Lindel Ward's Journal

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Feel free to start IC Journaling in this forum. Each character is allowed threads here where they can store notes they learn IC, facts, or even talk about their feelings and inner thoughts. Journals don't need to be in written form, they be anything you as a player thinks suits the personality of the Characte.r

Lindel Ward's Journal

Postby Lindel Ward on April 13th, 2013, 9:35 pm

The journal: a plain book, blank once, but gradually being filled page by page with black ink in a small font of rudimentary writing style, perhaps trying to save space. The front cover contains the owner and author's name: Lindel Ward.
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Lindel Ward
Posts: 35
Words: 33650
Joined roleplay: April 13th, 2013, 6:19 pm
Race: Human
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