
![]() ![]() Following events in the Game, she was tasked by the human heart of Sahgal Hrinn to battle the God of Puppetry and Manipulation and prevent him from threatening the balance of the world again. She wields the Pathfinder, legacy of the former Court Mage of Alahea and a compass leading to other staves in Sagallius’ possession. Together with her guardian, Gunto of the Shadowhand, Kamalia is determined in her conquest to thwart the unholy plans of Sagallius and his followers. Yet as she ventures toward her mission and prepares herself for the inevitable battle, enemies pursue her ceaselessly. And one enemy she must face may offer her the fiercest battle of all: herself—for magic threatens to consume Kamalia as it did the god she seeks to bring down. Race • Konti Gender • Female Height • 5'7", 170 CM Weight • 107 lbs Date of Birth: • Season of Spring, Day 39, 483 AV; 29 years old Birthplace: • Mura, Konti Isle ![]() ![]() Like the blossoms of the Vian, time does not manifest its passing upon the Konti’s visage. Many say that Kamalia is quick to draw eyes to her beauty: elusive as song, fey as twilight, surreal as a passing dream. There is mystique to her smile and power in her eyes and her laughter is music and siren song. Thick lashes frame the violet eyes that regard anyone with intelligence and without fear. Her satin skin shines proudly alabaster, with iridescent scale patterns intertwining down her arms to the back of her hands, and from her thighs down to her ankles. But most arresting is her hair of spun silver that fall in wavy locks below her waist, shimmering about her svelte form like captured moonlight. A stylized seer’s lily graces the side of her neck, just below her left ear, that marks her as a daughter of Avalis. She usually dons the finest raiment of silk or velvet, long flowing gowns, shawls and cloaks. Kamalia is almost never seen without the Pathfinder, a magical staff that was once owned by Sagallius. ![]() Many humans mistake Kamalia for the fragile, pacifist Konti with her calm demeanor and soft, gentle speech. But once you spend time with her enough, you would realize that she is unlike her passive, peace-loving sisters. Kamalia is exceptional for her strength of will, cunning and a zest for adventure that is rare in solemn Mura. Admittedly eccentric in her tastes, she prefers scholarly pursuits and magical understanding to fortune-telling and symbology. Kamalia is marked by a serene self-possession, a regal grace and a studious nature. Assertive and independent, hardworking and remarkably intellectual, the Timandre wizard is steel covered in velvet. Many times the young Konti puts on an aloof, emotionless exterior to keep others from getting too close for fear of "the Other One hurting them”. Beneath the impassive facade is a warm, passionate and nurturing soul. She believes in good and just ideals and sees self-control as the highest form of control that there is. One must always remember that while Kamalia is a Konti seer, she is a wizard first and foremost. She suffers mental conditions caused by magical trauma. When pushed over the edge, these unpleasant tendencies surface—loss of self-control and sense of morality, obsession over power, god complex and becoming manipulative are a few among them. But the darkest of them only emerge when she overgives. ![]() Arcane
* The wizard has learned the elements of Water, Air, and Fire. Divine
* Racial Bonus to Fortune-Telling (+10) Lore
![]() Artifacts