by Sera on April 3rd, 2013, 4:25 pm
So there's this stupid informative speech that I was SUPPOSED to give last wednesday. But due to so many things going wrong, I BETTER be giving it today.
Though I'm worried. I really wish I had gone last week. Cause I was prepared then. I'm more nervous now!
Crystal Skulls. Crystal Skulls. Crystal Skulls...
I will be so glad to be done with this god-damned speech. It's stupid and annoying and as long as I get it done I'm pretty sure I'll do okay.
But it's public speaking. And as "easy" as that class is, I hate the speeches you have to prepare for. The impromptu ones I think I'm pretty good at.
Please wish me luck!
I need it.
Also, I apologize to anyone waiting on responses, or art, or even a pm. I love you guys! I'm sorry!! |