The Harbor [Post here first]

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Cian on April 19th, 2013, 3:29 pm

Cian squinted as he opened the hatch onto the deck of the merchant ship he had attained passage on to the dreaded island of Sahova. The captain assured them that they were making good time and the island should be in sight sometime in the next couple of hours. Butterflies made their presence known in his stomach, the moment he had long been waiting for was merely an arm’s length away now, no chickening out and no turning back.

The ship had been at sea for almost three weeks now and Cian was growing frustrated with the never changing landscape. Cloud cover had moved in only a couple days after setting out and had refused to show even a glimmer of sunlight, making the already uninteresting waves even less interesting. Being a productivity based person the long journey spent cooped up in a small cabin with nothing to do had taxed Cian to his limit. He was itching to get above deck and do something other than stare at a wall.

Cian found a secluded spot behind some barrels on the deck of the ship where he tucked himself away to wind down the final hours of the journey. Although this journey had been incredibility boring it had given him time to go over his arguments for why he should be allowed on the island. Cian was rather unknowledgeable in this aspect as he had not taken the time research the island and its inhabitants, all he know is that the residents were primarily made of undead wizards, many of whom were centuries old and had been studying their craft for double or triple his lifetime. How could he convince them that this human, merely a babe by their standards was capable of keeping up with their level of academics and research? Cleverly Cian’s main argument laid in the fact that he was so young, the notion of talent can be a powerful motivator and Nuit of all peoples should understand the idea of investing in the long term.

For as long as he could remember Cian was a quick learner and he had excelled in his classes at the university of Zeltiva. Upon learning of the different disciplines of magic he had quickly enrolled in as many classes as he could, constantly hounding professors about the ins and outs of every law and rule. Cain felt as if he was not progressing quickly enough and for that reason he set out to find somewhere that would not hold him back and let him progress at his own rate. Where better then to be apprenticed to a master who had been practicing his craft for hundreds or years.

Time passed as quickly as time passes for someone in anticipation such as Cian, like a snail working its way through molasses but finally the island was in sight. Cians heart caught in his throat as he laid eyes on his hopeful island home, Rocky and fairly barren he could just make out the docks that stuck out from the island like a net waiting for fish to wander in.

Upon docking he took his time in working his way off the ship, making sure to grab all that he owned, the captain was sure to keep anything he left behind. The golem and Captains business had been concluded by the time Cian walked with light footfalls down the gangplank and set foot for the first time on the island. Looking around Cian realized that all the workers were automatons, “amazing” he said to himself, he had not realized that the wizards had spent so much time streamlining the process so they were able to focus on other things. Even the bargaining was done by a Golem and the merchant seemed ready to accept whatever price the golem offered.

Spotting a golem that looked like it had nothing to do Cian made his way over to it, walking with long and purposeful strides and upon reaching the golem it spoke first.

"identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission."

“Ahh, Cian from the University of Zeltiva here.”

Cian spoke clearly and confidently
“I am here to pursue my craft in the world of magic, would you kindly point me in the right direction so I might pursue an apprenticeship?”

The golem, looking through its gemstone eye seem to process the information for a second before blurting out a fairly mechanical response that he should follow the path up to the citadel. Frowning because the instructions were vague, Cian looked up towards the Citadel and traced the path back down to his current position. It was quite the climb and he would rather not be tired and probably fairly grouchy from the climb before meeting anyone else in the citadel. Thankfully he noticed a carridge that looked as if it were about to leave, although Cian could not tell why because there were no horses attached to the carriage, nor a carriage driver.

Quickly hopping into the carriage Cian was excited and yet for some reason extremely nervous, the pit grew in his stomach as the carriage started to role.

