by Francesca on April 24th, 2013, 2:07 am
“Sultros is… very different from here.” Strig seemed to let out his word slowly and carefully to Francesca
“As different as different could be, actually! Where your people ride eagles and embrace the sky, ours stay underground, building vast manses and crafting treasures that we are too proud to show to the lesser rac… outsiders.” Francesca's eye brow lifted a bit, So this is basically how Strig is like normally, must not like Inarta. she was more amused as he spoke then anything she picked up small details on how he really felt that he wouldn't share.. Well at lest not to her.
“We live long, but few seem to enjoy it, instead many throw themselves into their work so that there would be thinks to outlast them after their death… there is a beauty in that I suppose, but I suppose that may have been one of the main reasons why I left.” She could imagine his city as he talks about it. Must have been beautiful.
“Would you like to walk with me Frankes-ca?” When he asked her she was unprepared and was caught off guard. Francesca smiled and locked arms with him.
“Perhaps you can tell me something of your home, what is Wind Reach like? What did your parents do and what do you think of the city? Could you teach me Nari?” Now she froze, Man should I tell him my parents... Nah I'll save it for dead last.
"Umm.. Sure I can I'll show you around, and teach you the Inarta culture, and language, I'll be fun." She smiled accepting what he offered...well half any way.