Xiulachu Falliron 44th of Spring 513 AV Throughout the forest, that has been Xiulachus home for just over three years, the wind was blowing and created a flash of light every time it swayed the forest canopy to allow the light to bleed through and strike the ground. With the sudden patches of land between trees that would have been dark enough for a small mouse to get through without notice; it was noticed when, by chance, the wind allowed the trees to sway enough for the mouse to me illuminated by the light that poured through and stand as a beacon to Xiulachus Owl-like eyes. Without notice Xiulachu quickly threw off his clothes and before the last piece of cloth hit the ground, a large owl appeared where Xiulachu had been standing and after memorizing where his clothes and backpack were stashed, it flew off towards where it last saw its prey, a small mouse. Xiulachus greatest joy is in being an owl and as he is flying off in search of an easy food source, a mouse, he can’t help but think of all the years he’s been living off of simple mice and finding shelter in the small amount of odd trees that have a hole hollowed out in them which gives Xiulachu a tight cubby to sleep in and even protects him from some of the woodland predators that like to roam the forest at night. During the tight turns and sudden jerks to avoid hitting trees while finding the small mouse that seemed to run even faster as it sensed its own death Xiulachu saw in the corner of his eye another owl that thought it would be the faster in attaining as easy a meal as a mouse. After carefully studying the new threat to his meal and in being in a close enough distance to strike at the mouse that has used up all of its stamina in a small burst of fright at seeing what Xiulachu thought was himself at first, but turning out to be the other owl; Xiulachu went into a sudden dive and in mere moments had the small mouse securely in his mouth with the only recognizable features of the, soon to be eaten, mouse being its tiny tail sticking out of Xiulachus mouth. Just as Xiulachu picked up the mouse in a sudden dive, the other mysterious owl went into a dive of its own except its target was not the mouse that was already in Xiulachus mouth, it was Xiulachu himself. Xiulachu, after having been training most of his life in aerial flight, but never really making much progress, was able to quickly barrel roll to the left to avoid the owl that had come in faster than it should have. This simple maneuver gave the owl no time to slow its descent and after being tricked by Xiulachu, who was purposefully flying at a tree before the other owl had swooped in on himself, had subsequently flown itself right into a large tree that Xiulachu had lined up for it. The resulting smack of the owl hitting the large tree, directly in front of it, could be heard for many meters out from where the incident had occurred which, if Owls could smirk, Xiulachu would have the biggest smile on his face right about now. After seeing that his job in this area was completed and seeing that the now immobile owl, who Xiulachu assumes is just knocked out after ramming head long into a tree, is no longer a threat; Xiulachu flew back to where he had taken off his clothing and back pack in a hurry after seeing the mouse. After landing near his clothing and pack, Xiulachu finished his meal with ease by swallowing the small mouse whole. When Xiulachu was complete with his meal and had a quick look around to make sure there were no predators, he quickly changed back into his human form and put his clothes on one by one starting with his undergarments, then his pants and his boots shortly after with his shirt and cloak being put on just after putting his pants on and securing his dagger to he waistband. Xiulachu took in his surrounding, as he did every time he changed his form in the Bronze woods, and noticed that the wind had not yet let up and that the light was still bleeding through in some places and even blinded Xiulachu for a moment as one of the trees being pressed by the wind allowed enough light to filter through and fall directly where Xiulachu was standing. After rubbing his eyes and in his mind saying to himself that he should be more vigilant after having just been attacked by an owl and he should be less careless by not blinding himself for even as short a time as a few moments because in that amount of time it would be just enough for a predator to jump at him and have themselves an easy meal, as Xiulachu had just finished from. When Xiulachu shook off the temporary blindness that came from looking at the sun, he walked easily and swiftly through to woods towards a small encampment he had made temporarily. |