Location [Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Gossamer on August 1st, 2009, 5:33 pm


When you're good at something, you tend to love it. Every refinished line of the Feathered Shaft's retail store speaks of a woodworker, someone dedicated to quality, and the integrity of the craftsman as they work. The store is divided into four portions. The first section consists of the showroom with already completed bows, arrows, crossbows and bolts. The bows and crossbows are neatly displayed in racks lined with velvet. On the far wall which divides the front showroom from the back workshop is a series of nooks and crannies which house all sorts of bolts and arrows. A large mahogany desk keeps customers from helping themselves to the extensive collection of shafts.

A long drapery of embroidered fabric separates the showroom from the workroom. To one side, a set of steps leads both upwards and downwards. Below the store, in the basement, is a full archery range with long individual isles and hay bale targets at the far end. Ten people can comfortably use the range at one time.

Out behind the building is a huge fully enclosed cage of game birds. There are chickens, geese, peacocks, and pheasants of all sorts which the owner keeps for their feathers so he has a constant supply on hand for making his arrows and bolts.

Price List and NPCs

Price List
Longbow 75 gm
Shortbow 30 gm
Composite Longbow 100 gm
Composite shortbow 75 gm

Arrows (pack of 20)
StandardListed as Flight arrows on the Pricelist 3 gm
Barbed 10 gm
Game 4 gm
Flaming 15 gm
Broad 15
Armour Piercing 20 GM
Whistling 20 GM
Silver 25 gm
Wooden practice, 10 packs 50 gm

Hand 100 gm
Heavy 50 gm
Light 35 gm

Inquire with the local storyteller for rare or unusual crossbows, may be available but with limited stock

Bolts (pack of ten)
Steel - 1 gm
Flaming bolt - 15 gm
Grappling, single (120'cord) - 10 gm
Wooden, pack of 50 - 1 gm
Armor piercing - 20 gm

Archer's Gloves - 1 gm
Archer's Arm Guard - 1 gm
Small Quiver (20) - 20 gm
Large Quiver (50) - 50 gm

Crossbow/Bow Repair
20 sm per bell plus parts

Range Usage
1 cm per 30 chimes

Kalvin Wilde
ImageName:Kalvin Wilde
Race: Human
PoB: Syliras
Title: Owner, Expert Fletcher
Skills: Bowing & Fletching: 70 pts, Wood Carving: 55 pts, Tanning: 24 pts, Leatherworking: 15 pts
Additional Info:Kalvin had an ordinary life until he discovered archery early on in his teenage years. Once a bow was placed into his hand, he never looked back. Kalvin has since used his family money (a second son of a Syliran Knight) to open his own shop. He raises game birds out behind the shop to provide feathering for his arrows and skin for some of his sheaths. Sometimes, to those he knows, he'll sell birds or extra feathers. When he's working, one might often see his pet rooster in the shop with him, overseeing his work.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Abashai on January 13th, 2010, 2:37 pm

TS- 35th Day of Winter, 509 AV

Shaking the droplets of cold rain from his coat, Abashai entered the Feathered Shaft and closed the door behind him, shutting out the chilled, damp air. His pouch of mizas jingled as he readjusted his coat. The cautious man rarely carried this much coin, but he had a special purchase to make today. Nya had suggested that he help her hunt wild boar for the upcoming midwinter fire festival. The prospect had excited Abashai. Hunting was one of his bondmate's most favorite things to do and to be part of her hunt meant a lot to the benshiran.

So, with some of the loot the pair had acquired from their run-in with Rhysol's followers, he had decided to purchase a new bow, one that would have sufficient punch to drop large game easily. He came to the Feathered Shaft occasionally, using the indoor range to practice his archery while in town, and often perused Kalvin Wilde's collection of weapons.

