Closed [Nettle District] Waiting for Adventure (Maxi)

Shadow River is just sick and tired of being bored. Come and play.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Nettle District] Waiting for Adventure (Maxi)

Postby Shadow River on March 29th, 2013, 2:02 am

Shadow River
28th of Spring 513 AV

Shadow once again is lurking in dark places of the Nettle District, like the little bored creep she is. How strange she must look to a normal human beings. A beautiful woman with grey cat eyes lurking in the shadows, just looking like she's about to kill someone. The young feline wishes she could kill someone. At least that means, she'll have some excitement in her life. Honestly what does someone have to do, in order get some fun?

Shadow sighs hanging her head in defeat. " What is the point of being alive when all I'm doing is... being alive." Perhaps this is the reason no ever talks about Shadow's great grandfather. He was a boring ass Kelvic like her.

"Oh my Gods! Why! Must! I! Be! So! ARRRGH!" In complete madness Shadow starts stomping at the ground. Like if all the adventure and fun in life is hidden beneath Syliras floors. Sadly she steps on her own dress resulting in her downfall.

Shadow catches herself before her face slams to the ground. Of course there are people laughing at her but, that doesn't matter right now. "Oh my. Am I going mad?"

Last edited by Shadow River on March 29th, 2013, 6:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[Nettle District] Waiting for Adventure

Postby Maxi on March 29th, 2013, 4:53 am

Maxi was doing his usual thing, just spending his free time playing stray notes on his wooden flute and strolling about randomly to stretch his legs from a long day of farming. One foot after the other, he walked through various hallways, alleys, and corridors. Rarely he would play a small section of a song he composed on the spot. Totally consumed by the simple and smooth sound of his seemingly magical flute. It served as his one and only truly consistent entertainment. He preferred to have more than just it for entertainment, though. Today, he found one. Well, that is if you consider watching a woman crazily rant to herself, stomp on the floor, and trip on her dress.

It happened in the Nettle district while maxi was in mid-tune. One of the occasional segmented songs mentioned earlier. A young woman tripped and fell to the dirty stone floor, laughed at by many who passed. "What a silly woman," one haughtily called. This jerked at Maxi's sense of kindness, and he paused in his tune making and leisurely strolling. He simply stared at her for a few moments, considering what he should do. Laugh alongside the other rude man, and befriend him to see where that connection could lead, or help the woman up and tell the others off? Perhaps just walking past and ignoring this slight happening is a choice as well... He could. But what fun would that be? Why not take advantage of a situation, and nurture it into some kind of fun? Maxi pondered it for a slight while longer before thinking Meh! The hell with it, why not?

Maximillion took a step or two towards the woman, and outstretched a helping hand to assist her. "H-hello ma'am, would you like some help? The floor seems rather dirty for som-" Just then, he noticed her eyes. Like a wild cat's, lurking in the cover of darkness. Intense. Unique. Extravagant. He cleared his throat. "...f-for someone of your beauty..."
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[Nettle District] Waiting for Adventure

Postby Shadow River on March 29th, 2013, 6:23 am

Shadow River

Shadow River went tense at the sound of the stranger's footsteps. She snaps her head to yell at him, stopping him from making fun of her. Then he says something unexpected. And it was one the nicest things she ever heard. He called me pretty. Many men have complimented Shadow's appearance. She may be a lunatic, but she's still a girl. But usually after receiving flattering words, the young feline would hiss. Now, for some reason, she's on the ground dumbfounded.

Shadow smiles taking the gentleman's hand while blood rushes to her face. "Thank you. A compliment means a lot when it comes from someone as handsome as you." The young lady stands up glaring at the ones once laughing at her. A dark look grows on her face, and the same goes for her aura. A small growl rumbles in her throat as she pulls back lips showing off her teeth. But before she does anything, she reminds herself where she is.

Taking a deep, Shadow calms her temper, as she gives the man's hand a tight squeeze.When Shadow's smiles returns she lets go of her helper's hand. "So tell me, what is your name?" The young gal couldn't help but, blush. Despite the man's plain clothing, something about him was so damn interesting. Plus he's the first person to approach her in such a flattering and kind way.

