at night. So, she quickly picked out two cotton blouses ( 5 GM apiece), two sets of leather trousers (15 GM apiece) and on a whim picked up a cotton dress (5 SM) and then an oversized (for her) mens tunic in silk (15 GM) that she could sleep in as a nightshirt when she eventually got control of her shapeshifting while sleeping. For the moment, she was sleeping in a cloak or with just a light blanket because she'd often loose her human shape at night and that would lead to a ruined set of clothing. So, taking her bundle up to the counter, she let them tally her total and then paid them 60 GM for the works.
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Re: [Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Avi on December 14th, 2009, 4:01 am

TS: 1st of Winter, 509 AV

It had taken some doing, but Avi had finally found An Elegant Weave. It hadn't been because the city was hard to navigate... but because she had gotten distracted by plenty of other things. People, sounds, sights, smells... So many! So different! Half of the time she was just wandering, looking around, listening, taking in sights. All of this she'd bring back to her family in Avanthal, and tell them all about it. Her Vantha family would likely never see this place - but Avi, for all of her travels and ability to go a farther and faster than they, always brought her tales back for them.

She browsed around the shop. The mild climate was far too hot for her in her current garments, and she checked out the different types of fabric available before deciding on cotton. It was light and airy, and Avi decided on two pairs of trousers and two vests - the blouses bothered her, and the vests gave her a bit more freedom. She carried these up to the counter, handed over the 20 silver mizas quite happily before tucking her new clothes inside of her backpack. These would do. And if she got cold, she had her cloak and her leathers. "Thankyabigbig!" she waved happily from the door before slipping out into the city once again.
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Re: [Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Abashai on January 2nd, 2010, 12:41 pm

TS: 10th of Winter, AV 509

Abashai nervously entered the clothing shop, an anxiety that only grew as he found himself surrounded by women's clothing. Of all the places he had been since leaving Eyktol, this was suddenly the most uncomfortable. But when he had asked Nya where to find something warm to get for Ilial, she said this was the shop.

He wished Nya had come with him, but the forest cat was already up and gone before sunrise. So he awkwardly wandered the store until a girl with short-cropped hair offered to assist him.

Abashai had settled on a simple brown wool cape, something that would be warm but not interfere with the fiddler's performance. He paid the five silver mizas and hurried out of the shop, most relieved to find himself back in the street.
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[Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 8th, 2010, 5:57 am

2nd of Spring, 510 AV

The door smoothly swung shut behind Alistair deGrey as he entered the brimming store. Racks upon racks of clothing assaulted his senses, he had never seen so many clothes before. It had taken a great deal of internal prodding to persuade Alistair to come here, for he usually was not overly concerned with his appearance as long as he was clean and his clothes did not have holes in them. Well, that was the problem. The current sets of clothing deGrey owned had been his since before his arrival in Syliras. Quite frankly, they were worn.

deGrey meandered through the clothing store, his system shock ebbing away as he took in the immense amount of fabric before him. Many of these were elegant to the point of distasteful, and some were even simpler than the clothes he had previously owned.

He scrolled over many pieces of clothing in a short period of time, dismissing many as too elegant. However, Alistari did find a pair of black cotton trousers, devoid of intricate design or stitching. deGrey liked it, and picked it up as a petite woman approached from the back, "Hello sir, how may I help you today?" the greeting was precise, formal, practiced. Alistair shook his head, "I am looking, I will be done in a few moments." The woman scurried away, waiting quietly to the side.

He perused a few more rows of clothing, picking up a black tunic to match the pants. On the last row he searched, Alistair found a coat. It was by far the most intricate thing he had found so far, but it appealed to deGrey immensely. It was cotton, but dyed to a darker tint than its natural color. Woven into the cotton duster was an extremely intricate and abstract pattern. Black curves and lines and reversals littered the piece, and Alistair found himself enjoying the complexity, if not the elegance, of the coat. So he purchased it as well.

Alistair gave the woman his Mizas, 5 sm for the coat, another 5 sm for the tunic, and 2 sm for the pants. He allowed her a curt nod as he left the store with his goods.

ooc :
I used the price of a tunic for the coat, it is the closest torso garment to it.
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[Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Emory Ruin on May 18th, 2010, 1:57 pm

Emory stepped through the wooden frame of the An Elegant Weave. Dust licked the heels of her leather boots while mud desperately hung to the hem of her dress. How beautiful , was the first thought that danced across her weary mind. After a long day in the hot sun and a close encounter with some scalawag drunkards the previous night, bright colors and intricately braided fabrics quickly became a sight for sore eyes.

