Zareah PC Name’s (Required) Physical Information (Required)
Race Kelvic - Ringtail cat
Birthdate - late-summer, 509 AV
Age - 11 months
Sex - Female
Physical Description Character Concept
Human form, she has slanted yellow-green eyes with cat-like silted pupils. Her skin is olive toned, her hair is wavy, ear length and light gray, nearly white. All of her teeth are pointed, with two canines only slightly more prominent than the rest, because of this she has difficulty chewing and is more likely to rip pieces off and swallow them whole. You don’t see these teeth unless she opens her mouth. She is about 4feet 10inches, 74 pounds, and looks like she’s about 13. In Kelvic time, she is nearly an adult.
Animal form, ringtail cat.
It's actually a type of racoon. Her base fur color is the same as her hair, she has pure white markings around her eyes, dark jade-green in this form, and some black on her snout and back paws, her tail is very long and has black rings on it. She’s about 6 pounds in this form and very quick.
Personality - She’s a bit of a baby, once you get to know her. She likes attention and will go through a lot to get it, sometimes she simply gets demanding if you ignore her. She’s easily scared by things bigger than her but if its smaller than her she’s liable to torment it. She often seems pretty sadistic when hunting, she likes to play with her food, while its still alive. "Curiosity killed the cat" is probably one of the biggest warnings she needs.
Ethics - none
Likes - Attention, playing with small animals (as in, they become the toy), climbing, eating, cuddling, midnight, dusk, sunrise, flowers, berries
Dislikes - Being ignored, flies, most plant food besides berries (grapes and bananas especially), being in full sunlight,
Character History
She was born to two farmers that live in the Mithryn Outpost. Her rapid growth, foreign looks, and strange behavior made them fear her so she left them as soon as she had mastery over her forms. She left in her animal form and took nothing with her, she hunts some and scavenges from towns and cities.
Training & Skill Points (Required)
Starting Package (Initial Skills/Points)
Wilderness Survival- 27/100 (27 starting bonus)
Stealth-13/100 (13 starting bonus)
Fishing-10/100 (10 starting bonus)
Hunting-10/100 (10 racial)
common - Fluent, though she has trouble remembering some things as she hasn't used it often.
Listening (Initial two Lore)
Length of time it takes sitting still before the fish stop being afraid of you (Initial two Lore)
no money