“Today, my life truly starts” he whispered to himself.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Icthius Snowsong on June 17th, 2013, 5:39 pm

Icthius placed his guitar down and stood up to admire the island the boat docked on. He lazily stretched his arms to the sky and let out one big yawn. He turned to his new friend the monk who was sitting in prayer feet away from him. It always fascinated Icthius what types of things brought others to fear. The monk stood up to wish Icthius farewell. They said their goodbyes and Icthius thanked the monk again for helping him get to the island (no matter how foolish it may have been) Icthius led his firemane Chris onto the dock and walked it over to the golem. He looked up and gave the golem a big friendly smile that he knew fell on cold blind robotic eyes.
"My name is Icthius feathersance, I come to this island to improve upon my magical skills."
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Soach Sreyorsted on July 3rd, 2013, 3:48 am

Soach was reading his book, when all of a sudden he heard the lookout of the ship he had taken from Zeltiva shout, "Landahoy!". He looked up from his book, startled. This was due in part to the fact that the silence of the port had convinced him they were still at sea. As they glided up to the dock, Soach walked up to the prow of the ship and waited. He didn't have to wait long, for soon a odd looking golem said: "Welcome to Sahova. Identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission."
Soach, hearing this, disembarked, deep in thought. What would his first day be like? Would he survive. He had no wish to die, just a want for knowledge. He walked up to the golem and said, rather nervously, "I am here to aquire more magical knowledge. May I enter Sahova?"
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Remma Umiel on July 12th, 2013, 2:27 am

80, Season of Summer, 513

The scent of the ocean wafted through the portholes of Baradbal, laying its salty residue on the coffins of semi-preserved corpses that were stacked to the ceiling; contained in wooden shelf units. The wooded floor boards creaked as each new wave sprays itself against the Bulwarks. The last morning’s sun before their arrival at Sahova, crept easily through the windows, illuminating the darkened floorboards as it made its way across the bottom of the bay.

The sound of commotion from above awoke a young woman sleeping in the aft back of the ship away from the walls of coffins. Her soft, coffee-tinted skin glowed in the amber waves of the morning sun as she rose to her feet. Long earthen locks fell to the small of her back, fading into a near translucent white at their tips. Her golden hues scanned her surroundings for the young man with which she was bonded. She scampered around collecting her belongings; donning her small, white, ramie robe with a single simple middle clasp, and simple undergarments, she made her way up a latter to her right reaching to the deck in order to locate her partner.

The breeze coming off the sea whisked through her hair blowing it wildly about as the young woman crawled out from the bowels of the vessel. She raised a hand to cover her eyes from the blinding light of the morning sun; allowing her to easily spot her bondsmate, Lyron, leaning against the bulwarks. His dark hair and natural complexion making him stick out like a sore thumb, even if the earthen tones of his outfit were to help him blend in. She made her way across the deck towards Lyron before stopping to notice that they were coming into port, she didn't want to lose him at the docks after all.

Sails pulled taught as they entered the harbor slowing them down as they make their entrance, Finally she was here, to learn, craft and explore the depths of herself; to craft herself a story of her and Lyrons journey together. The wooden walkway was extended and they exited they ship, Remma’s eyes focused on the rather large golems moving the caskets from below hauling them effortlessly into the cats that she assumed carried them to their next destination. As she passed the golems making their way around the wooden docks she could feel a sense of excitement welling up inside her.

They noticed a carriage with no horses or driver sitting at beginning of a long road. As they made their way past them the doors to the carriage opened as if to beckon them inside. Taking the hint she stepped inside, settling herself against the far window. Golden hues scanned the inside of the carriage checking for anything suspicious, finding nothing she relaxed slightly as not to stress herself out. The path ahead of her looked treacherous at best, the high stone walls of the Citadel looked horribly imposing and the islands reputation left most shivering and yet she could only find herself drawn to this place; this institute of death.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Celeste Arumen on August 5th, 2013, 4:00 pm

25th Day of Summer, 513 AV

If she never saw a boat again, it’d be too soon. The salt brine of the sea stung her nose, so she spent most of the journey below decks. Celeste didn’t mind the actual movement of the ship, that gentle rocking a comforting reminder of her Grandmother’s arms. But after several sea voyages, she was finished with the idea of boats, though it’d provided several opportunities to study the ethereal osprey and further, the inimitable albatross.