I think I found a new source of entertainment.
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[Nettle District] Waiting for Adventure (Maxi)

Postby Maxi on March 30th, 2013, 5:31 am

The strange woman was about to yell at him, Maxi could tell. Her head had just abruptly snapped upward towards him, expression hard. But it softened once he called her beautiful. "Thank you. A compliment means a lot when it comes from someone as handsome as you." Handsome? Me? His face flushed red a little. The only woman that had called him handsome had been his mom, and that doesn't count.

"W-why thank you. I don't think I deserve the compliment though." She arose while he was still considering her praise, throwing a vicious leer at the ones who had laughed at her. Did he just help up a criminal? Her feral eyes held the kind of dark glimmer that a criminal's would have. But wait he wasn't a pro at this kind of thing. He didn't have any experience with crime, how would he know? Well, then there was the lurking in the shadows. Maxi didn't know what to make of that.

A deep breath followed by a tight squeeze, what does that signify? Temper. This one is a feisty one, eh?"So tell me, what is your name?" She called... while blushing? W-what? Even in his thoughts he stuttered. [b]"My name is M-Maximillion... What about y-you?"
The young man cleared his throat and blushed a little as well. What're you doing? There's no reason to blush! Stop it!
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[Nettle District] Waiting for Adventure

Postby Shadow River on March 30th, 2013, 4:21 pm

Shadow River

Shadow River smiled at her blushing stranger, whose name is Maximillion. The young Kelvic had to hold in a purr, she always thought it was adorable when a man blushed. He looks like a cute cat. I just want to jump on him and chew on him. "Maximillion, Maximillion, Maximilliom," Shadow River played the boy's name on her tongue. "Wow, what a strange name but, I guess my name is just as strange. I'm Shadow River. You can just call me Shadow though."

The young girl extended her hand for a shake. Shadow wondered how he will do it. Her mother told her if he squeezes to hard than he's usually mean and abusive. To loose, he's either a nervous wreck or some pansy no one wants to deal with. A firm grab means, the man is just right. Her mother usually would tell her after to marry the firm guy. I have no interest in marriage. I'm just seeing what kind of guy he is. And if he can handle being around me and vise versa. Shadow didn't know why, she even cared about this guy. So what if the shake is good. There's a chance I may never see him again.

"Oh by the way, I don't usually go on wild fits like that. Something has I been really bothering me lately. I just can't shake it. It''s been sticking to me more than a spider to it's web."
We all want to be different. I guess that makes us all the same. No?
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[Nettle District] Waiting for Adventure (Maxi)

Postby Maxi on April 5th, 2013, 1:41 am

Maxi blinked as he heard her respond. Her voice was smooth, like a note from his flute. "Shadow...River...hmmn..."He thought about it for a while. What an interesting name...where is she from? He couldn't tell by looking at her. Nothing was unusual about her, she seemed just like the average human. Well, except her eyes. They were strange. Mysterious, piercing, even cat-like. She held her hand out for shaking, but he didn't quite trust her. He took a cautious step backward away from her. She had a certain sense of...danger. "Where are you from? What were you doing? Why are your eyes strange?" He didn't mean to be rude, only safe. His father warned him a lot about criminals who wait in the darkness.
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[Nettle District] Waiting for Adventure

Postby Shadow River on April 5th, 2013, 2:08 am

Shadow River

The young man's words and action, hurt the kelvic. She went over everything she said to Maximillion, making sure if she offended him. Why did he go from a nice stranger to a rude person. Shadow frowns backing away from him, pulling her hand away, and tucking it behind her. "I'm sorry, do you not like my eyes? Do they offend you? I don't see how it's your business to you know where I'm from. I do not know you, so why should you tell where I'm from. Are you knight or someone special? And as for what I was doing. I was simply watching the people. I like to be in shadows it's in my nature. I am a kelvic, black leopard. Black leopards prefer to hide in the dark. I wasn't doing anything illegal. Then again I don't see why I should be telling you that either. "

Shadow knew Maximillion never meant to be rude or offensive with his questions. It's just sadden her, that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't be normal. Why must I scare off so many people. I never mean to. It's in my nature to act a certain way. I can't help.

"Sorry, if I troubled you Maximillion. I can understand why you would worry."

We all want to be different. I guess that makes us all the same. No?
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