Spring 513
25th Day
13th Bell
25th Day
13th Bell
"You petching vagiks," Hadyn snapped at the retreating forms of her coworkers. They laughed in response, one waving a hand as they disappeared out the shop's front door. With a scowl, the blacksmith glared at the order left to her by the two idiots. Only a bell earlier a wealthy Sylirian merchant had breezed in looking for the most intricate, time consuming dagger for his only son. This man had no clear knowledge of weapons and was a thorn in the sides of all the Sultros Blades smiths. He'd been in twice in less than three days, detailing ridiculous commissions that would do nothing but accumulate dust on the man's mantel - for he had no skill whatsoever, as evidence by his absurd demands.
The moment the male smiths saw the merchant's thin figure they conveniently retreated to the forge, leaving Hadyn to take the man's order. As it was the merchant had no faith in Hadyn' capabilities and was excessively condescending and dismissive. To make it all the more irritating, one smith appeared from the back as the merchant was taking his leave, sarcastically suggesting Hadyn could have the dagger finished in a few days time. The patron's inability to distinguish the facetious from truth left Hadyn with only four days to have the weapon made.
The woman stared at the impossibly descriptive plans for the dagger, not entirely sure how she would fill this order and still keep up with every day demands. Leave it to those two asswipes to screw her over. But she harbored no real ill-will toward them. Truthfully they wouldn't have put her in a predicament she was unable to handle and they were the first to defend her in any altercation.
But by Leth's teeth were they obnoxious.
Hadyn barely heard the door open, half hoping it was her coworkers returning so she could give them a piece of her mind. Her dark hair was pulled into a loose chignon at the base of her neck, strands already loose to frame her angular face. She was dressed for work, britches and a vest over a grey tunic. The smith's leather apron lay on the surface beside her as she purveyed the order a third time. It wasn't until the shop's door closed that she looked up from the counter, expression attempting a welcoming smile.