[Verified by Kraken] Aradia

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Aradia on December 28th, 2012, 7:04 am



The Basics

Name: Aradia
Gender: Female
Race: Human, Mixed **Inarta & Vantha**
Birthday: Fall, 16th, 493AV (currently 19)
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Violet Purple, with light blue flecks. (one is mostly blue compared to the other which is mostly violet)
Height: 5'1''
Weight: 105 pounds
Piercings: Nose & Naval
Tattoo: One, lower hip, the other behind right ear.
Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Vani
Basic Language: Nari
Caste in Wind Reach: Chiet

Character Description
Aradia has long fiery red hair that cascades down her back like shimmering fire. Her hair shimmers with highlights that often reflect the color of the Aurora, specifically really dark pink highlights, making her hair look dark pinkish red in the sun, but usually her hair just look crimson red. Aradia also has big, inquisitive eyes that that are of a violet hue, with shocking abnormal blue flecs inside. Her right eye is mostly blue, while her left is mostly violet. So from far off she looks to have two different colored eyes. Her skin is sun kissed, so she has a light golden tanned complexion, though pale compared to most, she stands at only 5'1'' and weighs a mere 105 Pounds. Aradia is small and petite, with plush curves of a woman that does not do much athletics, although she is gradually building muscle tone through training Archery. Her voice is soft and feminine, her laughter is genuine and flows from her mouth like a melody, other times it comes out as a sultry, light laugh; she walks with her head high, but tries not to met others eyes. Her nails are long and filed to sharp little points. She has a nose piercing and a naval piercing, her nose has a green glass ring, and her naval is a green piece of vertical glass, with a single pink glass bead. She has two tattoos, one on her lower pelvic region of a bow and arrow, representing her Inarata heritage and choice of weaponry, and the other is a small music note ending with a pink heart behind her right ear, representing her passion for music.

Character Concept
Aradia's passion is her music, specifically singing, it is how she gets all her inner feelings and emotions out. She loves to sing and is usually singing to herself or in search of a place to sing to others. She loves to make other people happy or put a smile on their face, and will go to any limit to do so, making others happy fills her with warmth inside. Aradia is also very kind and soft spoken, never raising her voice at others unless she has no choice. She is pretty good at keeping her anger reigned in, but that is not to say that she slips, she's only human after all. Aradia's kindness, innocence, and gullibility is also her weakness. Others usually uses those soft traits to hurt her, manipulate her, or abuse her. She tries to do right by everyone, even if they have hurt her in the past/present. She does not like to hurt others, but that does not mean that she is above telling people what she thinks or feels.

Aradia comes off as a shy individual at first, but once you get to know her you will find that she is not shy at all. At first one see's the Vantha side of her personality, calm, kind, innocent. But once you get Aradia fired up, one will see the Inarta side of her heritage come out full force. Beware.. First impressions can be misleading, what lurks behind the sunny smile can be dangerous...


Character History
Once Upon A Snow...

Aradia's parents meet on a snowy night in Winter. Her mother is a Inarta, and was leaving the confines of Wind Reach because she could not stand her life as a Dek no longer. While on her journey to find a new home she ran into Aradias Dad, whom is a Vantha. When I say ran into, I literally mean ran into. It was a dark snowy evening and Aradia's father, Kiel was hunting for his supper. Aradias mother, Yies, was desperately trying to make it through the thick snow fall not able to see a thing ahead of her, she had her head bent down to keep the snow from hitting her face. All of a sudden Kiel was ran into and knocked on the ground by a half frozen body, he jumped up and grabbed the individual and when he heard the shrill shriek of a woman he let go. To make a long story short, he invited her to his tent and that is where the somber Kiel fell in love with the fire red headed Yies.

Aradia grew up in a tent, she was brought up knowing how to live off of the wilds. Both of her parents were rejected from their castes, one for being a Dek, the other for not wanting to choose a hold. So Aradia lived a some what nomadic life, but they did not travel very far, they kept to Endrykas in the Cyphrus region mostly. Aradia's father was gifted musically, he would play his flute and Aradia would sing, and her mother would beat on the drum. They made beautiful music together, and many people would come by to enjoy their performances. Her mother and father both also knew how to use a bow, so they taught their daughter how to use one well enough to defend herself against any far away dangers.

One thing many people did not know was that her mother knew how to use magic as well. She would trade sexual favors for training in Reimancy and Shielding, she was not proud of the way she attained these skills. But she knew one day they would be useful somehow, and so she passed them on to her daughter.

