[Unverified] Vladimir Balsam

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Vladimir Balsam

Postby Vladimir Balsam on March 24th, 2013, 3:30 am

Name: Vladimir Balsam
Race: Symenestra
Age: 22 Born, Spring 488 AV
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Very, extremely Jet Black hair with Silver underneath
Very pale skin, as pale as a vampire
Very dark black nails
Amethyst (purple) eyes
Very lean in build, like most Symenestra and is six feet with wide shoulders.
Wears the traditional Sym outfit, the specialty woven leggings and wraps.

Vladimir is a very self-centered person. He has learned to keep to himself and to keep his life private from others. Has very few friends and tries not to get too close to people as most don’t understand him or his race. Vladimir believes in defending what he thinks is right even if it means killing someone. Vladimir worships the blood GOD Viratas. Vladimir wishes that he could do more hand – to – hand battles but knows that in order to do that he would need some heavy and prtectful armor. Wishes though that he will be able to one day. Vladimir is good with eavesdropping and spying on people because he has excellent vision in the dark unlike most races and can scale walls. Vladimir comes from a very wealthy and highly respected family in the Symenestra race. Comes from a pure Symenestra bloodline. Vladimir is a very good charmer and persuader especially when it comes to speaking with woman. Is a very highly groomed and well kept person. Always presentable, always on time.

Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Symenos

Heirloom: A Lash (bow and arrow) that has been passed down to him from generation and generation of family, since he is the oldest of his family.

Skills Exp Total
Tracking 5 SP 5
Observation 6 SP 6
Acrobatics 5 SP + 10 RP 15
Stealth 7 SP 7
Climbing 9 SP 9
Hunting 8 SP 8
Running 6 SP 5
Weaving 5 SP 5

1 set of clothing
- Simple silk shirt
- Simple silk leggings
- Simple silk pants
- Simple cloak
- Simple boots
- 1 waterskin
- - comb (metal)
- Brush (metal)
- Soap
- Razor
- Flint and steal
- 600 gold Mizas

Lore of poisonous plants in the Sylira region
lore of climbing

Is a traveller and stays either at tent places or hostels.
Vladimir Balsam
Posts: 49
Words: 21723
Joined roleplay: March 24th, 2013, 3:28 am
Race: Symenestra
Character sheet

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