If only Marna were here, she thought affectionately. Marna had been a close companion in Mt. Skyinarta in addition to being a lover of vibrant materials of all sorts. Emory’s emerald eyes scanned the perimeter, the shelves lined with multicolored cloths and the rows upon rows of handmade jerkins, boots, and cloaks on display.

The faint aroma of lavender dyes impinged her senses. Unfortunately, she had not come to buy a dress pressed in the color of royalty, however mesmerizing it might be. A blue tunic encrusted with silver threads suddenly caught her attention as she ducked around the nearest shelf. Holding the garment in her hands, she made a decision. Plucking a pair of black pigmented pants, Emory pulled out her leather pouch of money. Reluctantly, Emory set twenty gold mizas on the wooden countertop, fifteen for the leather pants and five for the woolen azure tunic. “Here you are,” Emory nodded and slid the coins in her direction. A cheery young woman about her age smiled in return.

“Have a nice day,” she complemented, pocketing the coins.

Emory didn’t respond, for she was already across the floorboard and out the door.
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[Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Malia on August 3rd, 2010, 3:33 pm


Timestamp: 55th of Summer, 510 AV

Wasn’t it kind of ridiculous for a Nuit to go on a shopping spree? No, she decided and thought about Jilitse, her first Animation mentor, while approaching the exquisite clothing shop of Elegant Weave. Jilitse had emphasized that one had to care for their body, even moreso if one was a Nuit, because decay had to be slowed down and concealed with regular baths, softening skin oils and pleasant scents. Continuing that thought, the right choice of clothing was of equal importance. Malia had been wearing the same old traveling clothes for too long. Together with the new body she needed a new wardrobe.

Upon entering the establishment, a cheerful shop assistant immediately spotted her and went over to assist the pale girl. “Now, this looks like a green and blue type, doesn’t it? How can I help you, Miss?” Malia, unperturbed by her opponent’s cheerful behavior, started describing what she looked for. With the shop assistant’s help she tried on several pieces of different material, style and color. Despite the protest of her friendly attachment she tried to stick to black and dark blues and greens. After all, she didn’t plan to draw unwanted attention just because of her fancy clothing! The shop assistant seemed to hold a different opinion – which was only natural since normal people wore clothing to emphasize their beauty. Malia had no interest in such things though. Additionally, she chose plain clothes because she wanted to spend as little money as possible on that purchase.

In the end she came to an agreement with the opinionated shop assistant and waited for the collection of clothing to be packed into two bags. There were two sets of red and black lingerie, quite obscene as Malia liked to think, two cotton blouses in dark blue and turquoise and with pretty decorations, two black trousers and one black leather vest. Malia felt a little vain when leaving the shop with a lighter purse and the heavy bags, but was satisfied with the purchase nevertheless. The clothes would last for a while.

Receipt :
2 lingerie, 2 piece – 2 gm
2 cotton blouses – 10 gm
2 cotton trousers – 1 gm
1 leather vest – 3 gm
=16 gm
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[Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Airil on September 30th, 2010, 9:57 pm

21st Day, Fall 510 A.V.

Airil hesitantly pushed open the door to An Elegant Weave. She'd gone down to the office of Traveler's Row that morning to find out if there was anywhere other than the Great Bazaar where she might find some clothes. Matilda hadn't hesitated in giving her directions and ushering her out the door with some cookies in hand, no doubt excited by the prospect of Airil returning in clothes that weren't falling apart.

Through the door, she could quite clearly see the rows of fabric on one side and clothing on the other. It was definitely the right place. She let the door close behind her with a tinkle and soon an assistant was marching towards her from across the store. The woman stopped and stared at Airil for a moment.

“I know just what you need.” A bewildered Airil followed the woman around the store as garments were plucked off the racks before being ushered towards a fitting room.

The next couple of hours were spent trying on clothes, vetoing anything that wasn't modest enough, and good-naturedly arguing with the assistant. The fact was that Airil had learned plenty from watching her master argue with shop keepers and though Airil wouldn't be wearing the sort of clothes her master would have gone about purchasing, she still had a good idea of what she wanted.

Once the clothing were chosen, Airil made sure to pick up a bit of cloth and some sewing supplies. Her mother had taught her to sew a long time ago and it had gotten them a bit of money back then. She would be out of practice, but she had her own clothes to work on now.

By the time Airil had left the shop, she felt like she was taking half the store with her. Most of the clothes had been modest and a little on the plain side, much to the assistant's dismay but the woman couldn't have been too disappointed with the final tally. The only piece she'd chosen that really stood out, had been a long jacket, meant to go over a dress, that had fit too well to pass up.