Needless to say Aradia lived a happy life with her parents, she was well loved and sheltered from the influence of the outside world. Her parents taught her all about survival and defense, magic, music, and even how to read and write. But there was somethings a parent just could not teach. Like how to find love, happiness, adventure, and the feeling of belonging. Aradia was happy and loved with her parents, but it just was not the same. She craved a love that filled her completely up, made her blush at the thought of their eyes and kisses. She craved a happiness that was more than a parent could give their child. She craved adventure and partnerships and even friendships since she had no friends. She craved to feel like she belonged somewhere, with someone, for all of the years she had left to live. Her heart was pulling her down one road, but her mind told her not to go. Finally her parents told her to just follow her heart, and so she packed her few belongings and decided to follow her heart, letting it lead her on her journey of self-discovery and self-fulfillment.. She went to Wind Reach at the age of 17, staying there for a short while, only long enough to meet her Half-Brother, then left heading else where, she stopped in multiple cities along the way, but only staying for a couple a days at a time, until she finally reached Ravok. That is where she is currently staying, but she is soon to leave again, as it isn't the answer to her inquisitive soul.


Example of Singing Voice and Mandolin


Hair whilst bathed in light

Current Clothing Example
Currently Wearing as of Spring 5th 513AV




Blank Book
Ink Vial
New Outfit Wind Reach Style
Book, Average (Morphing)

1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Cotton Green Shirt
-Simple Cotton Black Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Black Cloak
-Simple Leather Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
Heirloom: Mother's Short Bow

Housing and Job

Currently staying with her Half Brother Red at his place.

Singer/Performer at Wind Reach.

Skill Exp Total Proficiency
Singing +15(RB)+15(SP) +1 +1 +3 +2 37 Competent
Archery (Short Bow) +15(SP) + 2 +3 20 Novice
Reimancy *Fire* +10(SP) +2 +1 +1 +2 16 Novice
Sheilding +10 (SP) +2 12 Novice
Socializing +3 +2 5 Novice
Meditation +3 +4 +5 +2 14 Novice
Writing +3 3 Novice
Music Compostion +3 Novice
Body Building + 2 2 Novice
Rhetoric + 1 1 Novice
Dance +1 1 Novice
Observation +1 + 4 5 Novice
Planning +1 1 Novice
Persuasion +1 +1 2 Novice
Observation +1 1 Novice
Wilderness Survival +1 1 Novice
Research + 2 2 Novice
Morphing +3 3 Novice


NPCs Mother and Father
Kiel was born in Avanthal on the 40th of Winter 467 to the Snowsong hold. His former name was Kiel Snowsong, but once he turned 18 he did not want to be in a certain hold, to be what his parents wanted him to be, nor did he want to be forced into a marriage. It was not that he did not love music, because he did, he loved playing his flute and played it whenever he possibly could. He just wanted to go out and find himself, and make his own life and it not be dictated by what hold he lived in. At the age of 23 he found the love of his life, his heart and soul, in a fire tempered red headed woman, Yies, whom he had a beautiful daughter with at the age of 26, Aradia.


Short Bow- 20
Flute- 20
Story Telling- 10

Yies was born to a Dek in Wind Reach on the 23rd of Fall 469. Her mother abandoned her at the age of 10, leaving her to learn how to live on her own. It was hard, there were times that Yies barely made it and came close to death. She lived her life as a Dek by earning food, clothing, personal items, skill, and even magic by paying with sexual favors, or doing someone else’s dirty work for them. It was a horrible life, one she abhorred, so when she scrapped up enough money and equipment she left Wind Reach in search for happiness, love, family and a true place she could call home. That is what she found when she found her Kiel. She met him at the age of 21 and had a beautiful daughter with him at the age of 24.


Reminancy- 20
Shielding- 20
Short bow- 10

PC Half Brother
Name: Red Daghul
Race: Human, Inarta
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Job: Endal
Mother: Same
Father: Different

Gnosis Mark
Mark Patron Information Symbol
Audius Rhaus grants the follower the ability to manipulate crowds and individuals through music - still in development. Harp


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 Mizas 100 Mizas
No Housing +500 Mizas 600 Mizas
Piercings -5sm 599.5
Inn-30 Days -9GM 590.5
Average Dress -8sm 589.7
BloodBane(Ravok_ -80gm 509.7
Riding Saddle -10gm 499
Saddle Pad -1gm 498
Sold Horse(outside of Ravok) +300gm 798gm
Sold saddle & saddle pad (used) +5gm, 5sm 803.5
Winter Job Payment(half) +276gm 1079.5
Sold Average Dress +5sm 1080gm
New Outfit(Bra like top in leather & felt/sheer skirt) -10gm 1070gm
Blank Book -3gm 1067gm
Quill (2) -6cm 1067.06gm
Ink Vial (1 reg, 1 colored) -6gm 1061.06gm
Mandolin -55gm 1004.06
Book,Average (Morphing) -50gm 954.06gm

