It was a strange, strange day. Aleksi woke up next to a huge, long-haired man, in a room she didn't know, completely naked just to realize what she had done. Rolling her eyes, she managed to drag herself out of bed and wrap herself in her cloak, picking the rest of her things up and then... putting an apple on the pillow she was at with a soft kiss on the man's cheek. When she got to her room, she growled from the pain in her muscles while taking a shower. Drying herself up and braiding her hair to make it look somewhat nice, the young Drykas picked up her bag and headed out the door. She didn't plan to do anything that day, but explore the city. She wanted to know where she was and what were the people within it about. Her body was moving slow. She was evidently exhausted from the trip and the night before. Taking a deep breath every now and then, she managed to stumble upon the open square of that city. Just then, did she look behind to see if her Strider and Feline companion were there, almost forgetting about them completely. They were and they seemed worried, so she leaned in and scratched over their soft bodies, taking a look around her. It was peaceful, somewhat. Looked quite beautiful. Sitting down there, to take some rest and think upon her next move, she mumbled in Pavi What have you gotten yourself into, you fool.... You should have just went through... getting attached will just get you hurt... like it did the last time |