All in all, she was simply grateful not to be dead. The challenge in that was soon to begin, but Celeste wasn’t so worried. She’d heard at the previous port that something was wrong with the golems that intercepted travelers. She’d be able to slip in relatively under the radar, provided no one thought much of a small bobcat being someone’s pet. So when the activity began above-decks, she stretched her colty legs and closed her eyes, focusing inward on the image of her own djed.

Very slowly she began shift it about, stretch it wide in certain places and draw it in with others; the image of four sturdy legs, molten eyes and tufted ears replacing pallid, pink flesh. It was a slow process, but her memory was precise; other than the dog, the bobcat was her favored choice above all others. After a few minutes of concentration, she peered around the cabin in which she sat. Her ruff was slightly off, just a bit too long in her estimation, her tail a little too short. Irritated with the slight throw to her balance, she swaggered to the top of the ship, eager to be off and into the city proper.

It was subtle enough, for her purposes. Close to the heel of one of the merchants, she followed him off-ship and toward the Citadel. Her figurative cheeks burned – odd, that such a human sensation would plague her, even in the form of a beast. She padded off on her own after a time, looking to research how exactly she could become an apprentice and make the city her home.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Ronas Dermir on August 10th, 2013, 1:51 pm

Season of Summer, Day 2, 513 AV

Ronas Dermir tried to concentrate as the boat shifted endlessly in the lake, rocking back and forth like a giant saw. Eyes closed, ears open, he sat cross-legged upon his tiny bunk, massive frame hunched due to the lack of space. Close your eyes, he thought to himself. Clear your mind. Push out all distractions.

The acrid stench of dead flesh mixed and joined with other innumerable unrecognizable odors, all of which assaulted his nose. There was the sound of the waves crashing against the side of the boat, of the sails slapping in the wind, of the groan of plank against plank. But none of the shouting and pushing and shoving he normally heard in ports of other towns. Truly, this was the Silent Port. Good. He could use some peace and quiet.

Ronas Dermir opened his eyes. Cold, piercing gray eyes stared forward, almost hypnotically. For a moment, he was still as a statue. Then, with a fluid movement, he stood, the floor creaking in protest to his actions. Without a word, he strode past the living quarters and galley, toward the deck. Nothing needed to be said. They were here.

Ronas gazed impassively at the imposing Fortress of Sahova in the distance. It mattered little whether the dead would accept him or not. He was here. He would serve.

Or die trying.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Fubuki Kouri on September 1st, 2013, 9:02 am

Fubuki Kouri

The Harbor, 8th of Bell, 50th of Fall 513 A.V

Two ghost girls and a Nuit could be seen hitching a ride in one of the boats... heading to the Isle of the Undeads, Sahova. The strangely calm atmosphere as the boat approached Sahova brought dread to the ghostly sisters, a strange fact considering they were also one of the dead. "R-rena... Rena..." Kouri reached out, focused the soulmist on her fingers, and tugged at Kriemhild's dress. Rena was quivering and hugging her older sister tight, closing her eyes, trying to stay calm.

"Yes, Mistress?" Kriemhild, the sister's Nuit Maid, answered with her ever-so-emotionless tone. This was nothing new to her, this was like coming back home. Sahova, the place where she was turned into one of the undead by her Master. She was once a human slave, turned into a Nuit slave, and then finally as a Maid of these little girls. Fate sure was toying with her, not that she cared, she had left her humanity a long time ago.

"A-are w-we there yet?" For all her power and abilities, Kouri was still much a little girl, especially when excited or afraid. She was tugging at the Nuit's dress hem, head tilted down, and bubbly crimson eyes looking up, almost crying.

"Almost, Mistress..." The Nuit answered matter-of-factly.

"O-okay... you will stay with us, r-right?" It was a strange question, Kouri was the most powerful being out of the three, yet she was the one seeking protection.

"Yes, Mistress" Kriemhild nodded.

The boat arrived, the dead trio disembarked, and they ventured forward to the Citadel. It would serve as a whole new experience for the sisters.

"common" | "vani" | thoughts

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Annalisa Marin on September 4th, 2013, 1:50 am

75th of Fall, 513 AV

All power demanded sacrifice.