Lore of Song of The Trees (Music,Vocals)
Lore of the Proper Stance While Using A Short Bow
What it feels like to almost Overgive
Meeting a Ghost
Meeting Noaru
The touch of a Ghost
To Hug a Ghost
Noric thinks I'm Beautiful
Noric's father was a Svefra
Noric does not worship Rhysol
Lore of The Pit
The Truth of Ravok
The Spires is Not the City For Me
Contact: Red Daghul
Location: Grath's Rest
Daghul: Red's Wind Eagle
Basic Layout of The Spires
Onto Wind Reach!
Jeb the Bartender
Noric - the Majestic Stallion
Getting Drunk for the First Time
The Twin Lakes of Mt. Skyinarta
The Use of Sand in Glassblowing
Music Composition
Putting Words to Song
Singing to Mountain Goats
Drinking From A Lake
Telling a Story Through Song
• Inclement Weather: Letting loose
• Inclement Weahter: Erotic dancing
• Flustered by Darrens bold approach
• Darren: Not her father
• Vantha: they have emotions too
• Darren: Hates singers
• Amazed by the Enclave
• Morphing: The Basics
• Studying is boring
• Meditation: The Basics of emptying ones mind
• Morphing: Scales

Spring Threads 513
To Tell a Story with Music ~2nd Spring, Evening

The Singer and The Healer 4th Spring, Morning

Sunshine Versus Storm Cloud~ 22nd Spring, Night

Winter Threads 512
Last edited by Aradia on May 20th, 2013, 10:06 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Common Bold
Vani Bold/Italic
Nari Black Color

~*~ Posting Will Be Slow Until I am Done With Finals At College, and of course other RL events that has been keeping me busy! I will reply to any and all threads ASAP. I apologize for the wait! ~*~
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The Singer of Stories
Posts: 177
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Joined roleplay: December 28th, 2012, 3:18 am
Race: Human, Mixed
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Postby Aradia on April 2nd, 2013, 11:01 pm

Songs Written
Under Construction
Songs Found
***This is just a list of songs that Aradia has learned through her travels and/or readings.***

"Little Sparrow Lost in Wind". This song is often used as a lullaby, yet is popular among the Inartan culture as a whole. It is a tale of the goddess Priskil bringing light to a soul in need, in this case, a Sparrow.

Little Sparrow Lost in Wind

In the morn the sparrow flies into the soft lit sun
On gentle winds that carry him, he danced and sang and spun.
How could the bird now understand the danger that awaits?
The storm clouds grew now as he flew and gentle winds grew great.

For winds do change and weather banes a miserable disaster
The shore is gone, the waves are high, Oh sparrow, do fly faster!
The little bird- he’s flying up, in wind he can’t survive
With crashing voice of thunder and the lightning crash on high

Sir Zulrav, fierce and vengeful cannot help and stop the storm,
Leaving little sparrow lost and hurt, alone, forlorn.
Great winds lift up the little bird and toss him all around,
They lift him high and lift him low, never to touch the ground.

With Zulrav’s voice beating him down, he can’t take anymore
So little sparrow, close your eyes, pray for eternal morn.
He’s waiting for Death’s warm embrace, and Zulrav’s voice grows dim.
He gently opens frightened eyes to find a light ‘round him.

Have faith now, bird. Please don’t be scared. You shall not die today!
The light protects you from the storm, keeps winds and rain at bay.

The sparrow looks around him with his new and opened eyes,
The winds blew miles around yet he could still see open skies!

Look up, dear bird, look up! And see your savior clad in white!
A woman who can make the morn from your eternal night.

She lifts the bird and cradles him, never to let him go.
With gentle kiss upon his brow a blessing she bestows

Through the kiss the bird finds strength to flap his wings once more
The little sparrow lost in wind is found forever more.

In the eve the sparrow flies into the setting sun
On gentle winds that carry him, his journey's just begun.
Credits: Iosha, Vaas, Krysanthe

OOCQuoted from Iosha: "This was a song from one of my old characters named Vaas, I wasn't the one who made the lyrics the credit goes to Krysanthe, but I came up with the idea for the song."

Ravok Songs and Stories
Categories: Ravok | Songs
Ravok Songs and Stories
Ol' Rhysol's Ravok

There’s an ear in the shadow and an eye in the lock,
and the words you said are rumors new
‘cause we all want to see what She’ll do to you
in ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

There’s an old boatsman, down ‘tween the docks,
who’ll get you where you’d like to go,
and he’ll throw you out for less than a gold
in ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

There’s a sweet young girl, with bold black locks,
and eyes so bright and pretty good rack;
she’s a knife in her fist and it’s in your back
in ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

There’s a clergyman you ought not mock,
don’t call him a snake or a fake or a cad;
got a tongue the kind of silver that’ll make you mad
In ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

And there’s a fine ol’ city in the middle of the loch,
watched and ruled by the greatest of the gods!
He loves us and protects us against the odds:
It’s ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!
Ol’ Rhysol’s Ravok!

Created by - Victor Lark
Common Bold
Vani Bold/Italic
Nari Black Color

~*~ Posting Will Be Slow Until I am Done With Finals At College, and of course other RL events that has been keeping me busy! I will reply to any and all threads ASAP. I apologize for the wait! ~*~
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The Singer of Stories
Posts: 177
Words: 139179
Joined roleplay: December 28th, 2012, 3:18 am
Race: Human, Mixed
Character sheet
Storyteller secrets

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