As Abashai made his way to the particular rack of bows he wanted to see, Kalvin parted the fabric that separated the showroom from the rest of his shop. "What, are you going to stare at it some more, or are you finally going to make her your own?" He laughed, taunting the desert archer. Abashai grinned, stopping before a velvet-lined rack of short bows. He chose a composite bow crafted from layers of dark and medium toned woods. The weapon had a significant recurve. Ever since his travels through Cyphrus, he had admired the Drykas' composite bows. His left hand encircled the grip and lifted the bow. He pulled back on the string, invoking a creaking of wood and leather. It was very stiff and required a bit more strength to draw then his Eypharian short bow. Excellent pull. He carefully returned the string to rest and looked back at Kalvin. the bowyer simply looked at his customer, his eyebrows raised in question.

Abashai gave Kalvin a sly smile. "Today, I will make her mine." He carried the bow to the large mahogany desk at the back of the showroom and produced 100 gold-rimmed mizas from a pouch, which he placed in a wooden bowl Kalvin had produced. Then he dropped in a silver-rimmed coin. "I should like to make use of your range and a few practice arrows to prove my new weapon, Mr. Wilde." Abashai jibed with mocking eloquence.

"Most certainly, Master Abashai."
Kalvin replied, with a grandiose gesture towards the opening behind him. With a gracious nod, the benshiran laughed and made his way to the steps that lead down to the underground archery range.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Alistair deGrey on January 31st, 2010, 8:16 am

49th day of Winter, 509

A strong breeze followed deGrey into the Feathered Shaft, ceasing as the door shut behind him. His black cotton tunic returned to hang limply on his thighs, and he brushed his hair back out of his eyes. Today had been especially windy and deGrey was regretting his long hair. Wooden works of all sorts lined the walls, hanging from various racks or hooks. This was an interesting place. This is the stuff of a real woodworker, not what I make. deGrey would never profess to be good at woodworking, he was not delusional.

The racks containing crossbows drew Alistair in, and he began to peruse the wares. Let us see, it must be powerful. He quickly ruled out hand or light crossbows, with the weight of the projectile he would be launching, anything with that much power would be less effective than throwing it. deGrey was about to reach for a crossbow made of what appeared to be oak, when a rooster and its accompanying noises appeared. It flailed its wings and propelled itself up onto the counter where it began eying Alistair. Shortly after a man came into the display room and addressed deGrey, "I see you have found what you want, you intend to pay for that right?" Kalvin greeted Alistair with a smile, and deGrey returned the gesture rather hesitantly. "Yes, I intend to pay for this crossbow. 50 Mizas correct?" Kalvin nodded affirmatively, keeping his smile stitched to his face. "Alright then, I suppose I will take it." Alistair prodded a few more areas to make sure this model would do. Of course, the inventor knew very little about bow craftsmanship and would have no choice but to trust Kalvin. He dropped his fifty Mizas on the counter, and stood waiting while the proprietor counted them. All was in order. deGrey gave Kalvin a quick nod of appreciation, and stepped out into the windy street.
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[Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Jecon on April 10th, 2010, 1:35 am

30th day of Spring, 510 AV

Late in the day Jecon walks into the store and up to the counter, "Good day sir, is there anything in particulare you're looking for?" The man behind the mahogany counter asked.

"Yes, I am looking for a good longbow and some hunting shafts."

"Well you've come to the right place, how many shafts are you looking to buy?"

"Twenty or thirty should do."

"I would suggest thirty, and that would bring the price to 103 gold Mizas even."

When the expropriator suggested thirty arrows Jecon smiled on the inside, of course he would suggest the most arrows it meant he would make more money. When he said 103 Gold Mizas Jecon let out a sigh, he knew buying stuff like this wouldn't be cheap, but this was exasperatingly extensive!

"Alright," Jecon pulled out his purse and counted out 103 Gold Mizas, "there you go."

"Thank you," the proprietor responded, "I'll be right back with your equipment."

