Closed [The Rearing Stallion] The King Meets The King (Orion)

The king of all things awesome (K) meets the king of seduction, lust, and more awesomeness? Doctor vs boxer. Awesome vs awesome! Did I mention they're both awesome?

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[The Rearing Stallion] The King Meets The King (Orion)

Postby Kisetukai on April 18th, 2013, 12:10 am


 "You can't just...look at them like meat."

This wasn't what K expected his idol to say, but then again... He was the expert. All the time people were talking about him, although he seemed not to be informed about it, but it was true. There had been sayings around town, lots of them were ridiculous, but some were actually true sounding. "Slyer then Orion... Swift like Orion... He's good with his hands, the next Orion..." These weren't even a fraction of all the clever names that K had heard, his whole life, he had always thrived to be like Orion. Well... More or less at least a rival. But he knew this feat was not an easy task, after all he had never seen his idol... Till today. Although the information so far had been not to his liking, he was still pretty interested. 

"Even if that's all you think of them, you can't be so..blunt. Not with most. Not with the type you're trying to get. Your teenage squires. Tell them they've got a nice rack and I bet you they'll show it. Do it here, and,'ve been first hand witness."

Again with this... He spoke the truth, with much experience, but it was just so... Blunt. K had heard enough, taking mental notes he could pretty much understand the just. He had no game. He was just a straight forward kind of guy, which would be perfect I Syliras had more... Straight forward girls. Which they did, prostitutes... But... Really prostitutes? That wasn't an option, really it just wasn't... He gave Orion a look as he chose to combat his idol with words. "So your saying.. I'm to single minded and I should approach with more finesse? Skill? Compassion? Emotion?... I see...Well in that case." K hopped off of his seat, and slyly rolled over to the table of girlfriends that Orion had just swooned. Looking at each of the girls equally he spoke honestly, seeing their faces light up with anger and annoyance instantly. "I'm sorry..." 

He put on a younger, more softer tone... Trying to act a younger age and mindset than he was, looking at the girls sadly and speaking softly. "I'm sorry I came and disturbed you ladies earlier... I just... I was so interested in women. I never really had a girlfriend or anything and I was just a bit curious... Again I'm sorry... I really am." K turned quickly and walked back to Orion, looking him in the eyes with an evil little smile in the corner of his lips. Sitting back down at the table and taking a sip from his cup, he began to feel a bit different, the ale having a huge effect on his body. He was a lightweight, who hated drinking, but wanted to appear older in the company of his idol. He could tell he had to stop, once he spoke he began to slur, which really made him mad.

"Or...Orr...Orio...Hey you. You-you-you-....You need to get us some ...Get some girls. Get some...Go get-" He became silent as he slowly lowered his head to the table, the coldness comforting his forehead heated with emotions, his eyes closed. He wasn't aware if himself being asleep, being slurred and blurred...

He began to mutter in his mini sleep, speaking not to loudly, and barely audible. "I...No...She said that...Breast. Yup, go get some...Oh really? Ok." He clearly had no control over his body, and was out of it. 

Certain people shouldn't drink.
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[The Rearing Stallion] The King Meets The King (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on April 23rd, 2013, 2:24 pm


It was pretty clear to Orion that this boy thought Orion was just going to unlock the secrets of the universe. Tell him some magical trick that would have women disrobing with a simple glance. A phrase that you could say which would make beautiful vixens try and mount you and blur your vision with waves of pleasure. If that’s what he was looking for, he’d be sorely disappointed, as no such powers existed, short of using less than honorable means. Orion was a womanizer, a playboy, and he had no regrets about it, or so he would tell himself. Just because he was disgusting, it didn’t mean he didn’t have a code. No one who can’t walk themselves due to drinking was one. No one who was married was another. He’d heard of people using drugs or magic even, and both of those gave a bad name to the real masters of the seductive exchange.

The boy replied, and it seemed that he missed entirely the point that Orion was trying to make .He had it all wrong. You couldn’t simply approach with more skill. You couldn’t have more compassion or caring than you actually had. Orion shook his head in veiled protest as the teenager stood and made his way over to the women. The display he put on was almost as bad as what he was doing in his failed seduction attempts. Was he going for pity? That was a card best played in rare and carefully planned situations. Yes, indeed, it was almost as bad…almost as…

No, it was worse.

