[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Lindel Ward on April 15th, 2013, 4:39 pm

1st Spring 513 AV
early morning

Young Lindel walked through the door with a ring, if there were any bell to alert the welcome center of yet another visitor or otherwise to the thriving city of Syliras. Thriving? Sure, for what it all was. He kept clean to make a good impression, his finer pair of slacks and shirt; pray to the Gods he might that no one would look at his boots. He was clean shaven, and still smelled of the soaps from the bath where he might have scrubbed well for an hour or more.

The young man approached the front desk, his eyes reflecting a sense of eagerness, maybe just youthful energy. His eyes were upon the first person who saw, eyes wide and bright, and his hand extended in greeting, "Hello, Lindel Ward - looking for work." He could have said something much more awkward or obvious, maybe something as bad as "good morning", but 'looking for work' would have to do.
Last edited by Lindel Ward on April 16th, 2013, 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on April 16th, 2013, 4:25 pm


Trega was hard at work with another busy day of helping people with finding employment. It was curious at times, how she would spot people that had lived in the city for some time and were just now looking for work as well as the new comers to the city. But she was happy to help them all and do what she could for them. The old woman finished up her work with the man in front of her and stared now at a young boy and girl. "Yes?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Ignatius on April 18th, 2013, 6:50 am

Ignatius & Laeva

Ignatius walked up to the woman, with Laeva attached to his back. The woman has silver hair and looked as if she had experience years of life. The woman simply said “yes?” to Ignatius as he stood in front of her. Ignatius looked a searched for his words as Laeva stared at the woman with her eye.

“Ah. I’d like to apply for a job.” Ignatius bluntly stated.

It was the first time he applied for a job, so he had no idea how to approach the situation. He looked at the lady’s eyes, trying to think of words.

“Ah. Is there any job where I could move earth?” he added
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Alisha on April 18th, 2013, 6:18 pm

3rd Bell in the afternoon, of 57th of Spring, 513 AV.

Alisha casted her wary looks upon the building very known as an employment center. She was unsure if this agency could give her a job. Unfortunate, might be risky that someone would call the knights to put her on jail for pick pocketing and targeting the fruit stands often. On the other hand, no one really knew she was a thief; no one did catch her in the act. With an empty basket on her right arm, she knocked on a few coins on the door and on straight to the desk to alert who’s in charge.
“My name is Alisha…
I’m living in an apartment somewhere in the city. I grew here, but since then I can't hardly find a descent profession or a way to earn. Any job, I won’t be picky. Believe me.”
Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on April 19th, 2013, 3:11 am

Lindel Ward

Trega was in a good on this day, and so when the man came in asking a very generic question without giving any info as to what kind of work he was looking for, it made her chuckle. "Well you have come to the right place and I am here to help you along. Now I'll need to know what kind of work can you do, what skills do you posses?"


Trega smiled at the boy as she peered over the desk to look upon him and the other with him. The question he asked seemed strange, and while she thought she had an idea of what he meant, she decided to ask to be sure. "Move earth? What do you mean, what sort of earth do you look to move?"


Trega chuckled at the woman's words. She had spirit and that would surely do her well in the city while looking for work, but there were methods of how one had to go about this. "That's good to hear child, but I'll still need to know more about you, your skills, and what you do best. I wouldn't' want to send you to the wrong place."

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Castor on April 19th, 2013, 4:11 pm


It was Castor’s second day in the city of Syliras. The first think that came to his mind was a job. Castor put on his clothing and equipment, and he out into the world. Castor wandered around, following direction to a building a knight told him previously. In a short time, castor spotted the building and proceeded to enter. As he opened the door, a bell chime and Castor was meet with a woman at a desk serving a person. The woman was fairly age with grey hair darker than his. Castor waited for his turn to be served, and when it was his turn. He greeted the woman and said “I’m Castor. I’m looking for an occupation”. Castor is the type of person who tends to be direct.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Lindel Ward on April 19th, 2013, 10:11 pm

He wasn't totally taken back by the chuckle, but it was a bit offsetting. At least he could ask the dumb questions now and be spared the ire of his future employer, if any.

