by Shadow River on April 7th, 2013, 2:13 am
Shadow River 26st of Sping 513 AV Aftternoon |
As soon she discovered she could make a living by simply hunting. Shadow River went to buy a hunting kit, another backpack, and throwing axe. Which put a big dent into her pocket. But she needed some tools for hunting. And a bow and arrow was simply to expensive. Now the feline is out in the Bronze Woods hunting. For right now, Shadow will be practicing her throwing and be catching a few rabbits.
Shadow basically lives in this forest. She can't stand be in the city everyday, all day. It's crowded with humans and other races that sink more than her own dung. Don't they realize how much they smell? And those torches don't help one bit. Shadow already memorized the majority of this forest. She already hunted in the forest. The difference between then and now? Now Shadow will be hunting for money - not for food.
Shadow will start off with smell prey. That way it's not as costly if she messes up with her skinning. Shadow shuffles into the forest with her heavy supplies. Before she begins working, Shadow takes in all the features of the forest. Some many secrets hidden in the wood. Almost untrustworthy As she goes toward the Pavi Lake.
We all want to be different. I guess that makes us all the same. No?