by Philomena on March 16th, 2013, 9:27 pm
Summer 45, 482 AV
The Gates of Hai
The rope bit painfully into the tender flesh between Mara's swollen breasts and swollen womb. She wept, but tried to remain quiet with it, terrified of who would be waiting in the haunted pits when she landed. She had heard stories, of the guards peering into the dark pit, to watch the shadows of Zith, or even feral men, descending on the new prisoners, the sounds of tearing, crunching bones drifting up to the Gate.
The shadows, here, were thick and sharp, and Mara's eyes flew wildly around the room, seeking a still, well lighted place. There was none. The closest was the ring of sunlight above her, from whence she was being lowered, whcih she could just see by contorting her back just so. And it was worse in its way - the shadows that were there were sharp edged and clear, and seemed to laugh wickedly over her.
//Drop// the shadows seemed to say, //Drop into our city. Drop and come and live with us, be our plaything, Mara the Brave.//
And then she did. She did not know if it was cruelty, or if it was simply difficult to tell the depth of the hole from above. She fell about 8 feet, with a sickening crack in the bones of her face and right hand.
And then, the tearing began.
Her womb had pulsed painfully all day, and she had kept it to herself. The child, she thought, it must live. The child must live. The guards who carried her looked on her with a sickly horror - a cursed soul. It would take them little, she had known, for them to push her into a drift of sand, and ride on. Who would know different? For all the terrors of Hai, death, alone, sick, pregnant in the desert with no water, that was sure for them both.
But now, on the floor of the entry chamber, she had wanted to find somewhere to scuttle off to, somewhere to hide. She flet like a cat, seeking an empty horse-trough to crawl beneath and birth her kittens. She felt the animal nature of labor, with a sudden intesnity, and tried to crawl, not so much as a conscious choice, as with the intense thirst for life that all animals share. But she pushed up on her one good hand, and her face throbbed sharply. She scrabbled forward, but the pain and her night-blindness made the world a whirling, visionless blur. SHe feel to her elbow, and heard herself screaming, felt a hand on her, so rough she could not tell if she was human.
"Haifa! She is with child!" the voice spoke rough, deep, the tongue of the Benshira, the tongue of her own people.
A woman, shrill and thirsty answered, "Praise Yshul for that, there will be twice as much meat. Don't try to tickle my morals, Ptirya!"
"Please... this child is from Yshul, do not take my child. Do not take my child!" she managed in the shreds of her voice.
The two were silent a moment. Finally, Haifa said with a quiet sharpness, "Very well. I will watch her. Fetch the midwife, Haifa, and be quick about it, damn your pitying eyes."
The darkness and the pressure on her pelvis combined to make the world heavy and inexplicable. The pain in her face throbbed. Mara started to try to crawl again, and felt a blow to her arm.
"None of that, girl. Lie down here. You're my meat, I won't have you wander off to some Zith-shyker."
She lay still again, moaning, crying out to Yshul, to Dira, to any god's name she could remember, begging. Something... was wrong in her hips, something was not happening that should, there. She felt a kind of numbness and tingling to her legs.
And then, time passed.
And then a strange sound, like flesh being rhythmically dragged across the floor. And then breath, heaving from effort, washed over her face, and the smell of a woman entered her nostrils. It was a strong smell, a mixture of blood and a thousand varieties of woman sweat, and the tang of birth-odor, multiplied across the dried chemistry of many, many women. And underneath this, something else: the scent of the sea, faint, and faded, but real: the salt-sick scent of the sea.
"And who are you, lady? Can you see? Shh... take a hand, then, take a hand. Calm, my little mistress. Calm..." the voice was smooth, and low and sonorous.
"Who is it, who is there?"
"I'm the midwife, Mistress. Come, come, mistress, hold my hand? Let's see if we can find what is keeping the child from coming, hmm?"
//Yes, yes... look at her, Mara the Brave. Look at her. She smells of blood, and she wears shadwos on her face, like everyone here.//
"No! No! No, don't take my child! Don't take my child!"
She felt a hand take hers regardless, a slender, rough hand, and squeeze with a strong grip.
"Hush now... hush. The gods are whispering in your ears, perhaps? You look a leper more than a criminal. Listen now to me... listen now to me, you lie still..."
The voice turned away then, towards the other onlookers, "You both, she's delirious. This will hurt, you need to hold her down."
