He drew a deep breath and listened to her speaking, she was telling him what he wanted to know for a change, the words. "djas vasat" meaning " i fight" or possibly..."fight me"? Xi's own theological musing upon it, mostly saw he'd heard it screamed at him before the events that unfolded. But the one that gave him a small amount of chills. "djas rozatlas" "i am dead" He told Xi what he was before he asked the purple woman. Dammit! He wasted a question and precious moments. Xi sighed and drank a little more the absolutely weak ale that the nykans drank to save on water. Repulsive. Still he listened onto zand, he could see she was shaken, visibly worried about something, angry. But what Xi had no clue of. Still he interjected at the end of her answering about the words. "If you wouldn't mind I'd appreciate it, it's been driving me mad. And thank you. For once giving me a straight answer." Xi sighed slightly as he saw her reaction to gregor's name, a cross between confusion and anger. Xi was now slightly intrigued as to what she was shaking about, or rather thinking about. Something was causing her to act very much unlike her other self. And Xi then found out why, gregor was dead. Well that was fairly obvious. Xi sighed and gave her a sideways look as she continued on with her small speech. And was he sure he wasn't being mislead ? Xi sighed and responded after another short gulp of that weak ale. "I'm fairly sure i wasn't being mislead, after all she called me Ximal, before hand and i'd never told her my name. Also i kinda figured out that he was dead having both him and the woman in purple tell me he was. Never losing a battle in nine-thousand years, and i almost had him...Almost....But id did lose and i see why. Also you remember that proof of mine...It's gregors arms. His gauntlets. Also what do you know about this woman in purple that I don't ? After all I'm the one who met her so i kinda think I'm owed some sort of an explanation. Even if only a slight one." |