Receipt :
Sewing Kit – 18 gm
contains: fabric sheers, assorted needles, thimble, spool of thread, glue, small pencil and sheets of paper, assorted buttons, tailor's tape, paper with instructions on basic techniques
Embroidery Kit – 20 gm
contains: Pair of snips, embroidery hoop, thimble, embroidery needles, stabilizing cloth, silk floss, small collection of basic patterns
2 yds cotton fabric – 2 sm
5 spools thread – 5 sm
pincusion - 5sm

gloves, cotton – 1 gm
stockings – 4 sm
nightshirt, silk – 6 gm
scarf, cotton – 1 sm
long jacket, wool – 5 gm
2 blouses, cotton – 10 gm
2 pants, cotton – 4 gm
long skirt, cotton – 5 sm

Total: - 65gm 2sm
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[Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Stag Fern on October 19th, 2010, 8:51 am

49 Fall, 510 A.V

Stag was a little excited going inside. He had a pretty good day he had a good night sleep, he had a good meal for a few silvers and now he was going to enter a clothes shop for the first time in 6 years. Amazingly he found the shop pretty easily he just walked straight and that was virtually it when he did see it he smirked at some of the people suddenly then and there he realized it was Fall. Who can blame him with winter approaching this was a very prudent move for his part.

When he went inside all the customers quickly stared at him Who are these people and why are they staring at me like the wanna kill me he thought then he remebered his clothes. He was wearing his normal clothes literally rags Stag then saw a lady walking up to him "Hello i'm Navia I own this shop how may i help you" Navia said not wanting an answer she dragged him towards the clothing section of the shop and stood about 3 paces behind him. Stag was almost a head taller than Navia but Navia never flinched when Stag looked at her all she did was smile and gesture at the clothes. Stag found what he was looking for a pair of leather trousers...it's a start. "So you like those might you want to try them on sir" Navia said again with a smile "Oh I can why thank you" Stag replied he did try it on though not in a fitting room he just put it over his shorts. "Yup this will do and if you also have these things too umm leather gloves umm ahh oh a leather jacket and uh a thread with a needle" said Stag "Hmm quite the leather fan are you alright I will find them" she said with a ofcourse grin on her face. In the end Stag went home a new man and new clothes.

Recipt :
leather trousers 15gm, leather Jacket 10gm, leather gloves 3gm,sewing needle with thread3gm total=31gm

OOCThere are things that are not here in this store so I used the price list to find the things I want if it's alright. also I added a plus on a few of the items like plus 2 gm because they aren't here
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[Syliras Location] An Elegant Weave

Postby Jischa on October 30th, 2010, 2:17 pm

59th Fall, 510

Checking a deeply creased note, Jischa nodded then stepped into An Elegant Weave, the clothing shop that'd been recommended to her. Looking around the cloth-strewn shop, she smiled, clearly pleased at the suggestion. Clothed in the same tunic she'd worn since her caravan's last stop nearly a week ago, the prospect of clothing that hadn't been washed in a stream then re-outfitted nearly had the Konti healer giddy with excitement.

ImageExchanging a brief greeting with the on-duty shopkeeper, she'd set about lifting and examining a variety of cloths and pre-rendered garments, setting some aside and replacing others at her whim. Finally settling on a pair of golden silk pants(3GM), a swath of pearl-white velvet(2GM), and an alpaca fur-lined vest(5GM), she gathered the clothing and moved toward the fitting pedestal.Image

Unabashedly letting her cloak fall to the ground, revealing that she wore little more than a nearly-transparent tunic belted at her hips, she shed these too, then took her place atop the pedestal in a set of barely there lingerie. First donning the silk pants, she pinched them at the thigh, glancing at the assistant.
"I'll have these taken in, if you will." Indicating the amount she wanted taken in, it was clearly apparent that skin-tight was the order of the day, and once satisfied that her wish had been conveyed, she removed the pants and moved on to the velvet.

"This," she began, artfully draping the material about her slender form, "I'll have in tunic style, nevermind about sleeves." The assistant, skillfully arranging the velvet just-so, began to pin it into place, marking Jischa's measurements down for reference. Once the pair had worked out the final design, the pins were withdrawn and Jischa was bared again, slipping her arms into the vest. "This needs naught but some embroidering," she decided, turning this way and that to admire her form in the fitted vest with sable-streaked alpaca fur lining.

ImageRemoving the vest, she regretfully re-dressed in her old clothing, then handed the assistant a sketch of a swirled design radiating out from a small oval. Making her way to the counter, she paid the 10GM for her clothing, adding in 3SM for the embroidery alteration.
"If you could see these delivered to the Golden Dragon, I'd be ever so grateful," she requested with a smile, before sweeping back out the door and on with her errands.
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