He disappeared into the back for a few minutes and then came back out with a longbow and thirty barbed arrows, "Here you go, a longbow and thirty barbed arrows, take good care of them and they'll take good care of you."

"I will, and thank you," Jecon said. After saying this, he turned and left.
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[Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Emory Ruin on May 28th, 2010, 4:28 pm

31st day of spring, 510 AV

The door creaked open but quickly snapped shut behind Emory as she entered The Feathered Shaft. Her leather boots reverberated across the plank floor as she strode her way across the store.

“Can I help you with something, madam?” inquired a voice situated behind the counter.

“No, I’m fine, thanks,” responded Emory, clipping a couple scarlet hairs behind her ear. Accepting his assistance would require verbal execution, a talent the young woman sorely lacked.

Fine bows lay on shelves or were strong along the wall to display. Emory snatched the first long bow she came to, balancing its weight atop her calloused hands.

Twisting the bow delicately, Emory resituated the wood into her left hand, pulling at the string with her right.

The strength it entailed to pull the twine back injected pain throughout Emory’s sore arms. Carefully releasing the string, Emory liberated her firm grip. The bow was perfect. Once more, Emory scanned the room for arrows. The room smelt of burning wood merged with oiled feathers. Anxious squawks echoed outside the room. They were not unhappy calls, but apparently there was one bird who quite assuredly thought that another bird was amassing all the cage space.

Emory shook her head, birds were not inevitable for cages, but then again, this was not her homeland.

Twenty barbed arrows the young woman selected, light, compact and dexterous enough for hunting. Swinging her purchases over an upset shoulder, Emory slid 109 gold mizas athwart the oak counter. One-hundred were for the long bow, five for her small quiver, two for the 20 arrows and two for the archer’s brace.

“Good doing business with yah,” smiled the russet-haired gentleman.

Assuming her pickings, Emory nodded back, not looking him in the eyes. With that, she left The Feathered Shaft.
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[Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Grayzdo Briety on June 13th, 2010, 9:32 pm

10th Day of Summer 510 AV

Grayzdo headed into the store and he put seventy gold rimmed mizas on the counter the man handed him a large quiver and fifty arrows inside it. Grayzdo took the arrows and the man got his money and he headed exited the store.
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[Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Iasc on September 9th, 2010, 2:27 pm

2nd of Autumn

Iasc walked into The Feathered Shaft. He was still angry that he had lost his last bow and promised that he'd be more careful with this one.
He looked at the composite shortbows and took one off the rack. It was a beautiful bow but he didn't have enough mizas for it. He placed it back on the rack and took off a normal short bow. It's colour was dark and rich. He smiled while drawing it. He wasn't quite as proficient as he'd like to be but he was getting better and needed a bow in order to get better.

He could feel the mizas weight down his pocket. He normally didn't carry this much but he didn't have a choice today. Next he walked over to the quivers and picked up a small one and also 20 arrows to go with it. He walked up to desk and gave them to man behind it.

"A shortbow, small quiver and 20 arrows", he said, looking through the goods. "That'll be 77 gold mizas."
With a smile Iasc placed the money reluctantly on the desk and picked up his new merchandise.
"Thank you very much", he said, and walked out of the store.

Receipt :
Shortbow 70gm
20 Single Arrows
Small Quiver
Total 77gm
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[Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Evora on August 8th, 2012, 10:28 pm

4th Day of Summer

Evora walked into the shop and was greeted with the familiar smell of wood. It smelt of Wind Reach and her father.

"What is it you looking for so far from home?" a voice pipped from inside the shop.

"One of these for a start," Evora said walking past a shelf and brushing her fingers along a longbow. The shop owner smiled and took down the bow with a certain fondness.
"Something more?" he asked, placing the bow gently on the counter.
"I'll be needing some arrows, make it 10 of these standard ones. And I'll be needing a quiver. The small one will be fine." Evora paced the shop admiring the weapons that lined the walls.