It was a saying that Anna believed in whole heartedly, a truth that echoed true to the core of her being. When she had gained Rhysol's blessings she had sacrificed friendship and trust. When she had sought further power in regards to her magic she had sacrificed her very identity and instead became the servant of Chaos she now was. And now, to learn the extent of her own power she chose to sacrifice her home and leave Zeltiva behind in pursuit of knowledge.

The sight of the island as it the ship drew closer to the dock was beyond the wizard's every expectation. All wizard's possessed something of a sixth sense in detecting magic, for her it was a warm tingling sensation that crawled down her spine. It was not always accurate but the wizard felt it wise to trust the feeling as she approached the island. It was nearly oppressive to a level and the wizard found that some part of her relished in it.

Her path laid here, there was no longer a lingering doubt in her mind about it. Whatever horrors lay within the citadel beyond she would combat them with her knowledge and cunning, she would not be broken by this place. She would forge the path to her ultimate destiny and learn every facet of magic that she could here. Living she might be, Tsaba's warning still fresh in her mind, but she would rise above the petty wizards that came here. Anna was more than that, she knew it within her heart and soul.

The ship pulled alongside the dock and the wizard was quick to disembark, sparing none of the crew a second look. Her weathered cowl cast a shadow over her face, the rest of her cloak draped over her body. Her pack was slung loosely over her shoulders, all that was carried within were the bare essentials needed for survival.

With a spared glance to the ship she set upon the path the citadel. She had survived reimancy, meeting a literal god, and glancing into the very dimension of emptiness. She would survive Sahova as well.
Last edited by Annalisa Marin on September 21st, 2013, 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Maduro Salvitary on September 14th, 2013, 3:43 pm

10th Of Fall 513 AV

So this was it, seemed to be all Maduro could manage to muster in his thoughts. He had alot on his mind it was surprising even that managed to slip out. His time in Zeltiva had shown him the way, he would prove to those that thought of him as nothing that charisma could become just as powerful as any punch or slash of sword. He was beginning to feel alright again, though the rumors and hushed whispers surrounding this place made him shudder like a child on his first day of school. Would they the undead masters accept him? Or was he destined to become a failure, a test subject for experimentation it seemed the island would not reveal it's plans for him.

As he walked down the plank of the ship onto the pier, he felt like something was amiss. The landscape here was barren stripped of life and no automaton robots came screeching to his point of arrival. The rumors must have been wrong, about metallic beasts servants of the undead overlords.

He continued forward now, unsure of what to believe or expect.

Who knew, maybe Sahova was a friendly place.
Last edited by Maduro Salvitary on September 24th, 2013, 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Khasara re Menehat on September 20th, 2013, 8:09 am

The 11th of Autumn, 513 AV

Khasara had refused to go below deck today, needing to breathe in the salty breeze of the sea air aboard the Saga Shooter. She’d had to argue with the first mate for quite a while, and had to whack him on the wrist several times with her practice sword when he tried to grab her to drag her below once more. She was stubborn, to say the least. She got that from her mother.

Now she stood upon the bow of the ship, the man in the crow’s nest insisting that they were nearing land, sending sailors scrambling to tie down the loose ands and prepare to dock. She didn’t see any land, only fog, but she knew better than to distrust your scout. Years on the sea had taught her that much. So, when the towering grey buildings suddenly appeared from the mist, she wasn’t as surprised by the fact that they appeared than the fact that they were so…plain. Intimidating, sure, and enormous, but without any unnecessary decoration or flash to them. She smiled inwardly. Mother would hate it here.

As the sailors docked the ship Khasara went about dragging her great chest up to the main deck. It was enormous and filled to the brim with dried food separated by thin wooden boards to keep them from mingling. She had heard that food was tough to come by on the island, and had refused to take any chances. The food would be enough to last her a full year, but by the gods was it heavy! Once the ship had docked she paid two sailors a copper each to help her heft it onto shore and carry it towards the Citadel.

She knew she’d be all on her own, soon, and their help was something greatly appreciated.

She stepped forward, dragging her chest inside, unsure of what this new experience might bring.
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