"I can read and write well, sort of, and I know math. It's not much, I suppose, but I do learn quick, and well - and I'm always on time, and..." he was rolling his eyes to the ceiling, maybe trying to look through for some God to bless a thought of brilliance to say in this interview. he answered honestly, though, and that would hopefully get him to the right place.

"I mean, I'm not a total twig or child, so I could be somewhat strong too, maybe." he took a shot int he dark. He couldn't recall the last time he really did much more heavy lifting than to move the bed to clean or look for something. Lindel shut his mouth, less he say something dumber than before. He hated occasions like this - his nerves got to him in odd ways, especially with the chatty, warm older women. Maybe he was blessed by the Gods after all for not having said the previous thought aloud.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Alisha on April 20th, 2013, 10:09 am

...Continue. Post#2

Alisha agreed and nodded, “Skills?”
Alisha choked a little bit. She can’t tell that she only can be said as skill or talent was to sneak. Steal and sneak two things any thief should have.
“I prefer easy ones those who does not requiring much initial experiences or likely for the out of school kid. You wouldn’t mind if I request to be put on any entry level position available in the inns. I think the stage will fit for me, entertaining was a fun work as well.”
These lines were properly spoken incredibly and it’s nice. It’s never been easy for her to socialize. She was pretty intense and frowning at the back of her head the next lines to be said. Keep calm, Alisha. Keep Calm.
“I would be honest, routine jobs were never for me. I easily get bored and was not advisable to be put to office works. Adventures were fun and exciting. Mercenary task? Not sure? Eh… I love to. Oh, but…But I don’t do arm fights. I’m referring to brutal actions.”
Back and forth, left to right walking, she possibly stepped on every textured tile on this part of the building.
The woman she’s talking to possessed silvery hair. Depicting her being presentable, people can conclude she’s one of the wise. She switched her empty basket to the other hand. Shortly, she made a tiny exhalation.
“Was that fine?”

Note: The player behind Alisha was still adjusting to Mizahar life, please bear with her.

(Assist her if it needs...)
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on April 21st, 2013, 6:12 am

Lindel Ward

Trega stared at the young man almost impatiently, it appeared that this was his first time ever looking for a job an didn't understand that without listing actual skills, the woman had no way of pointing him in the right direction. "Would you...like to work in the mines, the farm maybe?"


Trega stared at the young woman bewildered. Her energy was staggering and just watching and listening to the woman made the old patron's head spin. "Are you asking for work as a bard, or a barmaid?"


There was a new trend with the new comers looking for work, and while she sometimes found it cute, it was just as confusing. Trega lifted her head from her desk and smiled weakly to the man before her. "Hello Castor, do you possess any skills or would you just like to head right to the mines?"

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Lindel Ward on April 21st, 2013, 7:11 am

Trega has made fears a reality, brute meticulous labor that would be the undoing of his sanity. He hated, absolutely hated the idea of being stuck in a dark tunnel picking away at rocks or sowing a field. Was he actually that useless? Apparently the world had no need for writing or math, not in the castle though. That made sense, in a way, when knights protect people to let them eat, trade, and work their craft.

Lindel had no intention of stirring the woman's nerves, but to be honest about it all, he definitely would not like that, and he had nothing else to really boast for. He was a failure, and like the lazy oafs on the streets, this woman was ready to put him in a mine to pay for his keep.

"Would I like to," he started, the inflection of his voice raising a question to her question, "No," he answered. "I mean, I wouldn't like to work on a mine, and definitely not a farm, but I haven't much else to speak of. If I had to choose between the two, I'd prefer the mines, I think?"

He took a moment's pause, but spoke ahead of her. "I really am quite useless, aren't I, like those who try to sleep in the halls or streets?" His youthful face was contorted by this shocking realization. For all the pride he took in a simple thing like writing, it was useless to him, maybe just a hobby. Could she empathize with him at all, or had Trega known since she was young this was precisely where she wanted to be for her life, in an office assigning people to what could be their life's work, their mark on the world.
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