“Of course Neilles, of course” was all that she responded in concern of the grape juice comment from the other woman. She was a liar but not a foolish one, she would not make a promise officially to Neilles unless she meant it and so opted for something that would sound like one without actually being one.
No sense to burning bridges for no reason. If she confronts me I’ll have truth and technicality on my side, if not morality. Two out of three isn’t bad she mused as she continued to imbibe from her own bottle of stashed merriment.
The reactions of the other woman surprised her though, she had not figured her to be so warming to the beverage to the point of quick drinking. She could not tell her to slow down, however, without destroying the pretence and so she had sealed her fate in that regard – it was sure to be a long day indeed. She smiled up at Nellies as she turned to look at her, the words themselves taking Zandelia by surprise to say the least. She had known there was a relationship between the two of them but she had not expected Neilles to actually wish to pursue it, or entertain the idea at least. Still, it was a pleasant conversation and could lead to the knowing of more things, perhaps something beyond the verbose too. It was perhaps a little wrong to other’s perceptions, but she saw nothing wrong with forging stronger bonds to others through physicality – if done correctly it could create ones that would never breaks except under the greatest of strains.
At any rate, I have not experienced true closeness in years, too many years she told herself morosely, the drink beginning to slowly etch her thoughts with its presence.
“Well, I did not expect to hear that you would even think to explore that side of things with Ximal, but it is not surprising really, he is a…unique man,” she responded, weighing her words carefully, “he offers much that others do not. The trouble with him is that he has a stick up his arse! You’re the only woman I’ve actually ever heard of him being…intimate…with” she continued, frowning at that, even her own advances had been casually rebuffed – almost as if he were scared of going further than sparring or the casual drink.
She pulled Neilles closer then, by her leg, tugging the girl so that her face was within touching distance whilst she was reclined upon her growingly warm bedding. She sighed and wondered how to express what she was about to say – it was a difficult thing to think of really, the fact that others might have control over the other woman that would one day circumvent her own control mechanisms. At the moment Neilles needed her, that was what drove their bond in some ways and it would not last forever. The longer they spent together the more independent the other woman was becoming, to the point where she could only hold her back so much. She would stay in control for now, but for how long she could not know. She let her hand rest upon Neilles’ thigh and looked up at her with fondness as she took another portion from her bottle and swallowed it.
“I often find that friendships are where most long lasting things start my dear, if you like them before you spread your legs then you can be sure that – if they are half-decent – you will like them after too. Mostly it all depends upon whether it is what you want, rather than what they want” she spoke out once more with considering tones.
“Oh I could help you catch his eye more, put on some powder to enhance your complexion, some color to bring out the delightful shine of your eyes,” she touched each place as she said the, check then eyelid, slowly, “some nicer clothing, a belt to bring some more shape to your waist perhaps. I could teach you to walk, talk and touch him as he would like if that was your thing too” she finished.
“Oh I could teach you how to wrap him around your fingers, or at least begin to. He is not one to fall to simplicities right away – you’d have to work on it. Then, before either of you knew it you could even possibly be in love” she said the last word with an inflection that was easy to discern that she had never really experienced such a thing in her life.