Orion put his hand on his forehead, sighing. All wrong. Nothing was attractive to a woman like a man who walked up and apologized. Again and again. It was pathetic. This boy was hopeless. The women all regarded him with raised eyebrows and disbelief. “I can’t believe that,” Orion muttered as Kisetukai made his way back over to him, a look in his eyes that seemed to believe he’d done perfectly. So far from the truth. So very far from reality. He’d destroyed all attraction. At least he showed confidence initially.

Orion’s jaw tightened slightly as he sat down, the alcohol hitting the teen suddenly like an unexpected swell in the ocean. Telling Orion to go get them women? What was in those drinks? Regardless, his escape route was laid before him, thanks to a boy that couldn’t handle his beer. “Yeah, sure. I’ll get right on that,” he lied, rising to his feet. The guy was nearly passed out. Not his problem. He was more harmless this way, he hoped. With one more glance over to the brunette, he committed her to memory. This was one for the back pocket. His lack of private quarters was not something he’d learned to overcome, not without inviting Dinah’s wrath, and that wasn’t something he wanted to experience again. The welts all over his body were constant reminders of what happened when he so blatantly disobeyed. Her training was very … fluid to his needs.

Instead of heading towards any women, after paying for his drink, Orion made his way straight for the door. It was a situation he needed to escape from, lest anyone get the wrong ideas. The former doctor looked out for himself between the sheets. Helping out a horny male teen wasn’t in the stars. If that kid really wanted to release his seed so badly, there was the Herald’s Arm. Orion wanted nothing to do with it.

He stepped outside, shook his head, and sighed. “Crazy kids. What have I gotten myself into?” An old man amongst a sea of horny squires.

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[The Rearing Stallion] The King Meets The King (Orion)

Postby Kisetukai on April 25th, 2013, 7:18 am


Wake up... Hey lass wake up. Cmon buddy wake up. This is what K heard as he finally came to, being lost in a sea of confusion, all he had heard was chatter. Feeling a bit of a nudge on his back all he could manage to perform was a few weak grunts, finally lifting his head from the wood he looked around. "What the heck... Why am I at this pathetic tavern again..." He looked down at the half empty cup. "Why is somebodies drink by me?! What the petch...." K rubbed his forehead softly, his cool glove slightly relieving the early termed hangover he was accepting. "Oh my gods... Now I'm catching a cold!" He quickly got up, feeling his 'cold' worsen, as he could barely manage to wobble through the area. 

Finally, as the doors swung open, his body tumbled as fell face first. "Gods... This cold is serious. I'm gonna need some medicine or something..." He began to walk away from the wretched rearing stallion as he chose to go straight home, for investigation would equal pain in this situation. He had on a disturbed face as he walked through the streets, angry because the aroma of drink had stained his musk. "Please... Let this cold be contagious! If I'm sick, everyones getting sick." He said with a chuckle. It wasn't a fever, yet his head hurt... So what could it have possibly been. As he finally made it to the dorms and in his room, he quickly laid on the bed in agony. For this was no cold... It was plague. It hurt his head so bad... And for some reason he felt as if he could hear everything. 

What happened to me?

For he would never know. And tomorrow would just be a day like any other for him. All he needed to do was sleep it off. 
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[The Rearing Stallion] The King Meets The King (Orion)

Postby Accolade on May 20th, 2013, 4:09 pm


Skill XP Earned
Observation + 3 XP
Seduction + 2 XP
Interrogation + 3 XP
Rhetoric + 1 XP

Lore Earned
Never doubt yourself
Orion Michaels - Idol
Using blunt flirt trama
SLAP! There goes another one
Learning from a pro

Orion Michaels

Skill XP Earned
Observation + 2 XP
Rhetoric + 2 XP
Teaching + 1 XP

Lore Earned
Fear of a barmaid
Watching a weak game played badly
Teaching flirting 101
Kisetukai - young pup

Notes :
Interesting thread guys and very funny!

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