The owner wrapped the items with care, "if that will be all it's 106 GM."
Evora handed over the gold, "thank you."

Evora gathered her items and left the store.
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[Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Rothyr Windbourne on September 30th, 2012, 8:43 am

2nd day of Summer, 512 AV

For only being able to use an Ax thus far in his hunting career in Syliras, Rothyr had acquired quite a haul today. He even managed to not-hack his quarry to pieces! A precise hit with his axe had felled a good size stag, and cleaning the body yielded meat, bone, antlers, and a good side of leather. Despite the day's success, it was frustrating. He would have to ride the prey down, exhausting Windlass to no end, and pray he would be able to get a clear shot before the creature would outrun him or Windlass decided she'd had enough. It was time to get a longer reach, and save Windlass some running, and Rothyr some time. Rothyr would try to smooth-talk his way into a bow.

He had heard the place to go for bows was the Feathered Shaft. The name implied enough about what was sold there, even if it encouraged a laugh at the owner's expense. Some people can be gifted craftsmen, but simply at a loss for naming a business. It was no matter, Rothyr needed a bow. This was the place to get one. So he found the place, after asking around to find it, and gain a bit of information about the business, it's owner, specialties, and anything he may need to know in order to cut a solid deal. He was far from being a local, but for the time being this was his home, and he didn't want to be cut a raw deal like some tourist. He had to make a living by killing, and he needed a good tool for the job.

He finally found the place, and it had the look of a connoisseur's place of business. Walking in the front door, he saw the ready-made bows and crossbows, and Rothyr figured, even if he paid for a bottom-shelf bow, he would have a decent weapon. He was comfortable with this.

He greeted the shop-keeper, a man he had been told was named Kalvin Wilde, “Good day to you, Kalvin Wilde,” he said, waving his hand in greeting, “How's business today?”

“Well enough,” he responded, nodding his head, “What can I do for you?

Rothyr observed the bows, noticing the larger, more powerful bows would empty his Miza purse, so he figured he would settle for a short-bow, one more attuned to the saddle, and have some money to fall back on. But before he spoke of coins...

“I'd like a bow, this much is certain,” Rothyr said, “and I've items to trade. Leather, bone, and antlers, among other things. Does any of this interest you?”

The shopkeeper rubbed his chin. He had birds for skins. He had birds for meat. While the offer was tempting, it was unlikely the man in his shop had enough to make a difference. If he wanted something other than fowl for dinner, he had a shop that made money for that.

“I'm afraid not,” Kalvin Wilde said to the Drykas, “We only take coin here, friend.”

Rothyr cursed his luck. At least he had coin. He figured he might take a little off the top with what he had found that day, but to no avail. This man would have nothing to do with it. He picked a good, sturdy Shortbow, ten arrows, seventy-one gold Mizas on the countertop.

“Will that be it for you, Drykas?” The man said, unsure of wether or not to be offended by Rothyr's attempt at a bargain.
“Aye, that'll be it. Thank you.”

“Seek out Nabinu at the Leatherworks, I'm sure he'll take that stuff off your hands,” Kalvin said, as Rothyr took his equiptment, “It's worth a shot, but unless you pull in something dangerous and rare, it's not likely you'll make much money around here.”

Rothyr took up the bow, and the arrows while he spoke. After he finished, he replied, “I don't hunt for the money,” he paused, looking down before looking back into his eyes, “I hunt to survive.”
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[Syliras Location] The Feathered Shaft

Postby Sei Tendo on August 20th, 2013, 8:46 pm

Sei Tendo

TP: 48th of Summer, 513AV

Sei walked into the Feathered shaft hastily. He looked at all the bows and arrows, then to the quivers. He walked to the counter, showed his items and pushed his mizas over the counter. "Thank you!" he called as he ran out the door.

ReceiptTotal -141gm
Quiver(50) -20gm
Longbow -100gm
Archers Glove -1gm
Standard Arrow(10)x10 -10gm
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