Colombina's Grotto

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Colombina's Grotto

Postby Ignotus Everto on January 30th, 2013, 5:36 pm

"I loved her until she was hit by that bus."
A thousand thanks to Phoenix for the gorgeous blue frame, and a thousand more to Edreina for her beautiful magic-themed one!

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Colombina's Grotto

Postby Xavior Silhouette on February 3rd, 2013, 11:24 pm

Ignotus Everto wrote:"I loved her until she was hit by that bus."

"Lies, we all know you threw her under the bus in a fit of passionate rage caused by the revelation of unfaithfulness."
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Colombina's Grotto

Postby Capricious on February 12th, 2013, 10:20 pm


As promised. ;)

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Colombina's Grotto

Postby Colombina on March 26th, 2013, 8:12 pm

Mer-Badger Thoughts


What's Up With Eypharian Looks?

"Oh it's Lanvin, but that 'hungry stripper' thing you have going is nice too."

Today, I want to touch on some visual elements for everyone's favorite snobs. I love a sense of culture for races and I hope this helps players create a good picture of Ahnatep and its most popular race.

Let's start with the basics. Eypharians have slightly different hardware from your standard humanoid, the whole multiple arms bit. How on earth does that look, Bina? Hai if I know! I kid, but once again, Bina is no PhD, so bear with her.
Begin by imagining something vaguely resembling the Ancient Egyptian statuary ideal: longer triangular torso and elegant bearing.

The standard ball and socket joint is multiplied, so on a six armed Eypharian, the bone would vaguely resemble a stretched number 3, with the joint inserting at each prong. Talk about a toned back. Now I'm sure there's something I'm missing here about skeletal structure and musculature, but let's bear in mind the genre and setting. The idea is "believable enough".
How do multiple limbs affect Eypharians otherwise? Well, they've got to be a little stronger and they're a little more adept at dealing with complicated things mentally and physically. The mental dexterity sneaks in because their brain is hardwired to coordinate multiple elements (limbs) and this influences other aspects of how they think. They're not all rocket scientists, by any means, but they are prone to multi-tasking and strategy more than most.

Add to this the sheen. Eypharians have fair to darker olive complexion with a touch of luster. It's like a bit of good bronzer. I'm looking at you Nars. Bless me, I like a bit of a glow. Check out this Versace ad, for a visual (er.. but with less speedo).
On top of this, Eypharians consider "natural" a dirty word. Hair is often painted or dyed; kohl, ground minerals, and colors are liberally used by women on the face, and lightly by the men. There's an art to it, of course, and lower classes betray their lack of sophistication by not knowing when and how to be subtle or bold.

Clothing and Status

Clothes are another way of expressing the self without opening the mouth. Depending on gender or occasion, they can be linen kilts, robes, sleeveless stolas, saris, tunics or togas. No stranger to the exotic, an Eypharian may indulge in a version of another region's dress style as a novelty. Jewelry is also considered as much a part of the outfit as sandals. Here are some fun visual references if you're woefully lost. These pictures aren't the only thing they would wear, but options. Forgive the lack of menswear. They tend to wear linen kilts and very little on top.

A noble or gilded:

1. So many options!

2. Spot on!

A Concubine:
1. Something a wee bit more scandalous, but not the level of a true Lark or Lady of the Evening.

Middle to Upper Class Women:

1. A More subtle but very well done version

2. This would be a middle class person trying a little too hard. They have the look, but it's a bit "much".

3. A younger person's take. This would be a head turner.

Lower Class Attire

Tends to be shapeless with simple fabrics and fewer colors.

1. A simple tunic.

2. Men's tunic.

Prized Servant in Noble or Royal Household:

1. Even the slaves have to look good when you have the mizas. Not a lot of detailing. White is also a preferred color for fine slaves.

Household Slave

1. Not too shabby, but not a refined costume.

Mixed Bag! :

1. I kinda use this pic for everything, but it gives a good visual.

2. Various styles. Color and richness of cloth would dictate status.

Styles and favored colors shift with years and seasons, creating more visual rifts between those who have the leisure and means to keep up and those who must work for a living. Black is considered a royal color, and worn only by the Pressorah. This is partially because a true black dye is actually very difficult to produce. Noble Houses have their own thematic colors as well.


A fun thing about Ahnatep is its "trends". For example, during Shuuda an Ethaefal made a huge splash on the Semhu stage. After that, elaborate hair pieces resembling Ethaefal horns became all the rage. It probably started with one creative noble wearing one to a party, then everyone had to have one.
This trend will only last so long. Those who show up late and sport the ornament a season or two late will be passe.

Non-Eypharians In Ahnatep

While races bring their own cultural garb to the city, after a while they are usually converted to Ahnatep styles, or integrate elements of it. If you plan on living in Ahnatep for an extended amount of time, you'll need a bit of a wardrobe update.
A fun example would be an Ethaefal coming to live there. Firstly, an Ahnatep citizen would love the exotic loveliness of the race. Imagine this Ethaefal getting a job with a well known figure. After a while, his employer would not so subtly ask for them to adopt a better sense of "presentation". The confused Ethaefal would think their pants and tunic combo is just fine, but the employer would have none of it. How his employees look, reflects on him. In mere days, the Ethaefal would be trussed up in a toga and "asked" to wear some piece of jewelry.
It would be the same for many races. Eypharians aren't what you call "culturally sensitive". If given influence over attire, they would probably highlight the other races exoticism or culture in some way, while sticking to Ahnatep standards of dress. A Chaktawe would have their eyes highlighted somehow, Dhani would wear reptilian colors, Akalak would wear very little, Konti would show their scales, etc.

In Closing

I hope this fanciful foray into fashion, status and culture gives a little more texture for those who play Eypharians and visit Ahnatep.
Getting to Know Me

[Insert awesome picture of scantily clad woman and something with wings here]
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Colombina's Grotto

Postby Wrenmae on April 2nd, 2013, 3:24 am

Happy birthday!

Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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Colombina's Grotto

Postby Anton on April 2nd, 2013, 11:42 am

A most birthdayest of the happies
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Colombina's Grotto

Postby Ana Sol Starris on April 2nd, 2013, 5:11 pm

Happy birthday to Bina, the Merbadger. :P

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