Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Xi explores nyka looking around to find something more to do with his time, and come scross someon...Who shares his view of things.

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

Preconceptions. (Vivinia)

Postby Ximal on April 15th, 2013, 10:36 pm


XI leant back in his shair as she stepped back from the door and almost curled herself into a ball ...Pulling her hood over her head again. Xi lifted his eye's to watch her the steel plates on his hands, hiding his own scars. More from beatings than anything else which he could pass off as fighting wounds for the most part. As she spoke though he registered her gage first. His fingers swinging lightly as he mentally did the maths, she was thirty six seasons ( Nine years ) younger than him. She was a slave for three years, meaning she started at twelve...Young...Not as young as him but young enough to have an impact on her...Heck that kind of thing would have an impact on anyone regardless of age. Then Xi caught hold of her next words and Xi felt his hand roll in to a balled fist. The waves of anger flowing off of him filling up the room like a suffocatingly thick fog. If there was one thing Xi hated above slavery...It was that...Xi could feel his flux subconsciously pooling in his arm, and felt his muscles tense the flareing of his muscles visible beneath his shirt. He saw the motions she made...Clearly it was still effecting her... Xi wasn't exactly sure how to reply so he let her continue, listening to her story.

Bandit raid, both her and her older sister...Xi felt his hands roll in to fists and he could feel his knuckles cracking inside his gauntlets from the tightness of his grip...As long as people like that exist ion this world...There will never be freedom... Xi drew in a slow breath letting the time pass as she sobbed softly curling up hiding her self in a protective shell on the bed. Two small words escaped her as she lie there...She was sorry? What was she sorry for? "Why are you apologizing?" Xi stood up and sat next to her on the bed, the aura of anger slowly dissipating and being replaced with something a little kinder. "What do you have to be sorry for ? I...should be apologizing...People like that shouldn't be allowed to exist ion this world, and so long as even one does, there will be no such thing as peace." Xi placed a hand lightly on her shoulder, like an elder brother of sorts letting her know she was in good company, and he was actually concerned. XI slumped over and couldn't help but think back on someone else he'd failed in that regard. Xi 's aura of anger had faded and changed, it was now a combination of caring and sadness.

His mind remembered, someone else he'd failed. If you cant save one person, then you cant save anyone. But a shield cannot last forever... Xi removed his hand from her shoulder as she responded. Sounds like your last three years were living pain...I'm just sorry i wasn't there to help..." Xi couldn't help put feel a natural understanding for the pains of that life between them in some sort, whether or not she felt it too was unknown to him but he did and it could be seen from how he sat, slumping over and his lebow on his knee supporting his whole weight.

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