1 Spring
In the Unterwater city, Hemsut was in the palace of her uncle Bodaway, Hemsut looked out to the Charoda civilians below the palace. Her eyes saw families, the elderly, couples, and the young like her. The sun shined down in the waters, Must be a beautiful day out... There was a law that no Charoda can go up to the surface unless needed and depending on who's ships they are, if its the Myrians its usually black, but The Charoda do like to show them selfs, to bring peace. Hemsut had on her neckless that her mother use to wear, her fingers rubbed the neckless and sighed.
"Now what are you doing here? you should be rehearing your dance remember." A light touch land on Hemsut's shoulders.
"No I haven't forgotten, Auntie. I was just thinking." Hemsut's Aunt Irica was like a mother to her sence her mother died and father was missing. Irica and Bodaway had two sons and a daughter. Abhaya was the eldest son next to claim the crown. Dasras is training to be a warrior, Hemsut has been training him along with her firend Malajit whom she grew up with when she was a baby. The daughter Lajila, is getting married to prince Jambhala in Charbosi where majority of the Charoda's live
"What about may I ask," Her Aunt asked interrupting her thoughts again. Hemsut didn't want to say. "Please tell me Hemsut! You never let any one in please tell me before you brake!" Hemsut stayed quiet for a liitle while,
"If I told you. You wouldn't understand." Hemsut looked at her webbed feet.
"Then make me understand," Lrica turned Hemsut to her and hugged her.
"What if my father isn't dead. What if-" Hemsut was cut off.
"Don't! Don't think like that. You think like that we might lose you, and your uncle don't wan to lose you like his brother. Your father." Hemsut nodded her head that it was clear to her, but thoughts still swarmed in her head about it.