And then, she felt the skirt of her tunic pulled up, and felt a hand on her naked hip, probing.
"Oh... oh Kihala and Dira... shattered, it is... hold her tight, both of you two..."
The woman's voice took on a brisk, quiet manner, disconnected. Clinical for a moment. And hten the woman's hand pushed, hard, against the remains of Mara's hip, and she felt a sharp stab of pain.
She screamed. She had never screamed this way in her life, not a scream of fear or anger, but of pure, unfiltered, animal pain.
"Sit her up! Sit her up! Come, come Nikali, my sister, come... lend me your hand, now, Nikali..."
Her voice threaded fluidly into song, in the common tongue, now. Mara had never fully mastered it, but caught the gist of the song.
"Just between the lips of Day and Night,
The morning kisses, sweet,
Fall dewy on from Kihala's lips,
Upon her sister's cheek.
'We victors two,' the first intones,
'We shall divide the spoil.'
You take the mother, I the child,
Unwinding from her coils."
And we the slaves, we listen close,
And we, we listen sweet,
And we, we make a living child,
And bless the dying meat."
And Mara felt her body cry out to her heart, //Push, push!//
//And Push? Push waht, you fool?// the shadows answered.
//Push! Push, make life! Make life, it wells within you.//
//No, no, you only hold a death, another little death to cast into the hungry dark.//
The child knows, knows things as they occur. The child knows, though perhaps she does not remember. The child knows.
The child felt the tearing hand, the muscles rippling against her flesh, pressing, pressing, pressing, pressing her outward, binding close around her so for the first time, her throat ws born to the possibliity of screaming. For the first time, the child knew fear. And she heard the mother-voice, the gentle soothing call of mother voice in her heart, whirring in slow sussurations through the cord of her belly.
//Wait, my little one, only wait. This will pass, please, please, wait, wait... I will bring you into my arms, and they are nearly as warm and gentle as my belly.//
//No. You won't.//
And then a new voice came. The child's eys flew open, and the possibility of sight enveloped her. And her first was the birthing channel, fading, whirring, and a sharp, cruel face in tones of shadow-blue, with sharp, hard jewels of eyes, that looked back at the child.
"All of that rouble, Mara the Brave." she spoke softer than whispers, but a piercing steel blade to her words that cut its way into the ears. She spit the word Brave out with a torrent of mockery, "All of the trouble, for this? To spit some mewling brat into Hai? And then, to die. You pitiful mouse."
//Hush, darling one, hush... do not listen to her, do not listen to her. You are worth all of this to me. You are worth all of this.//
"And she will crawl and toddle around the floors of this shyke-hole, playing tiddlywinks with the spittle of the gods."
And a laugh came a queer hissing whisper of a laugh.
"And she will forget this. Forget you. Forget what you did to send her here, to damn your own brat. Forget me. Or... no. Perhaps not that. Perhaps not to forget me, hmmm? Perhaps not..."
And the child shuddered into a piercing stillness, and felt on her back, between her shoulder blades, the rough scratching of fingernail, pulling deep into her flesh, drawing a triangle, pointed downwards. Then, hot blue lips, pressing against the mark and drawing back to spit on it.
"There, child of the gods. There. Be born, now. And remember me."
And then, all was blackness. And the pressure began again, pressing, pressing, pushing, but the voice came sweet and filled with tears through the child's belly.
"Come, come my darling one, come before I am gone. Let me see you before I go... oh, come quick, my child..."
And she came, her face thrust forward into the cold-hot air. And her eyes opened, and above her was a ring of cold. cruel light, streaming down foggily, to crawl along the jagged corners of a stone wall. Each time it struck the wall, a new shadow oozed forth and peered at her. She could almost hear them snickering in her ears. And she screamed, and screamed and screamed and screamed.
And two slender, rough hands took her up, and pulled her to a chest, bare and warm but for a slender strip of fabric over the warmth of two hot, sweet-smelling breasts. The child's face fell into the dark flesh and cowered, and panted, mewling, as she heard a crooning voice over here.
"Oh Kihala, Oh Kihala,
The cursed blessing give,
To take the child's sleep away,
And cruelly bid them live.
Come. Come little one. We shall teach you to serve, yes. We shall teach you serve your people"
And for the mother, it was too late. The mother lay still, and motionless now, two Benshira huddled over her, parting her clothes, setting knives to her broken flesh.