Diem's time in Sunberth had been a rather interesting learning experience. He had learned what it truly meant to be vigilant. Almost every waking hour of every waking day the bald young man had to keep his mind focused, watching and waiting. Thrice since his first day here people have tried to mug him. Had they not been rather frail and half starved they might have succeeded. Instead of using what skills in self defense Diem had, he'd offered the muggers an alternative. Diem would teach them the basics to fishing so they could provide food for themselves, and they would quit trying to steal money. Two of them attacked him anyway, deciding it better to simply have the money. Left with no other choice Diem used his not so small amount of skill in Savante to dispatch them. The last one though had taken Diem up on his offer. Moris, the third mugger, turned to be a quick study and soon after his lessons had bought his own fishing rod. The next time Diem saw him he was selling his catches for money. He appeared better fed and even better clothed. The more common form of thievery though was pickpocketing. Twice Diem had lost some food to an accidental bump or someone who tripped and fell. He had learned since then to keep a watch on the people who came to close to him. It didn't make him feel that good that he was starting to adapt and perhaps even conform to the usual citizen on Sunberth, though he still refrained from any activity he considered immoral. It made him feel like he was cheapening his values out of fear. For instance, once a week he found three of the most hungry looking people he could find on the streets and offered them a cooked meal. At the end of every such meal he checked there pockets to ensure they hadn't stolen anything. It didn't make him feel any better that as of yet no one had not tried to steal from him after he fed them. So today he searched for a friend he didn't know how to find. Diem hadn't seen Gemmy in weeks and he was hoping to ask for her assistance in a matter. It had been a great while, perhaps since just before Diem had arrived in Sunberth, that the young man had a chance to spar with anyone. Oh sure he practiced the forms daily by himself but that was only staving off the degradation of skills, it didn't little to help him improve them. He was at the point where he would be most benefited by experience, and that was not something one could find while avoiding fighting. However he didn't want to create any problems for himself by simply challenging random people to a fight. Though they might agree, they also might pull a weapon and harm him to take his stuff. A snort to his left pulled Diem out of his thoughts. Spot, Diem's horse who actually had a plain white coat with no spots, was a little aggravated that the young man had stopped. She figured the sooner they got to where ever they were going the sooner he would take his bags of her back. Since he didn't trust the town or it inhabitants that much, Diem often had spot carry things like his tent around with him when he traveled through the town. Luckily he didn't have many possessions. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find Gemmy soon. Someone here has to have seen her." Spot gave Diem a look that might have said she didn't care what they did as long as she was allowed to rest soon. They were in the spot Diem had met Gemmy long ago, near enough to a group of stalls selling goods to have a sizable amount of people yet far enough away from it so as to not cause an issue for the stall keepers. He hoped that perhaps she might have been here hanging around, but the hope quickly faded as Diem realized she was no where in sight. Diem brushed Spots nose. "Come on. Lets ask around and see if anyone's seen her." He moved up to the nearest stall, one that had something on it that looked like a fruit, and looked to the person tending to it. Still holding on to the lead for Spot in one hand Diem raised his free hand in greeting and with a smile began talking. "Good afternoon sir. I was hoping you might be able to help me a friend of mine. She appears to be on the younger side, with red hair and perhaps a simple dress. She introduces herself with the name Gemmy?" |