Before we begin, Anchor told me to do this/I got caught off guard and said I would do it. I tried, quite badly to create a pod. In a brief overview I grabbed all my limited knowledge on Svefra, picked up the lore of reimancy and shoved it into a blender. Things will no doubt be changed, those with the true knowledge throw all the information at me where you can. I've yet to create any NPC's (1: I'm too scared to; 2: Might as well get the pod right first).
Anyway, Enjoy and Destroy!
Pod Name: Quickwater Pod
A pod that focuses around Reimancy, in particular Water and on occasion Air elemental Manipulation. The manipulate the water with Djed to help gain speed within their boats. They have a tendency to live life fast and to the full, but generally only among themselves. They are seen as a little reclusive, mainly appearing and disappearing suddenly. They dislike staying in places for too long. Their main haunting ground is the Northern and Middle Suvran Sea. They find it easier to weave between the rocks and the dangers in the middle Suvran and generally stick to smaller boats because of this.
There is a high amount of trust in the members of the pods, and although they will openly practice Reimancy, they like to keep their secrets on it extremely guarded. They very rarely (if at all) initiate others into reimancy, if they do they the person is stuck with the pod for life. Because of their use of magic they often appear antisocial in behaviour and more than often have a lower life expectancy than others of their race. Just as the sea is their life, so is their reimancy and they embrace it whole heartedly.
They commonly go for faster marine species such as: -Sailfish -Hara -Swordfish -Marlin -Other fast moving species (let you look them up)
Members of the Pod often have names related to weather or patterns in the weather, for example; Gust, Bolt, Rain, Storm, Sun etc.
Pod Overview:
Watch the others. Watch for overgiving. Do what you need to do. Like all pods the members here are close knit, they have to place trust into each other on such a level not only with their sailing but also in making sure one does not lose control. It is often a sorry state when a member is lost in this way, and it is perhaps where this pod can appear suddenly rather brutal in the way they deal with those who have been lost in the mind. If control is not restored, then the pod will deal with them as necessary to ensure safety for the rest of the family.
Brief History:
The Quickwater pod is a relatively new pod in the Suvan in comparison to other pods. Having formed in 407 AV by a young mage Svefra after receiving her pardisa, the Svefra begun leading a small handful of other mages from her original pod along with stray Svefra (particularly other mages) who had lost their pod. During the Djed storm the pod was badly hit, a large percentage of the group having been lost to the very thing they sought to control. Since then their numbers have dwindled, but the core of the group still remains strong.
Traditions and Beliefs:
When initiated into Reimancy members are often shortly after thrown into the surrounding water to “become one with it” and its nature and closer to their father Laviku. They believe that in doing so they can learn the way the current flows and the ebbing nature of water. When on the rare occasions that they begin to develop an understanding in the element of air, the pod often seeks the harshest of storms and turn to the eye of Zulrav. The pod themselves follow both willingly, though Laviku will always win their hearts overall. |