AppearanceRace: Kelvic
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Birthday: 5th, Spring, 510AV
Birthplace: Kelvic Research Institute
Appearance: A raven haired maiden just on the cusp of maturity with eyes of dark chocolate. She is on the shorter side at 5'2" with distinguished shoulders and long fingers. Some might even describe them as a pianists hand, though she has never played a note in her life. Though somewhat skinny, one might be hard-pressed to depict this as she is often "perching". With elbows tucked in, hands and forearms resting against thighs or sides, knees bent and weight resting on the balls of her feet and toes, she 'perches'. Much like a rancher might hunker except more bird-like. Her hair is kept short, only her bangs extending to her chin to frame a pleasant but not overly angular face. She has plump, round cheeks, and slightly larger than usual, round eyes with the iris taking up a good portion. Her long toes make excellent gripping when she goes shoeless and thus perching upon smaller than usual vantages becomes easier. Her skin is only slightly tanned, bordering on bleached-caramel. There was some mild discoloration in her skin on her left hip and abdomen, a darker patch of smooth, but jagged-edged skin. It was nothing more than a birthmark.
Animal form- An ebon-feathered raven just shy of 21 inches from beak tip to tailtip with a crest of iridescent emerald and wingtips that shimmer dark purple too. Her dark eyes are large and observant, not unlike in human form, and set behind a medium to large bill that arches slightly. The most distinguishing features of her animal form are the dark chocolate and earth-brown shades along her neck and chest feathers. The same jagged-edged birthmark viewable beneath the dark plumage on her left hip and belly in animal form.
Character ConceptOne mightn't expect a raven to show interest in helping others; however, the Neeli-descendant had a strong knack for assisting those in need. Her slightly talkative nature made her a bit overbearing to those uninterested in the simpler of the world, but it was not wholly intolerable. The natural curiosity of her genetics and extreme intelligence of her raven side made learning easy. However, the maiden lacked in the devious mischief other corvid's would readily display. Her curiosity would not lead her violently astray, but the risk would always remain. The only real malevolence she had thus far shown in her life was a lust for taunting cats (big or small). Those evil bird-killers made such wonderful targets, who wouldn't want to launch a boot at their backsides or pull their tails in passing?
Her vocalizations did allow Yonega to find a love for singing, often mimicking the songs of some of the other bird-Kelvics found in the avian sanctuary at the research institute. Not everyone enjoyed the 'kraa' and 'rawk' songs she made; however, her mezzo-soprano voice just not quite tuned yet for the made-up diddy's performed in her cage. Furthermore, her chattery nature made keeping some thoughts to herself a bit more difficult. Not everyone needs to know that that particular fellow has a booger hanging out of his nose, or that the color of that pretty lady's dress makes her eyes look like a Relic's excrement.
With her pending sale from the Research Institute, Yonega has yet to learn what the world will truly be about. One thing shines clear, however: if there is one in need, she will help them with whatever means she can find; at least, so long as she can subdue her fear of the dark and claustrophobia....
Character HistoryHer first memory was of the labs. The sterility, the odor (one could hardly say that none existed, for there was indeed an aroma unique to the research institute). It was the low chatter of the researchers, though she could not distinguish what they said.Yonega was a product of selective breeding, an attempt to harvest her parents Kelvic genes to produce an ideal candidate for the Ravokian guard. Her parents had produced three before her, two of which were immediately shuffled off as unusable by the institute for sale later that year. The other, and first, had become an ideal candidate for future experiments in breeding for military use. The parents themselves had been paired because of their own wily intellects. They had consistent marks in their observational skill and were known around the facility for often stealing things from researchers pockets (if they weren't restrained quickly enough). In hopes of honing this into a specific offspring that might prove useful as a spy, the pair were put together at the next breeding season.
Yonega, however, was far too gentle. While she did not lack intelligence (as far as corvids went), she lacked the sort of aggression the facility sought. Her displays in the bird sanctuary with other avian Kelvics suggested she would not be suited for the kind of work the city's leading factions sought. She showed a keen interest in helping some of the others in the sanctuary, particularly those that might have been born disfigured, or become such through some of the experiments the researchers introduced.
In an effort to draw something more than the gentle way she had already shown, some the researchers exposed her to prolong periods of darkness within a smaller cage than what her animal form would have been comfortable with. However, instead of aggression or an intelligent means of finding escape, the Kelvic reverted to violent flailing and shrieking after only 48 hours. This terror-stricken response warranted the administration of anesthetics until she could calm again and the tests resume. From this period, Yonega developed a severe claustrophobia and more mild form of nyctophobia; notated in her file at the Institute, it took nearly a month before she had recovered enough from the shock of the experiment to be of any use in further tests.
The results of the darkness and confinement experiment coupled with the teenagers overall un-militaristic nature made her unviable for further testing and thus put her on the list for sale that year. Her part in Kelvic Research had ended, for now, and a new adventure was soon to be unraveled. But who could want an un-mischievous, noisy Kelvic who'd rather help the lame than wreak havoc?
The auction that early spring had gone entirely unexpected! A young man had freed her and the bird had found her way into the brief company of a man named Garron, who provided her with a few basic necessities (like clothes, which quickly wore out as the changling struggled to adapt in this new environment). However, he could not prepare her for life in a Rhysol-reverent land like this and during a flight from the docks near Tine's, they became separated once more. Yonega spent the remainder of the season either on the borders of Ravok or in the surrounding wilds, roosting in trees and on rooftops, or in alleys when she could not manage a shift. At times she wondered if living in the Institute had not been better...And then she reminded herself of the cramped quarters and knew being able to stretch her wings was a marked improvement, even if she did not understand much of what went on in this strange place.
So it was with great caution that the Kelvic began exploring the city that summer, unsure who could be trusted, and if the Institute might still be searching for her to get back the miza's they'd lost out on when young mister Cosmo pulled the wool over their eyes.
LanguageFluent Language: Avian
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language:SkillsSkill | Total | Proficiency |
Singing | 10/100 | Novice |
Medicine | 25/100 | Novice |
Observation | 15/100 | Novice |
Flying | 1/100 | Novice |
Bodybuilding | 1/100 | Novice |
Running | 1/100 | Novice |
Acrobatics | 1/100 | Novice |
Miming | 2/100 | Novice |
Persuasion | 1/100 | Novice |
Foraging | 10RB/100 | Competent |
LoresPossessions1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple sandals
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Heavy Crossbow, 20 bolts (stored beneath a tree in the woods outside of Ravok)
Heirloom: N/A
HousingLocation: Ravok/Wildlands
House: Wherever she can roost without drawing attention
LedgerPurchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM |
Housing Turn in | +500 GM | 600 GM |
Seasonal Expenses (squalor) | -5 GM | 595 GM |
Thread List7th of Spring, 513 Let the Bidding Begin!(completed)7th of Spring (a little while later), 513: Did somebody lose a bird?(Completed)--------------
Summer 513
Summer 15, Rockin with a ravenSummer 35- Sometimes you feel like a nut (Irriari)Summer 73-I've got rhythm